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Posts posted by gorlab

  1. If this is like a satirical take on the VHL's most famous article series "BUST OR LICK", except the gimmick is everybody ends up being a lick and it's hard to be a bust, I will both allow it and applaud you for the finesse it took to think this up.



    If this is just some idea you had about doing a draft ranking, and it's unrelated to the VHL's most famous article series "BUST OR LICK", then I'm nowhere near as impressed.

    1. We ended FIRST in the conference, and secured the FIRST seed on our side of the playoff bracket. Who do you attribute this success to? 

    I would like to attribute it to Christian Mingle waking up 30% of the way into the season and feasting. If Xin wakes up in playoffs it's guaranteed cup.

    1. How important is home-ice advantage when it comes to the playoffs?

    Lots of STHS series go to 7 games so it never hurts to have that little edge in the deciding game. I think we are the type of team who can perform on the road as well though.

    1. It's just been reported that Christian Mingle and Kyl Oferson have both signed contract extensions! Was this the right move for Chicago?

    Definitely. When you have high-end active VHLers to lock up long term, you can never go wrong. I don't see nyko getting a girlfriend any time soon so Oferson should be a solid asset. Quik is already married and active so we gucci unless he knocks up his wife.


    1. On that note, what does your DREAM dinner look like? They may or may not be buying.

    I'm a simple man so it'd probably be some type of super high end hamburger. I'm uncultured so I can't say I've even had a high end hamburger before unless you're talking about like 5guys or something which is probably mid-tier at best in all the world.

    1. Rumors have circulated about a new set of uniforms in Chicago. If you've seen them, what are your thoughts? What do you generally appreciate in a hockey sweater?

    I've seen them and I think they look quite sharp. I'm a fan of the recent trend of adopting technology into hockey uniforms and hope to see it slowly evolve until cyborgs are sniping top ched and cellying with anti-grav leaps over the glass into the fans who are not wearing any covid masks cuz we cured covid!!! litty.


    1. Are you an expert at counting? Do those skills translate to success on the ice?

    I used to be the top ranked counter in the legendary chi discord counting thread. I've since fallen off, but because of that, my mistakes have fallen off too and IIRC I've had 3 saves stacked for awhile. Need to come back for my #1 spot on the leaderboard and dethrone fishy. 

  2. The ideal individual should posses the following traits:


    1) Online availability at least 8 hours a day (Please note in application your most active hours) and how often you are on forums/discord.

    I am the king of degen hours and rule the VHL discord with an iron fist when mods are asleep.


    2) Be able to respond to discord pings and be verified via 2fa.

    No problem here, chief.


    3) Older than 20 years (anything below this will require exceptional reasoning) 

    No problem here, chief.


    4) Not hold other league jobs or associations (GMing) that may pose a conflict of interest (exceptions apply) 

    Not another job in sight.



    Additional things you may add for consideration:

    - Availability of hours between the times of 1am and 9am MST wanted.

    King of degen hours.

    - Moderation experience and ability

     I am known for drinking alcohol only in moderation.

    - Human resource experience and/or sensitivity classes/training taken

    My IRL job gives all staff yearly sensitivity and workplace respect training.

    - Any additional reasons why you would be make an appropriate mod.

    I am a respected and legendary VHL member.

    - Ability to deal with context of situations

    I am as slippery as a snake and as sly as an old dog.

  3. For anyone who thinks I made this thread to 'drag' Beketov. That is not the goal or aim. 


    I'm not saying he's cheating (well, I am because I personally believe he is, but obviously have no 100% way to prove this) but the intent of the thread is to change how we do things so questions/accusations like this can't arise. 



    Thanks for everyone who's been supportive of adopting a change. Everyone else, meet me in the discord. Im hungry for another temp mute. 

  4. Just now, Jericho said:

    Ok so you know you can't use a single data point to make a sweeping conclusion like that right? That's literally not how anything works. You have to look at a variety of factors, like how strong his team is in relation to the rest of the league, how strong goalies are relative to scorers on his opponents, if any major trades did anything weird. How well prepared was her for depreciation in his later seasons. This is just scratching the surface. This is like saying I'm the greatest goalie in the VHLM because I've never lost a game before. The part where I've only played 3 games would be something to consider.






    then go do your own analysis and fuck outta my thread

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