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Baba Blabs Down Under #83


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🇦🇺Bana Blabs Down Under #83🇦🇺

Season 6 Australia GIF by The Simpsons



Another Blab brought to you by Talk-to-Text, an easier way to do this. Thanks, Siri. Despite you many, often simple, errors. 


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Hello, y’all. Tomorrow is Friday for us and I guess you would be heading into your Thursday right about now. DEVEN! Always a good time and day for me as the pre-market opens and then eventually the market over North America for me to pay attention to. It’s funding my trip on the way home, hee hee. We are slowly starting to plan more and more, however, there’s a new development in the mixture of us going back to Canada. Stay tuned for more! Over into the VHL side of things, the deadline passed, and it was relatively boring. However, the day was quite entertaining. We seen a lot of recreates from retirement, and we also seen a lot of really good members come back from inactivity. I think that’s the best way to leave this off and what that being said, LETS BLAB! 


  • A bunch of old members came back from inactivity and re-created. Some members off the top of my head like @hylands @Rin @BluObieZ @ROOKIE745 @Velevra @Renomitsu  @McWolf Honestly? Welcome back to all of you. You were all once, and so are very important members to the VHL. Having you back is awesome and I can’t wait for us all to make the V better (not the E) hehe :cheers:
  • speaking of all those members that have popped in or re-created, I think it’s important to make a list of those that I’d like to see back maybe. Maybe they are already back and I just don’t know it or forgot but I’m gonna ping them and create hopeful activity anyway.  The next members to come on down and recreate are going to be..

System GIF

—> @Will @boubabi @CoachReilly @aCrypticPancake @Higgins @sterling @jack @Laflamme @LatinViking  @easymoneysniper  @Dangles13 @danglesnipecelly @No_Dangles @NUCK @TheLastOlympian07 @RunnerBert11  @evrydayimbyfuglien @BladeMaiden @rjfryman @Jubo @Beaviss @omgitshim 


  • Final little bit of the season left is going to be lots of fun. Davos is cruising!! NA is battling -> CGY, VAN & SEA. It seems like those 3 have mostly been the top teams in NA for some time now. 

I think I’ve reached word count. Hope you’re all good. Sorry for the ping but I’m glad you’re back or wish to see you again soon on the VHL. Things are good! VHL is good. The more we have, the more potential and opportunity for better. See you around, VHL. Enjoy the weekend too! 



Edited by Banackock
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The absolute WHIPLASH I got reading the words "down under," seeing a username starting with a "B," and it NOT being Berocka. I have no idea why that took so long to register LOL


At any rate, thank you!!

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