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Posts posted by gorlab

  1. 1. At a bar on a Friday night, what's the first drink you ask the bartender to make for you?

    I don't often attend bars, but when I do and I'm in drinking mode, I will alternate between shots of Jack Daniels whiskey and any available Canadian light beer or pilsner style beer. 


    2. What made you choose the username you currently use?

    Quite a long story, but in my youth, a group of my friends fancied ourselves as a "crew" and my rap name / graffiti tag was gorlab, based on the capcom Street Fighter video game character Balrog.


    3. How often do you exercise or try to stay active in a week?

    About a year before pandemic, I started doing 30 minutes of outdoor walking into my daily routine. It gets very cold in Sask, so some days I skip it, but in the summers sometimes I will go for 2-3 different walks a day since I work from home. It's very bare minimum but I have noticed it's been beneficial to my health.


    4. You have a chance to create an ad about whipped cream. What would you do to make this whipped cream sell?

    ............. WTF is this question Blazzy?????? but, I think about whipped cream and think the biggest market for it would be cooking, specifically baking. So I would take the ad money, and use it to bribe a very famous cooking/baking TV show program to product place my whipped cream in their television show.  Like Cake Boss is one, I think?  I think reality TV style shows about cooking/baking competitions are quite popular, so it will draw lots of attention to GORLAB'S WHIPPING CREAM (name pending).


    5. How do you unwind and relax after a long day of work or classes?

    I like to use some cannabis/marijuana in a recreational manner. It allows me to relax and enjoy whatever I am doing. Very beneficial to my mental health, but it is definitely not for everyone, and especially not for anyone under the age of 21.


    6. if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    I would only eat air/oxygen, so that way, I would never have to worry about eating food/drink to sustain my being, and thus, become rich/famous as the man who never had to eat anything. 


  2. 27 minutes ago, Peace said:

    You know I just wanted to come home and relax a bit after a long day of bad back pain and annoying people, but here I am with bad back pain and reading an annoying persons rant about his former team with some pretty inaccurate self claims. I'll be honest here, I had the full intension of dismantling this entire thread and turning you into the science ship seen on 'The Expanse', ripped apart right down to each individual paragraph from sentence to sentence. Frankly I'm too lazy to do that, so what I'm actually going to do is just perform an post-mortem autopsy of Steve's attempted rant. 

    Power to you, rant away if you want, but at least be accurate.

    Next time you leave a Discord, make sure you tidy up after yourself, delete the posts you've made because they can be used against you in the future.  




    No... no you're not. The amount of times I deleted you and Greg fighting one another, sending passive aggressive comments towards each other was... beyond as much as it should have been almost right from the start, I should have known then what I now presently know. You claim you're here to do well as a player and a team, okay fine I get that because this is a hockey simulation, but the only extension of good teamplay from you is when the club is winning games. To correctly address what Merrick is: only here to produce on a team that wins. When you're winning and you're producing you're happy, but when the team is winning and you fail to produce you get irritated and angry, depressed and downright hostile towards your teammates.


    I get it, this is a hockey game at it's core, a simulation that you certainly take too seriously. 

    You think you've become an expert on STHS just because you read the index file, won a few cups with Bana's mind blowing S67 SEA core and deeply understand what this garbage sim engine spits out each game?


    Sorry to tell you some unfortunate facts, Steve, but you are not an expert -- you're just another guy sitting in the field thinking they know better -- and I'm very comfortable saying that because every single GM is sitting right there with you. We are all at the mercy of how random any sim can be, hoping that line combinations and the roster we've built leads to victories. You said so yourself in Toronto's LR, actually, which I would have hoped is an acknowledgement you can't be an expert on something this random. 


    You wished VHL used 1.5 so team strategies, ice time percentage and all the useful features we currently lack could be used because without them the sim engine was unpredictable and random. 



    It's okay though. 

    Call my players sheep, deem me the shepherd; the blind and dumb leading the blind and dumb, right?



    "The GM needed to bolster the defense from last season but instead loaded up on forwards that wanted ice time." 

    Yes, yes, because drafting three fucking defenders isn't loading up on defense. Did you suddenly and conveniently forget about Jolly Green Giant and Scotty Kaberle joining the team with 400 TPA each, or -- you know -- the fifth overall pick in the latest entry draft joining the club at just under 300? Yeah, I bet you did, but no, no, no... I didn't load up on defense at all. The reality of that claim is I traded Killinger and Magnum away in order to quite literally load up on quality defenders. 

