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Posts posted by dasboot

  1. On 8/11/2021 at 10:11 PM, Viper said:



    1) What is your favorite type of music to listen to before the game?

    2) How often do you train before your games?

    3) Do you have a pre-game ritual that may seem odd to others?

    4) Have you done anything odd that has helped us maintain a win streak?

    5) When is the last time you recall changing your pre-game activities? (Meals, rituals, etc.)

    6) Have you ever thought about giving up on your rituals?

    1. Anything that pumps me up, usually some rock 

    2. Don’t need to train already tough enough

    3. Snort a line of coke before the game 

    4. Just hitting anything and everything to pump the team up

    5. Everyday is different, superstition is dumb 

    6. Don’t have any to give up on 

  2. Do people listen to solo podcasts? I’ve listened to a few and they are hard to follow most of the time, only a select few can do them good. I started recording a new idea for a solo podcast over a month ago but just can’t seem to bring myself to continue it. I do think it is a good idea what I came up with but just not sure if anyone would listen to it. Anyways just putting this out here because my graphic bank is depleted and I can’t be fucked with creativity so it’s either I pump out shit graphics, get back on the podcast train by myself or I just stop doing PTs altogether. This is my last week to decide what I want to do so we’ll see how we go. Might have to pump out a single 15 min podcast just to see what people think. Cheers 

  3. On 8/2/2021 at 6:01 AM, Viper said:

    Hounds Press Conferece (Week Ending 8/8)


    1) Has your production changed since last week? If so, are you happy with it?


    2) How do you feel about management under Z and MC?


    3) Do you plan on playing in the VHLE or just the VHL?


    4) If you had to choose, what language would you have as your first language (cannot be your current first language)?


    5) If you could get your own role in the discord, what would you like the role to be named?


    6) Do you feel that you can win any hardware this season?


    1. Think Z found a line that works for Detroit. Not much icetime but making a difference out there

    2. Yeah it's aight

    3. Plan on going straight to the VHL

    4. German

    5. Would have to be a role called Puppers

    6. Not personal hardware but hoping for a couple team trophies

  4.  Vinny Detroit is into his first full season of the VHLM and is already disappointing his general manager, teammates and himself. He planned on playing just a physical game and leaving other facets like offence to his more talented teammates but it seems to be having a negative effect on every line he plays on. “I feel like I’m letting down my team by not producing anything offensively, and at that I’m not being as physical as I’d like to be. Something may have to change in the short run.” I know Detroit had been eyeing being the most physical player in the league and has the skills to do so, but he’s far off being the hitting leader in the league. We’ll see what the next few days bring for Detroit and if he’ll start training in other aspects of the game, or if he sticks to his guns and just gets stronger and more physical. 

  5. On 7/29/2021 at 11:38 AM, Viper said:

    Hello, Hounds! Press Conference for this week headed your way!


    1) What are your thoughts on the teams performance so far this season?

    2) Is your player performing how you expected them to? 

    3) Do you think management needs to make any transactions?

    4) Do we have a shot at making the playoffs, or will we end up choking hard?

    5) How do you feel about your ice-time? Are you comfortable with the amount of minutes?

    6) Finally, do you want to stay in Mississauga or do you want out of here? 


    Okay Hounds, there's your presser! Enjoy!



    1. The team is playing great. Near the top of the league and think we can only get better
    2. Nah player has been playing shit, not even hitting what I want him to do 
    3. I think there might be trades to maybe bolster the defence some 

    4. Playoffs are no doubt, winning the cup is the goal

    5. Not happy playing on the 4th line but we’ll see how we go 
    6. Happy to stay here on a great team 

  6. 23 hours ago, MexicanCow123 said:

    Hounds Press Conference


    1. The draft is over and we got our team. Give me your general thoughts about how we did.

    2. What are your plans this off-season?

    3. What is one goal you have for the team this season?

    4. What is one goal you have for your player this season?

    5. How bad has Z been at life?

    6. What are your thoughts about our brand new Commissioner BigAl?


    Copy paste dark mode 🙄


    1. Yeah obviously had lots of picks, so the team is looking great

    2. Train and get ready for next season

    3. The only goal every season, win a cup

    4. My goal is to lead the league in hits this season

    5. All I know is he sends lots of pings which is bad

    6. Yeah smAL is a good guy so hope to see him succeed in that role

  7. Vinny Detroit was currently just drafted by the Hounds of the VHLM. I didn’t even know the draft was happening today and woke up to a message from Zetterberg saying I was drafted, nice. Fell pretty far into the second round even though I’m the top earner of the draft class, guess that’s what happens when you’re a meme player doesn’t it? Still went higher than Kelsier but. Hounds look like we got a pretty good team and can maybe be on top with absolutely no research into the league at all. Maybe can win my first ship with a player since Latrell was a bust on that front. 

    Also want to shoutout Victor for failing at trivia this season, time to get someone new in there so we get stuff posted on time. Says he’s been trying to pass it on to someone else but here we are having to write this. Post in the job thread fuck sakes

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