Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted May 23, 2023 Moderator Share Posted May 23, 2023 (edited) Notes For The Table - The primary question I get with these is "Why doesn't my TPE match up with what I have atm?". The reason is that, to me, rankings mean very little if I added everyone's TPE to date as that would have players who claim their TPE early in the week unfairly compared with those who claim on say a Saturday, as the latter's TPE likely would be a week behind on every ranking. So for these ranking and each ranking after, it will focus on TPE earned in an update week, so next week's ranking will focus on TPE earned for Week Ending May 28th. - I will try to post updates for these every Tuesday, which gives updaters enough time to process all claims for the previous week. Will tag each user that updates in the given week, but feel free to request not to be tagged if you'd prefer. Rankings for Week Ending 6/18 Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven Doomsday OTT D 225 22 11.43 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr Moon LVA D 183 12 12.00 3 = Ryan Artyomov Enorama MIA G 178 16 11.71 4 = King Kisslinger Kisslinger MEX C 175 14 9.14 5 = Xiver Zilla jhatty8 HOU C 174 15 12.00 6 = Maxim Anisimov McLovin LVA RW 168 15 11.86 7 Up 1 Catia Goncalves cLoWn MIS RW 155 14 9.14 8 Up 1 Raimo Tuominen SlapshotBear HOU RW 153 14 12.00 9 Down 2 Tommy Sleeves dasboot OTT D 152 10 7.57 10 = Martin Kemp leafsman HOU LW 146 10 6.71 11 NEW Axle Gunner Steve PHI C 143 27 12.00 12 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles UnkemptCL4PTP MEX D 140 9 6.29 13 NEW Severus Targaryen Banackock HOU C 139 23 12.00 14 Down 2 Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage Grape HFX D 138 13 10.67 15 NEW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW rory HOU G 133 17 11.00 16 NEW Jarmo Ruutu jRuutu MIS C 130 14 12.00 17 Down 4 Bruise Banner ctots OTT C 129 13 9.20 17 NEW Simons Worst Nightmare zepheter HOU D 129 16 11.00 19 Down 5 Jorji Costova Hybrid1486 SSK LW 118 7 5.50 20 Down 5 Eno Velvson Nykonax PHI C 116 7 5.33 21 Down 5 Jussi Jokinenegg HearnNation67 SSK LW 115 8 5.33 22 Down 5 Aurora Skylight Bedirhan HFX C 114 14 7.83 23 Down 5 Jeid Rohnson TopTiddee2 LVA C 106 10 8.00 24 Down 5 Ontario Leblanc Jr Psanchez55 SSK C 104 12 10.00 24 NEW Aeschylus Jigglejawns CXXXVII II .sniffuM HFX C 104 0 0.00 26 NEW Jebediah Big Ol Doinks in Amish hylands HOU D 98 11 9.00 27 Down 6 Stan Par dylanjj37 SSK D 95 14 12.00 28 Down 8 Gremlis Lielais Anomalijs MIS RW 91 8 7.00 29 Down 7 Barry McOckiner LanerDUST LVA RW 87 8 5.00 30 NEW Factor Lee Hockeywizard676 SDM D 81 15 8.00 30 NEW Vladimir Kozlov vladbatton SDM D 81 15 8.00 32 Down 8 Joakim Norden Kaldolmar MIA C 78 8 7.00 33 Down 10 Jaja Dingdong Jr Jaja Dingdong LVA D 77 6 4.00 34 Down 9 Andrew Cobberson BrandyAndy OTT G 75 6 5.00 34 Down 8 Shinoa Hiiragi shinoa OTT RW 75 7 4.75 36 Down 8 Stefan Nikolaev Is_thatok SSK RW 73 6 4.17 36 NEW Joseph Dubois Dubois SDM D 73 7 5.00 38 Down 9 Trey Daniels Tdan04 MEX LW 72 6 4.00 38 NEW Joe Blow ES29 D 72 6 4.00 40 Down 14 Jakub Izacky Jayrad28 OTT RW 68 0 3.50 41 NEW Owen Williams Iknoweverythingaboutsports MIA RW 66 0 0.00 42 Down 11 Alexei Shirokov Alexei MIS D 65 9 3.00 43 Down 10 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HOU D 61 11 2.33 44 Down 14 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 0.80 45 Down 13 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 2.20 46 Down 13 oscar thurn neksli MIA D 50 0 0.00 47 Down 12 Robert LeFevre RobberToe HFX LW 44 0 0.00 48 Down 12 Sparky Buddy Banana man HFX C 42 0 0.00 49 Down 12 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 High-framerate version at Rankings for Week Ending 6/11 Spoiler Rank Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position June 11, 2023 TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 YaBoi Oven Doomsday OTT D 203 25 11.33 2 Walter Fitzroy Jr Moon LVA D 171 14 12.00 3 King Kisslinger Kisslinger MEX C 161 11 8.83 4 Xiver Zilla jhatty8 HOU C 159 14 12.00 5 Maxim Anisimov McLovin LVA RW 153 14 11.83 6 Ryan Artyomov Enorama MIA G 152 0 10.00 7 Tommy Sleeves dasboot OTT D 142 9 7.50 8 Catia Goncalves cLoWn MIS RW 141 25 8.67 9 Raimo Tuominen SlapshotBear HOU RW 139 14 12.00 10 Martin Kemp leafsman HOU LW 136 8 6.67 11 Conference Prince-de-Galles UnkemptCL4PTP MEX D 131 8 6.33 12 Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage Grape HFX D 125 14 11.00 13 Bruise Banner ctots OTT C 116 12 9.00 14 Jorji Costova Hybrid1486 SSK LW 111 8 5.60 15 Eno Velvson Nykonax PHI C 109 8 5.50 16 Jussi Jokinenegg