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On 12/16/2021 at 8:57 AM, Spartan said:

hm, why are the capped averages still messed up despite being well into the update week?


I'm definitely not at 11.25, where is that stemming from?

Only reason I think I'm 11 is because I created on a Saturday night and it counted it as a whole week of 0 in my average. Do you think that may have happened to you too?

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33 minutes ago, Vice said:

Only reason I think I'm 11 is because I created on a Saturday night and it counted it as a whole week of 0 in my average. Do you think that may have happened to you too?

No, I created on a Monday and used to have the perfect 12. Not sure when the script is getting run vs when it posts, because I'm definitely at a 12.

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8 minutes ago, Spartan said:

No, I created on a Monday and used to have the perfect 12. Not sure when the script is getting run vs when it posts, because I'm definitely at a 12.

You're a 12 in my book spartan. 

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Nico Pearce + 14 Harkat Mulds + 16 Zaza Colors + 3 Hulk Hogan 2 + 17 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 3 Nezuko + 2 Daniel Janser + 17 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 4 Alexandre Leduc + 24 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 1 Biggie Cheese + 7 Wattson Power + 4 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 12 Robert Wilk + 14 Yun Chiang + 2 William Groves + 8 Connor Johnson + 13 George Sanderson + 3 Mason Jones + 9 Ragnar Hagstrom + 2 Weenuk Warrior + 2 Juha Jarvinen + 3 Marshall Maxx + 13 Cameron Elsby + 6 Janet Snakehole + 6 Ashton Komaryk + 1 Harry Hagel + 6 Boris Tsezar + 4 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 1 Ed Nu + 8 Johnny Xavier + 3 Mikhail Lospenov + 10 Christopher Young + 6 Nic McMuffin + 12 Marcel Janser + 7 Thomas Price + 1 Fredric Salo + 2 Jp + 6 Ray withers + 1 Charlie + 1 Alessio Simeoni + 3 Dylan Powers + 6 Charles Williams + 2 Daniel Clarke + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Marttins Stepka + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 46


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Nico Pearce + 33 Harkat Mulds + 38 Zaza Colors + 47 Hulk Hogan 2 + 28 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 30 Nezuko + 33 Daniel Janser + 33 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 33 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 34 Alexandre Leduc + 14 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 41 Biggie Cheese + 21 Wattson Power + 20 Yun Chiang + 41 George Sanderson + 44 Robert Wilk + 20 William Groves + 22 Connor Johnson + 20 Ragnar Hagstrom + 31 Juha Jarvinen + 31 Marshall Maxx + 36 Mason Jones + 10 Weenuk Warrior + 26 Janet Snakehole + 26 Boris Tsezar + 30 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 30 Cameron Elsby + 2 Ed Nu + 30 Johnny Xavier + 29 Ashton Komaryk + 20 Harry Hagel + 20 Mikhail Lospenov + 20 Nic McMuffin + 20 Thomas Price + 30 Christopher Young + 8 Marcel Janser + 20 Alessio Simeoni + 26 Alex TheGreat + 6 Adeline Delle Donne + 26 Julien Bernier + 16 Fredric Salo + 6 Ray withers + 18 Jason Coiner + 26 Jp + 6 Charlie + 12 Dylan Powers + 6 Sebastien dokis + 12 Charles Williams + 12 Daniel Clarke + 14 CDS Leb + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 12 the great jr + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Gus Bentley + 12 Marttins Stepka + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 55


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Nico Pearce + 23 Harkat Mulds + 2 Zaza Colors + 6 Hulk Hogan 2 + 27 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 24 Nezuko + 18 Daniel Janser + 19 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 13 Biggie Cheese + 30 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 12 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 9 Wattson Power + 16 Yun Chiang + 4 George Sanderson + 18 Robert Wilk + 7 William Groves + 10 Mason Jones + 32 Marshall Maxx + 18 Weenuk Warrior + 8 Harry Hagel + 23 Janet Snakehole + 6 Boris Tsezar + 9 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 6 Cameron Elsby + 6 Ed Nu + 8 Johnny Xavier + 6 Ashton Komaryk + 8 Mikhail Lospenov + 6 Nic McMuffin + 13 Thomas Price + 2 Christopher Young + 2 Marcel Janser + 2 Jp + 20 Alex TheGreat + 6 Julien Bernier + 6 Jason Coiner + 8 Dylan Powers + 20 Sebastien dokis + 20 Daniel Clarke + 14 Charles Williams + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 8 the great jr + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Gus Bentley + 6 Marttins Stepka + 6 Wiley Blanchette + 6 Kateri Dawn Meza + 11
Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 48
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Nico Pearce + 13 Zaza Colors + 21 Hulk Hogan 2 + 14 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 12 Nezuko + 12 Daniel Janser + 13 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 25 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 21 Biggie Cheese + 13 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 14 Wattson Power + 8 George Sanderson + 8 Yun Chiang + 4 Robert Wilk + 6 William Groves + 3 Mason Jones + 8 Marshall Maxx + 11 Connor Johnson + 8 Weenuk Warrior + 8 Boris Tsezar + 7 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 6 Cameron Elsby + 6 Johnny Xavier + 8 Ashton Komaryk + 8 Mikhail Lospenov + 6 Nic McMuffin + 7 Thomas Price + 6 Marcel Janser + 12 Jp + 6 Alessio Simeoni + 12 Ray withers + 12 Adeline Delle Donne + 6 Jason Coiner + 6 Fredric Salo + 6 Dylan Powers + 6 Sebastien dokis + 6 Charlie + 6 Daniel Clarke + 8 Cooper Skambraks + 8 CDS Leb + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 12 Gus Bentley + 6 Marttins Stepka + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 43


