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It is the end of Day 2! Nothing worth mentioning in a recap happens.


Be on the alert for forum issues, put whatever you see happening up in the Discord server so we can keep track of anything that might affect gameplay, and get your night actions in! As a reminder, this is NIGHT TWO, so anyone who has not said anything in this thread AND has submitted no night actions AND has said nothing in their private role-specific channel or channels will be modkilled in the morning. Make sure that doesn't happen!


Day 3 coming whenever I wake up tomorrow; my work schedule got flipped around a bit and I'm somehow off on Sundays now for the first time ever. Hello, watching football games live, it's been a while.



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  • Gustav locked this topic

I almost forgot to do this.


Day 3 rolls around, and @Caboose30 is found dead, killed by a member of the MAFIA. He was a TRAPPER.



List of those alive (18):

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  • Gustav unlocked this topic
14 hours ago, JorgTheGoat03 said:

I apologize for being late to post my findings, I've been busy with friends almost all day and just got around to doing it now. I'm a spy, I bugged Jeff, no visits; maf visited OMG


So this came out late yesterday, but since Maf didn't visit Berocka N1, we can safely say Osens is Escort and Ricer is Exe.


Nothing has happened to me either night, so Maf either has a Consig, Framer, or Ambusher.

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1 minute ago, osens said:

Also, I kind of did an oopsie last night. I roleblocked caboose, because he was really quiet, so I guess I messed up. Sorry guys, won't happen again. :(


He was strangely quiet so it wasn't a bad call, but you might not have wanted to reveal that he never placed a trap...

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3 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


He was strangely quiet so it wasn't a bad call, but you might not have wanted to reveal that he never placed a trap...

wiki says that when trapper is building the trap and when he gets rb'd he has to build it another day, but nothing about the night when trapper places the trap, so I am not sure if caboose didn't build trap. 

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4 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Barzal came up inno. Does anyone else not find Osens actions extremely Sus 


15 hours ago, JorgTheGoat03 said:

I apologize for being late to post my findings, I've been busy with friends almost all day and just got around to doing it now. I'm a spy, I bugged Jeff, no visits; maf visited OMG


Mafia didn't visit Berocka N1, no one cc'd Osens claim on rb'ing him, and Barzal confirmed he visited him. Bad luck for you Exe, try again next time.

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4 minutes ago, bigAL said:

Do we lynch the exe or keep him around hoping he votes with us when we get to maf lynching time?

jorg is the main one we vote right now i think and when the time is right we can vote up osens for ricer if he votes along with town

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8 minutes ago, bigAL said:

Do we lynch the exe or keep him around hoping he votes with us when we get to maf lynching time?

I’ll vote with town as I’d like to hang around for a while. 

vote jorg 

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10 minutes ago, JorgTheGoat03 said:

I bugged Jiggly, no visits. Maf visited Caoose, Barzal, and Flex

I think I follow the logic of the


VOTE JORG (yes that's a vote)


movement. Does that mean that Jiggly is suspicious too? Caboose and Barzal are already confirmed good, but if I was mafia sometimes I'd "visit" my fellow mafia so there's no counter claim.



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