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VHLM Commissioner Hiring


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Hello All,


As you all know @Sonnet  has recently stepped down as VHLM Commissioner. They sent us on the hunt for a new Commissioner that can operate the VHLM with @diamond_ace . We interviewed several candidates, who we felt were all very qualified and it was a difficult decision when it came down to picking one person for the job. That being said we believe we have found the person that's the best fit for the job and will lead the VHLM with Diamond Ace. We believe he is a great choice for the role as someone who does fantastic work with VHLM players on a daily basis, and can assist the VHLM General Managers in introducing new players to what the VHL is. 


Effective immediately  @Acydburn  is now the 2nd VHLM Commissioner. 


Congratulations and good luck!

-Commissioner Team


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Congrats on the promotion @Acydburn , sorry we didn't tell you it's really just a fast-track to gray hairs and wrinkles.


Also, thank you to those of you who applied, and those of you who interviewed for the position. As Beav said, there were lots of great candidates, but ultimately, only one opening.

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18 minutes ago, TXC said:



We tried to contact you Mr Sandler as you were clearly our first choice; but your agent told us you were too busy promoting some dumb Halloween flick. :S 


Seriously though; congrats @Acydburn always love to see people step in and take on further roles in the league. :cheers: 


For all those who felt slighted, I'm sure another opportunity will arise eventually. After all how much longer will @diamond_ace the old geezer even be around in the league? I say that with no knowledge of impending retirement, it's just he was one of the oldest of us when I joined the league in my mid 20's and I'm now 32. He has to be joining the VHL 40 over 40 at some point. :P 

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1 minute ago, Devise said:


For all those who felt slighted, I'm sure another opportunity will arise eventually. After all how much longer will @diamond_ace the old geezer even be around in the league? I say that with no knowledge of impending retirement, it's just he was one of the oldest of us when I joined the league in my mid 20's and I'm now 32. He has to be joining the VHL 40 over 40 at some point. :P 

I'm 34 (only for another 4 days don't remind me) so still have a bit to go before 40 @Devise 

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@Acydburn Congrats and I wish you success in the role. It’s a very rewarding and enjoyable role that gives you a massive sense of VHL pride (it was to me). The grey hairs don’t come directly from the role. It’s an indirect consequence of many... many other things. Wrinkles... that’s probably because @Quik is getting up there in VHL years! ;)  


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