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Nico Pearce + 12 Zaza Colors + 5 Hulk Hogan 2 + 15 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 8 Daniel Janser + 4 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 4 Biggie Cheese + 9 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 1 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 20 Alexandre Leduc + 13 Wattson Power + 3 Yun Chiang + 7 George Sanderson + 2 Robert Wilk + 3 William Groves + 3 Mason Jones + 4 Marshall Maxx + 5 Weenuk Warrior + 6 Boris Tsezar + 9 Harry Hagel + 6 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 8 Janet Snakehole + 6 Cameron Elsby + 6 Johnny Xavier + 7 Ashton Komaryk + 6 Ed Nu + 7 Nic McMuffin + 9 Mikhail Lospenov + 6 Thomas Price + 6 Christopher Young + 8 Alessio Simeoni + 1 Adeline Delle Donne + 6 Julien Bernier + 6 Jason Coiner + 3 Daniel Clarke + 6 Greg Romain + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 2


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 39



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Nico Pearce + 19 Zaza Colors + 24 Hulk Hogan 2 + 25 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 16 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 23 Nezuko + 24 Daniel Janser + 15 Biggie Cheese + 16 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 15 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 14 Alexandre Leduc + 16 Wattson Power + 8 Yun Chiang + 14 George Sanderson + 15 Robert Wilk + 19 Mason Jones + 23 William Groves + 9 Weenuk Warrior + 9 Boris Tsezar + 5 Johnny Xavier + 13 Janet Snakehole + 10 Cameron Elsby + 10 Harry Hagel + 5 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 2 Ed Nu + 7 Ashton Komaryk + 2 Nic McMuffin + 10 Mikhail Lospenov + 5 Thomas Price + 7 Marcel Janser + 11 Christopher Young + 7 Jp + 11 Alessio Simeoni + 7 Julien Bernier + 10 Adeline Delle Donne + 5 Jason Coiner + 6 Ray withers + 6 Fredric Salo + 6 Daniel Clarke + 13 Sebastien dokis + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 13 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Gus Bentley + 6 Marttins Stepka + 6 Kateri Dawn Meza + 6 Braden Doucette + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 48



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Nico Pearce + 13 Hulk Hogan 2 + 34 Zaza Colors + 13 Harkat Mulds + 7 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 21 Daniel Janser + 25 Nezuko + 16 Biggie Cheese + 33 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 10 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 20 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 24 Alexandre Leduc + 30 Wattson Power + 20 Yun Chiang + 22 Robert Wilk + 24 George Sanderson + 13 Mason Jones + 19 William Groves + 21 Weenuk Warrior + 28 Marshall Maxx + 6 Connor Johnson + 1 Boris Tsezar + 13 Harry Hagel + 15 Johnny Xavier + 12 Ed Nu + 22 Cameron Elsby + 10 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 14 Ashton Komaryk + 17 Nic McMuffin + 18 Mikhail Lospenov + 10 Thomas Price + 11 Marcel Janser + 15 Christopher Young + 17 Alessio Simeoni + 20 Jp + 10 Adeline Delle Donne + 15 Julien Bernier + 10 Jason Coiner + 16 Ray withers + 16 Sebastien dokis + 16 Dylan Powers + 16 Alex TheGreat + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 12 CDS Leb + 16 Charles Williams + 16 Ayomide Ayodele + 16 the great jr + 16 Gus Bentley + 18 Braden Doucette + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 49



