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Charity Auction gut check


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Here's the compiled list of everyone who put forth a (serious) offer to the Holiday Charity Auction.


If you don't want to do it anymore, please comment in this thread. No hard feelings if you don't, especially for something that's jam packed like gfx.




Media Spots:


Discord/Forum name changes:






Auction will go live next week!

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11 minutes ago, Vice said:

@bigALthrow in a free week of tasks performed by me for the person who wins my next players name as well.

We can’t allow people to bid on someone else doing their PT’s.

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I'm posting the threads today. Please feel free to post an "ad" in the thread. GFX people: include a 'portfolio' to show off your skills and convince people to buy your work.


Misc items that benefit the whole community instead of one person (ie: streams and farm tour(s)) - I'm going to pick a reasonable number for a stretch goal. Let me know if you want a different number. With a stretch goal, everyone can pool their money together. For example, if we hit $300 cumulatively, then Jardy will eat a literal turd sandwich.

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