HearnNation67 SSK LW 107 6 5.20 17 Aurora Skylight Bedirhan HFX C 100 2 7.00 18 Jeid Rohnson TopTiddee2 LVA C 96 10 8.00 19 Ontario Leblanc Jr Psanchez55 SSK C 92 12 10.00 20 Gremlis Lielais Anomalijs MIS RW 83 10 8.00 21 Stan Par dylanjj37 SSK D 81 14 12.00 22 Barry McOckiner LanerDUST LVA RW 79 6 4.67 23 Jaja Dingdong Jr Jaja Dingdong LVA D 71 11 4.00 24 Joakim Norden Kaldolmar MIA C 70 10 8.00 25 Andrew Cobberson BrandyAndy OTT G 69 6 5.50 26 Jakub Izacky Jayrad28 OTT RW 68 6 4.67 26 Shinoa Hiiragi shinoa OTT RW 68 6 4.67 28 Stefan Nikolaev Is_thatok SSK RW 67 6 4.20 29 Trey Daniels Tdan04 MEX LW 66 6 4.00 30 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 1.00 31 Alexei Shirokov Alexei MIS D 56 6 2.00 32 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 2.75 33 oscar thurn neksli MIA D 50 0 0.00 33 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HOU D 50 6 2.00 35 Robert LeFevre RobberToe HFX LW 44 0 0.00 36 Sparky Buddy Banana man HFX C 42 0 0.00 37 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Rankings for Week Ending 6/4 Spoiler Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 178 12 11.20 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 157 14 12.00 3 Up 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 152 14 12.00 4 Down 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 150 11 8.80 5 = Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 145 15 12.00 6 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 139 15 11.80 7 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 133 9 7.60 8 = Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 128 9 6.80 9 NEW Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotBear RW 125 22 12.00 10 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 123 9 6.40 11 Up 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 116 23 8.00 12 NEW Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape D 111 20 10.00 13 Up 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 104 13 8.67 14 Down 3 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 103 7 5.50 15 Down 3 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 101 6 5.50 15 NEW Eno Velvson @Nykonax C 101 7 5.00 17 Down 7 Aurora Skylight Bedirhan HFX C 98 0 8.75 18 NEW Jeid Rohnson @TopTiddee2 C 86 10 8.00 19 Down 4 Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 80 13 10.00 20 Down 5 Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 73 6 5.00 21 NEW Andrew Cobberson @BrandyAndy G 63 9 7.00 22 Down 4 Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 62 6 5.00 22 Down 1 Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 62 12 5.00 24 Down 5 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 61 6 4.25 25 NEW Jaja Dingdong Jr @Jaja Dingdong D 60 6 4.00 25 NEW Trey Daniels @Tdan04 LW 60 6 4.00 27 Down 10 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 1.33 28 Down 9 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 3.67 29 Down 8 Alexei Shirokov Alexei D 50 0 1.33 29 Down 8 oscar thurn neksli D 50 0 0.00 31 Down 7 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 1.50 31 Down 7 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 33 Down 7 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 34 Down 7 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Rankings for Week Ending 5/28 Spoiler Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position May 28, 2023 TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 166 13 11.75 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 143 14 12.00 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 139 17 9.00 4 Down 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 138 14 12.00 5 Up 1 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 130 19 12.00 6 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 124 9 7.75 6 Up 2 Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 124 18 11.75 8 Down 1 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 119 9 7.00 9 = Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 114 10 6.50 10 Up 4 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 98 27 11.67 11 Down 1 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 96 8 5.67 12 Down 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 95 8 6.00 13 Down 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 93 6 7.50 14 Down 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 91 12 8.00 15 NEW Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 67 8 6.00 15 NEW Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 67 12 10.00 17 Down 2 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 2.00 18 NEW Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 