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Nico Pearce + 14 Zaza Colors + 14 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 9 Daniel Janser + 13 Nezuko + 12 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 10 Biggie Cheese + 5 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 10 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 3 Alexandre Leduc + 24 Yun Chiang + 13 Wattson Power + 8 Robert Wilk + 13 George Sanderson + 11 Mason Jones + 21 William Groves + 16 Weenuk Warrior + 25 Boris Tsezar + 24 Johnny Xavier + 22 Harry Hagel + 15 Ed Nu + 15 Cameron Elsby + 15 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 15 Ashton Komaryk + 15 Nic McMuffin + 12 Janet Snakehole + 15 Mikhail Lospenov + 15 Thomas Price + 15 Christopher Young + 17 Marcel Janser + 10 Jp + 15 Alessio Simeoni + 10 Ray withers + 20 Adeline Delle Donne + 15 Julien Bernier + 15 Jason Coiner + 15 Jorgen Von Strangle + 10 Daniel Clarke + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 8 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Gus Bentley + 8 Wiley Blanchette + 6 Braden Doucette + 6 Kateri Dawn Meza + 2


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 45


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Nico Pearce + 18 Hulk Hogan 2 + 26 Zaza Colors + 12 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 13 Daniel Janser + 19 Nezuko + 12 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 10 Biggie Cheese + 8 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 16 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 6 Alexandre Leduc + 8 Yun Chiang + 13 Wattson Power + 10 Robert Wilk + 12 George Sanderson + 13 Mason Jones + 12 Weenuk Warrior + 21 William Groves + 7 Boris Tsezar + 2 Ed Nu + 11 Johnny Xavier + 3 Harry Hagel + 5 Nic McMuffin + 14 Cameron Elsby + 5 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 5 Janet Snakehole + 5 Mikhail Lospenov + 7 Thomas Price + 7 Christopher Young + 7 Marcel Janser + 7 Jp + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 6 Julien Bernier + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Sebastien dokis + 6 Dylan Powers + 6 Daniel Clarke + 10 Cooper Skambraks + 8 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Gus Bentley + 8 Wiley Blanchette + 6 Braden Doucette + 6 Kateri Dawn Meza + 2


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 46


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Nico Pearce + 14 Hulk Hogan 2 + 14 Zaza Colors + 8 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 22 Daniel Janser + 12 Harkat Mulds + 1 Nezuko + 13 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 28 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 10 Biggie Cheese + 14 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 16 Alexandre Leduc + 13 Yun Chiang + 12 Wattson Power + 13 Robert Wilk + 15 Mason Jones + 11 George Sanderson + 3 Weenuk Warrior + 15 William Groves + 13 Boris Tsezar + 9 Marshall Maxx + 1 Ed Nu + 9 Johnny Xavier + 8 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 13 Nic McMuffin + 9 Harry Hagel + 5 Connor Johnson + 1 Cameron Elsby + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 7 Janet Snakehole + 5 Mikhail Lospenov + 9 Thomas Price + 5 Christopher Young + 7 Marcel Janser + 5 Jp + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Sebastien dokis + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 12 Daniel Clarke + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Alex TheGreat + 1 Gus Bentley + 8 Wiley Blanchette + 6 Kateri Dawn Meza + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 47


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Nico Pearce + 24 Hulk Hogan 2 + 24 Zaza Colors + 23 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 10 Daniel Janser + 25 Nezuko + 13 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 32 Biggie Cheese + 12 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 11 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 7 Alexandre Leduc + 25 Robert Wilk + 18 Wattson Power + 15 Yun Chiang + 9 George Sanderson + 25 Mason Jones + 19 William Groves + 15 Weenuk Warrior + 8 Boris Tsezar + 10 Johnny Xavier + 13 Nic McMuffin + 19 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 7 Harry Hagel + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 9 Cameron Elsby + 5 Janet Snakehole + 5 Mikhail Lospenov + 5 Thomas Price + 5 Christopher Young + 7 Marcel Janser + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 7 Jp + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Julien Bernier + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 8 Sebastien dokis + 6 Daniel Clarke + 8 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Gus Bentley + 11 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Wiley Blanchette + 16 Kateri Dawn Meza + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 44


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Nico Pearce + 12 Hulk Hogan 2 + 13 Zaza Colors + 5 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 18 Daniel Janser + 11 Nezuko + 12 Alexandre Leduc + 12 Biggie Cheese + 14 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 12 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 4 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 5 Yun Chiang + 18 Robert Wilk + 13 Wattson Power + 7 Mason Jones + 11 George Sanderson + 5 William Groves + 9 Weenuk Warrior + 5 Boris Tsezar + 11 Nic McMuffin + 9 Johnny Xavier + 2 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 11 Ed Nu + 6 Harry Hagel + 5 Cameron Elsby + 5 Janet Snakehole + 5 Mikhail Lospenov + 5 Christopher Young + 7 Thomas Price + 5 Marcel Janser + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 6 Jp + 5 Julien Bernier + 10 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Adeline Delle Donne + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 10 Sebastien dokis + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Dylan Powers + 6 Gus Bentley + 9 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Wiley Blanchette + 6 Braden Doucette + 12