    I also loaded up on forwards? Strange, I seem to recall drafting only one: Frank Funk Jr. 

    John Callahan Jr was promoted to the big leagues after crossing the VHLM cutoff. 

    I guess we did sign Joe Proto so Funk Jr and Callahan Jr would have a 400+ TPA player to play alongside with... at the time, anyway. 

    Here's the thing, Steve, you didn't want to succeed as a team. You wanted to win, yes, but only if your player was producing in the win. That's not winning as a team, that's winning as a Merrick, so thank god you're gone now. I read way too many DMs and passive aggressive shit in the LR while you were in Toronto. 

    Cried about your player getting five points in a loss. 

    Cried about your player being on pace for one hundred fucking points while the team is winning games! 100 wasn't enough?

    Cried about Toronto winning five games in a row and Merrick getting 0 points in some of them. 

    Cried about Toronto blowing teams out and Merrick was scoreless.



    Strange... you also claimed I was the best GM you've ever played for, and that you loved Toronto and all your teammates! Well that's when Merrick was producing and we were winning, the story was different when we were winning games and Merrick wasn't producing. All good, keep the story a little straighter next time though. 



    The problem with those 'suggestions' were the basis you made them on. 

    You flaunted your experience -- again acting like you're an expert in the field -- and quoted the success you had with the team Bana assembled, not you, as if you were right and the answer you provided was correct when the lines were already corrected and... well guess what? They weren't as good as you thought they'd be. Again with that STHS randomness or something like that, but what do I know? 

    Right, I think I'm following now. 

    It wasn't the opinion, it was the presentation of that opinion. How you delivered it to the LR, not that you voiced it. 



    I think you're the one who needs to learn how lines work, and I'm saying that to someone who apparently reads every sim and looks at the index files with absolute certainty that it builds quality experience with the sim engine. You know the saying 'practice makes perfect' only applies if you're practicing good practices, right? You may have been the leading scorer in the league, but make no mistake on why you got one additional point over the second point scorer. I don't think anyone -- or I would hope no one thinks this -- assumes you scored 107 points because you were a 'star' player. The reality of that situation was you were the top player on a mediocre team, and that's a repeating pattern that produces players who would have otherwise foundered on a better team.

    Let's break this down a bit:

    - No, you were absolutely negative almost every time Merrick wasn't producing the way you imagined him to be. 


    - Your line wasn't separated like you claimed in the LR, it was moved down the rotation from 1/3 to 1/4 due to the two additional active forwards joining the team (Callahan Jr and Frank Funk Jr). The 'SMS' like, or Strauss - Merrick - Sens if you can't remember your line mates, stayed intact and played at every key portion of the game. Line 1, PP1, PK1, 4on41, last minute attack and defense if I recall correctly. I may have made changes to some of those, but for the most part that SMS line was together. 

    - You directly stated that the first line should play more (30 minutes) over two rookies who joined the team who were only getting a handful of minutes anyway. You were greedy, wanted your 30 minutes a night, even if it meant two other very real people were only getting between 1-8 minutes. I said the average for you would be around 25, and that's lower than the average TOI you left Toronto with, but that simply wasn't good enough for 107 point Merrick! It was okay for you, even though you would have inevitably complained about Merrick not performing when Toronto won... or whatever else would have happened, to take ice time we could have spread across new prospects. Real team player there, hey? Nah, all about Merrick. 

    I think I'm about done with this one.



    Oh but you did, yes you did... numerous times, and I can supply picture proof of them! I'd refresh your memory with those pictures, but frankly I can't bring myself to post images from what is supposed to be a private Discord locker room and direct messages considering I've gotten very angry at those who've revealed them in the past. I disapprove of the ones already posted, morally I can't sink to that level and feel right when the sun sets. 

    But I just want to point out something here. 

    It seems like your expertise in STHS just failed you here. You predicted because you were such a high TPA player playing with shitty TPA teammates you'd slow down in production -- which when that comment was made Merrick had 23 points in 17 games by the way -- never happened and the 'SMS' line and their play actually elevated above even your highest expectations. Guess what? You were wrong, flat out, full stop. You thought Merrick would regress from his rookie season, and the randomness of this sim engine told you to fuck right off and awarded you with a season anyone on this forum would love to have. 

    I wonder why you were wrong.

    Turns out even I was wrong as well! I predicted you'd get around 87-90 points, but at the same time I was right; strategy had nothing to do with it because the sim doesn't care -- 1.1 and all -- yet Merrick had a wonderful season alongside Strauss and Oh Sens, who were contributors and not detrimental to your 107 point season in any way... but they're shit TPA teammates.