56 8 6.00 19 Down 3 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 5.50 19 Down 2 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 55 6 4.33 21 Down 3 Alexei Shirokov @Alexei D 50 2 2.00 21 NEW oscar thurn @neksli D 50 2 0.00 21 NEW Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 50 2 0.00 24 Down 5 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 2.00 24 Down 5 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 26 Down 5 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 27 Down 5 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Rankings for Week Ending 5/21 Spoiler Rankings for Week Ending 5/21 Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 153 22 12.00 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 129 14 12.00 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 122 14 9.00 4 Up 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 115 9 8.00 5 Down 2 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 114 4 8.67 6 Up 3 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 111 24 12.00 7 Down 1 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 110 10 7.00 8 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 106 14 12.00 9 Down 2 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 104 8 6.00 10 Up 1 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 88 7 5.50 11 Down 1 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 87 4 8.67 11 Up 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 87 8 6.00 13 NEW Bruise Banner @ctots C 79 8 6.00 14 Down 1 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 71 14 11.50 15 NEW Yves Lafleur @Habs fan RW 58 6 4.00 16 NEW Carl Junior @cejayz C 55 13 11.00 17 Down 3 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 49 6 4.50 18 NEW Alexei Shirokov @Alexei D 48 6 4.00 19 Down 5 Harjen Van Araken @VaderTheTater HFX D 44 1 3.00 19 NEW Robert LeFevre @RobberToe LW 44 2 0.00 21 NEW Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 22 Down 6 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Will create visualizer after VHLM Draft. Edited June 20, 2023 by MubbleFubbles AJW, Moon, ctots and 3 others 2 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vincentlg2007 498 Posted May 25, 2023 Share Posted May 25, 2023 I wonder if carl junior is gonna stay in this list long he's been mega active in his first few days surely he won't retire ! Zetterberg 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ctots 400 Posted May 25, 2023 Share Posted May 25, 2023 I'm on the hunt for the top 10... you're on notice, fellow rooks. jacobcarson877 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted May 30, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted May 30, 2023 Rankings for Week Ending May 28th (Tagged members who gained TPE this week) Note: Players with Grey Background=First Gen Players/ Players with Red Background = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position May 28, 2023 TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 166 13 11.75 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 143 14 12.00 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 139 17 9.00 4 Down 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 138 14 12.00 5 Up 1 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 130 19 12.00 6 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 124 9 7.75 6 Up 2 Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 124 18 11.75 8 Down 1 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 119 9 7.00 9 = Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 114 10 6.50 10 Up 4 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 98 27 11.67 11 Down 1 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 96 8 5.67 12 Down 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 95 8 6.00 13 Down 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 93 6 7.50 14 Down 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 91 12 8.00 15 NEW Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 67 8 6.00 15 NEW Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 67 12 10.00 17 Down 2 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 2.00 18 NEW Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 56 8 6.00 19 Down 3 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 5.50 19 Down 2 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 55 6 4.33 21 Down 3 Alexei Shirokov @Alexei D 50 2 2.00 21 NEW oscar thurn @neksli D 50 2 0.00 21 NEW Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 50 2 0.00 24 Down 5 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 2.00 24 Down 