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 45


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Nico Pearce + 14 Hulk Hogan 2 + 17 Zaza Colors + 23 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 21 Daniel Janser + 23 Nezuko + 18 Biggie Cheese + 29 Alexandre Leduc + 25 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 28 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 15 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 7 Yun Chiang + 22 Wattson Power + 22 Robert Wilk + 13 Mason Jones + 12 William Groves + 10 Weenuk Warrior + 5 Nic McMuffin + 14 Boris Tsezar + 8 Johnny Xavier + 14 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 5 Ed Nu + 10 Harry Hagel + 5 Cameron Elsby + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 5 Janet Snakehole + 5 Mikhail Lospenov + 7 Thomas Price + 10 Christopher Young + 7 Marcel Janser + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 10 Jp + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 11 Daniel Clarke + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Gus Bentley + 12 Ayomide Ayodele + 6 Wiley Blanchette + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 41



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Nico Pearce + 20 Zaza Colors + 21 Hulk Hogan 2 + 15 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 10 Daniel Janser + 15 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 16 Alexandre Leduc + 13 Nezuko + 6 Biggie Cheese + 6 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 12 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 5 Robert Wilk + 26 Yun Chiang + 10 Wattson Power + 4 Mason Jones + 10 William Groves + 9 Weenuk Warrior + 5 Boris Tsezar + 9 Nic McMuffin + 6 Johnny Xavier + 7 Ed Nu + 9 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 5 Harry Hagel + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 7 Cameron Elsby + 5 Janet Snakehole + 7 Mikhail Lospenov + 5 Christopher Young + 7 Marcel Janser + 5 Alessio Simeoni + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 9 Sebastien dokis + 6 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Gus Bentley + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 38



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Nico Pearce + 26 Hulk Hogan 2 + 8 Zaza Colors + 7 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 13 Daniel Janser + 3 Alexandre Leduc + 11 Nezuko + 12 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 3 Biggie Cheese + 7 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 9 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 7 Yun Chiang + 12 Wattson Power + 10 Mason Jones + 10 William Groves + 7 Weenuk Warrior + 7 Boris Tsezar + 15 Nic McMuffin + 6 Johnny Xavier + 2 Ed Nu + 5 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 5 Cameron Elsby + 1 Janet Snakehole + 2 Christopher Young + 7 Thomas Price + 5 Marcel Janser + 10 Alessio Simeoni + 7 Jp + 10 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 2 Adeline Delle Donne + 5 Daniel Clarke + 11 CDS Leb + 6 Charles Williams + 6 Gus Bentley + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 8


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 37



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Nico Pearce + 19 Hulk Hogan 2 + 23 Zaza Colors + 13 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 10 Daniel Janser + 16 Alexandre Leduc + 16 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 21 Nezuko + 12 Biggie Cheese + 5 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 10 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 7 Yun Chiang + 9 Robert Wilk + 13 Wattson Power + 10 Mason Jones + 13 William Groves + 9 Weenuk Warrior + 5 Boris Tsezar + 9 Johnny Xavier + 12 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 5 Harry Hagel + 5 Ashton Komaryk + 7 Janet Snakehole + 7 Cameron Elsby + 5 Christopher Young + 7 Thomas Price + 5 Marcel Janser + 1 Alessio Simeoni + 5 Jason Coiner + 5 Ray withers + 5 Cooper Skambraks + 5 Charles Williams + 10 CDS Leb + 5 Daniel Clarke + 1 Sebastien dokis + 5 Gus Bentley + 5 Ayomide Ayodele + 7 Wiley Blanchette + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 38



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Nico Pearce + 23 Hulk Hogan 2 + 23 Zaza Colors + 22 Maximus Decimus Meridius + 18 Daniel Janser + 19 Alexandre Leduc + 34 Sergey Preobrazhensky + 17 Nezuko + 12 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems + 24 Biggie Cheese + 11 Cadmael Ixazaluoh + 6 Robert Wilk + 23 Yun Chiang + 11 Wattson Power + 19 Mason Jones + 24 William Groves + 1 Weenuk Warrior + 17 Boris Tsezar + 13 Nic McMuffin + 5 Johnny Xavier + 1 Ed Nu + 16 Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin + 12 Harry Hagel + 6 Janet Snakehole + 8 Ashton Komaryk + 6 Thomas Price + 18 Christopher Young + 8 Alessio Simeoni + 22 Marcel Janser + 6 Jason Coiner + 16 Jp + 6 Cooper Skambraks + 6 CDS Leb + 16 Charles Williams + 11 Daniel Clarke + 10 Gus Bentley + 16 Adeline Delle Donne + 6 Sebastien dokis + 6 Ayomide Ayodele + 18 Wiley Blanchette + 16


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 40



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