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Christmas Simming Break


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Boy I can hear the negative reactions already....


I just wanted to throw a quick announcement out there in advance so that everyone doesn't get surprised by it. Our @Simmer team obviously works very hard all year to give the league nearly daily sims between the regular season, playoffs, and off season tournaments. There is a bit of time off here and there but for the most part it's a daily thing. We were hoping that playoffs would line up well with Christmas again like they did last year and provide us with an easy excuse to have a couple of days off for the holidays but sadly no dice this time around. For that reason we have decided that sims will be halted from tomorrow, December 24th, to resume on Monday, December 27th.


I know it is inconvenient to have 3 days without sims but as we frequently remind our members the simmers are not robots and need time as well so a holiday break is the least we can do. So enjoy the sims today, embrace a few days with family and friends (if possible, stupid covid) and we'll see you all on the 27th for more Regular Season action in the 3 leagues.


Thank You and Happy Holidays,


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2 minutes ago, Shindigs said:

I mean how could you be upset over simmers needing some time of for Christmas, really? Unless Jardy was still a simmer, then we could just all blame him.

Oh you sweet summer child, you have no idea how upset people can get over a lack of sims.

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1 hour ago, Beketov said:

There is a bit of time off here and there but for the most part it's a daily thing. We were hoping that playoffs would line up well with Christmas again like they did last year and provide us with an easy excuse to have a couple of days off for the holidays but sadly no dice this time around. For that reason we have decided that sims will be halted from tomorrow, December 24th, to resume on Monday, December 27th.

This right here is outrageous. What do you mean taking time off from simming? As a GM I launch an official protest and I am going on a hunger strike. That means that throughout the time when simulations are halted, I refuse to eat any vegetables. Yes, you heard it right - I WILL NOT EAT ANY VEGETABLES FOR 3 FULL DAYS. 

I am hopeful that there will be some sort of compensation for me in terms of new job opportunities and I will receive a moral TPE compensation. 

*Also, have truly great time off and spend some wonderful moments with your families this holiday season @Beketov, @Joshand @Devise - you are doing tremendous job at Simming and being there for the VHL community, cheers!* 

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Jim Carrey Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor


Seriously though, @Beketov, @Josh and @Devise take this well deserved break off and enjoy some quality time with whom ever you care to share same (I heard something called 'family' or 'dear ones' should be prime candidates for such occasions). Happy Holidays.

Edited by Daniel Janser
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  • Commissioner
2 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

Wow didn't even ask cow if he wanted to sim all 3 leagues over the holidays 😔

Well the answer is hell yes I do #MakeCowTheHolidaySimmer

How dare we try to give you time off haha

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