5 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 26 Down 5 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 27 Down 5 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Banackock and jhatty8 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 6, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted June 6, 2023 Rankings for Week Ending June 4th (Tagged members who gained TPE this week) Note: Players with Grey Background=First Gen Players/ Players with Red Background = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 178 12 11.20 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 157 14 12.00 3 Up 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 152 14 12.00 4 Down 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 150 11 8.80 5 = Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 145 15 12.00 6 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 139 15 11.80 7 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 133 9 7.60 8 = Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 128 9 6.80 9 NEW Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotBear RW 125 22 12.00 10 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 123 9 6.40 11 Up 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 116 23 8.00 12 NEW Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape D 111 20 10.00 13 Up 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 104 13 8.67 14 Down 3 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 103 7 5.50 15 Down 3 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 101 6 5.50 15 NEW Eno Velvson @Nykonax C 101 7 5.00 17 Down 7 Aurora Skylight Bedirhan HFX C 98 0 8.75 18 NEW Jeid Rohnson @TopTiddee2 C 86 10 8.00 19 Down 4 Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 80 13 10.00 20 Down 5 Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 73 6 5.00 21 NEW Andrew Cobberson @BrandyAndy G 63 9 7.00 22 Down 4 Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 62 6 5.00 22 Down 1 Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 62 12 5.00 24 Down 5 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 61 6 4.25 25 NEW Jaja Dingdong Jr @Jaja Dingdong D 60 6 4.00 25 NEW Trey Daniels @Tdan04 LW 60 6 4.00 27 Down 10 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 1.33 28 Down 9 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 3.67 29 Down 8 Alexei Shirokov Alexei D 50 0 1.33 29 Down 8 oscar thurn neksli D 50 0 0.00 31 Down 7 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 1.50 31 Down 7 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 33 Down 7 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 34 Down 7 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 jhatty8 and Banackock 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TopTiddee2 186 Posted June 6, 2023 Share Posted June 6, 2023 On 5/23/2023 at 11:25 AM, MubbleFubbles said: Notes For The Table - The primary question I get with these is "Why doesn't my TPE match up with what I have atm?". The reason is that, to me, rankings mean very little if I added everyone's TPE to date as that would have players who claim their TPE early in the week unfairly compared with those who claim on say a Saturday, as the latter's TPE likely would be a week behind on every ranking. So for these ranking and each ranking after, it will focus on TPE earned in an update week, so next week's ranking will focus on TPE earned for Week Ending May 28th. - I will try to post updates for these every Tuesday, which gives updaters enough time to process all claims for the previous week. Will tag each user that updates in the given week, but feel free to request not to be tagged if you'd prefer. Rankings for Week Ending 6/4 Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 178 12 11.20 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 157 14 12.00 3 Up 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 152 14 12.00 4 Down 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 150 11 8.80 5 = Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 145 15 12.00 6 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 139 15 11.80 7 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 133 9 7.60 8 = Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 128 9 6.80 9 NEW Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotBear RW 125 22 12.00 10 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 123 9 6.40 11 Up 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 116 23 8.00 12 NEW Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape D 111 20 10.00 13 Up 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 104 13 