    Turns out the sim engine isn't liking what you are doing. Now you're alongside a 'better' TPA player in Pines and you're struggling more on LA than you were on Toronto, but I think I've surmised why that's actually happened. If not just read above and there -- boom -- context I suppose. Shot percentage is way down, goals per game is down, points per game is down. You've got... less than one minute more on average than your time on Toronto and LA is using you in the 1/3 line rotation. 🤔

    Appears as if those variables I mentioned are affecting those lines, no? 




    You're not even playing hockey! 

    It's a fucking sim league. You're sitting on your ass, staring at a monitor, and getting sweaty at the thought of success. What do you win, what do you want to be recognized for? Plenty of people max earn and are actually liked by the community because they recognize this is quite literally less than a video game. 

    Get over yourself. 

    Won most points in the league? 

    Your 107 point season will be forgotten about at the next award show. You win bragging rights for... two or so months. Whoopie? 



    You're proving yourself toxic right now to much more than just a private locker room. As your former GM I can absolutely confirm LA was the only team that was willing to even talk about trades for Merrick. You'd think a 700+ S73 player would be a hot topic, but I nearly had to beg just to get someone interested in you. Thank you Josh from rescuing Toronto from Merrick, I guess asking once a day in the VHL GM Chat kinda worked a little.


    I think this is all I need to say. 



  3. 1. If management ever plans to upgrade our home arena, what would like to add to the space?

    I think we should build a little section of the arena that was sealed off from everything and has super industrial grade ventilation, so our fans would be able to smoke cigarettes while watching the game.


    2. What would you say to players that get upset because they get less ice time?

    Suck it, win 5 continental cups like I did before you even think about complaining about ice-time. (I'd say this to them as I myself am complaining to Jeff about ice-time).


    3. With our good start this season, how confident are you that we can keep it this way?

    Very confident. Chicago is now a playoff lock and cup contender team and it will be that way for the next 3-4 seasons minimum. 


    4. Newly signed FA Adam Syreck is back. How will he contribute to the team once more?

    No idea but he is a nice lad. Maybe he could help R out with some league of legends training which is said to improve hand-eye coordination and overall ice hockey strategy.


    5. Which VHL team/teams have impressed/disappointed you the most this season?

    I haven't been following the league standings too closely, but I am both impressed and disappointed that Vancouver is still winning games.


    6. If a hockey equipment company wanted to sponsor you but you have to use whatever they gave you. No requests or customs. Would you agree to this sponsorship?

    Depends on the money, but yes, most likely. I will shill myself out for literally anything if the money is right. I'm not attached to any of my current equipment, especially if I can make some good money!

  4. On 1/17/2021 at 9:47 PM, Tape-to-Tape said:

    New draft and new players to welcome to the team. Welcome to Helsinki our 4 new players. Odinsson will be on our blue line this season and as the goalie I am happy to have another dman protecting our zone.






    Nice little draft class for the Helsinki Tits this season!  I'd say the graphic is pretty straight forward / minimal, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  I like how you color contrasted the bars/text, to give it to some design flare. The straight-on nameplate change of #45 looks reasonable, but the one on #36 is ridiculous.   You would want to do 1 and/or 2 things in the situation of 36:


    1) Create an individual text layer for EACH letter of the name. This allows for much more customization in terms of placement adjustment and SKEW/PERSPECTIVE transform tool usage.  It's more time consuming, but gives a better result.


    2) Use the SKEW/PERSPECTIVE tool to "warp" the text layer so it's allignment looks more credible with the way the jersey is alligned. You can youtube a tutorial on photoshop TRANSFORM tool to learn about SKEW and PERSPECTIVE transform.







  5. On 1/18/2021 at 1:55 AM, Hooperorama said:






    Don't worry too much hooper. Failing graphics is just as important as making a dope piece in the realms of grinding up your graphic design skill.  I like that you used yellow to contrast the green of the jersey as those colors go well together.  The text could use a bit of work as it's mostly hidden/unreadable, but I do like the existing text in terms of it's application as a graphic stock. The lens flare is a little heavy handed, I think if you scaled it down a bit and placed it on the helmet where the light hits it in the stock photo (more over the # on the helmet) it would look more natural.


    Usually shit about jersey logo swap, bad (no) text.


    Keep working, hooper!! proud of the progress you've made since you started!



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