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diacope 2

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Status Replies posted by diacope 2

  1. Shoutout @Vat. Everyone haaaates notifications on here, but this poor guy is sad that he hasn't gotten a ping in two days. Comment so he gets more red dots!

  2. Can we please ban the ability to put spoilers inside spoilers.

  3. Got a new cover pic courtesy of Bo Burnham's latest, INSIDE. Highly, highly, highly recommend it on Netflix. Very funny, very 2020, very Bo Burnham.

  4. Philly was eliminated but no time to fret I am ready for the next chapter!

  5. Why are all the Canadians talking about these tortilla chips?

  6. 1 year. time to quit.

  7. Looking for help, or taking suggestions on pc's. I'm finally looking into buying my first ever pc!

  8. I hope everyone is having a great weekend 


    : oh wait, this draft class sucks

    poggers sabres win

  10. TIL the plural of Elk is Elks. Definitely thought it was Elk/Elk. Go non-racist sports teams?

  11. I graduated!!

    1. diacope 2

      diacope 2

      Are you going to college now? I'm moving 5 hours away for university 😳

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. @Joshhow did you do in the Josh fight?

  13. Sam Reinhart has been on fire recently. 4 goals in the last 2 games, on of them is a hattie. 2 games previously had 2 goals

  14. i might retire one season early because of how lazy I was with TPE earning around June/July 2020. Just wanted to let people know.

  15. Remoting into my desktop while on vacation using my iPad to do VHL things. #Dedication

  16. Today was fun. Describe how today was for you! 

    1. diacope 2

      diacope 2

      I watched Oilers win 8-5 and drinked several beers

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. What's something you'd like to see talked about on a podcast?

  18. I'm kind of glad I fell to the second round so I wouldn't have to be a BUST 


  19. What's your craziest VHL conspiracy theory?

  20. Just want to thank you all for the well wishes sent to my wife and I during this past week. We really appreciate it. I’ll be stepping back into things in the VHL slowly this week as we begin to work and function again. Thank you everyone! 

  21. Hey you longtime VHL members I got a question. At what point in your tenures did you just forget entirely how fucking long it'd been from a calendar year perspective? 

    1. diacope 2

      diacope 2

      I've only been here for a little over 9 months, and that's already a long ass time lmao

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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