8.67 14 Down 3 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 103 7 5.50 15 Down 3 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 101 6 5.50 15 NEW Eno Velvson @Nykonax C 101 7 5.00 17 Down 7 Aurora Skylight Bedirhan HFX C 98 0 8.75 18 NEW Jeid Rohnson @TopTiddee2 C 86 10 8.00 19 Down 4 Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 80 13 10.00 20 Down 5 Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 73 6 5.00 21 NEW Andrew Cobberson @BrandyAndy G 63 9 7.00 22 Down 4 Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 62 6 5.00 22 Down 1 Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 62 12 5.00 24 Down 5 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 61 6 4.25 25 NEW Jaja Dingdong Jr @Jaja Dingdong D 60 6 4.00 25 NEW Trey Daniels @Tdan04 LW 60 6 4.00 27 Down 10 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 1.33 28 Down 9 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 3.67 29 Down 8 Alexei Shirokov Alexei D 50 0 1.33 29 Down 8 oscar thurn neksli D 50 0 0.00 31 Down 7 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 1.50 31 Down 7 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 33 Down 7 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 34 Down 7 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Rankings for Week Ending 5/28 Reveal hidden contents Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position May 28, 2023 TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 166 13 11.75 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 143 14 12.00 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 139 17 9.00 4 Down 1 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 138 14 12.00 5 Up 1 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 130 19 12.00 6 Down 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 124 9 7.75 6 Up 2 Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 124 18 11.75 8 Down 1 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 119 9 7.00 9 = Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 114 10 6.50 10 Up 4 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 98 27 11.67 11 Down 1 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 96 8 5.67 12 Down 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 95 8 6.00 13 Down 2 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 93 6 7.50 14 Down 1 Bruise Banner @ctots C 91 12 8.00 15 NEW Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST RW 67 8 6.00 15 NEW Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 C 67 12 10.00 17 Down 2 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 2.00 18 NEW Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 RW 56 8 6.00 19 Down 3 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 5.50 19 Down 2 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 55 6 4.33 21 Down 3 Alexei Shirokov @Alexei D 50 2 2.00 21 NEW oscar thurn @neksli D 50 2 0.00 21 NEW Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa RW 50 2 0.00 24 Down 5 Harjen Van Araken VaderTheTater HFX D 44 0 2.00 24 Down 5 Robert LeFevre RobberToe LW 44 0 0.00 26 Down 5 Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 27 Down 5 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Rankings for Week Ending 5/21 Reveal hidden contents Rankings for Week Ending 5/21 Players in Grey = First Gen Players in Red = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday MIS D 153 22 12.00 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon SDM D 129 14 12.00 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger HOU C 122 14 9.00 4 Up 1 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot HFX D 115 9 8.00 5 Down 2 Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 114 4 8.67 6 Up 3 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 SDM C 111 24 12.00 7 Down 1 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 110 10 7.00 8 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 106 14 12.00 9 Down 2 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP OTT D 104 8 6.00 10 Up 1 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 HFX LW 88 7 5.50 11 Down 1 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn HOU RW 87 4 8.67 11 Up 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 LW 87 8 6.00 13 NEW Bruise Banner @ctots C 79 8 6.00 14 Down 1 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 71 14 11.50 15 NEW Yves Lafleur @Habs fan RW 58 6 4.00 16 NEW Carl Junior @cejayz C 55 13 11.00 17 Down 3 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok RW 49 6 4.50 18 NEW Alexei Shirokov @Alexei D 48 6 4.00 19 Down 5 Harjen Van Araken @VaderTheTater HFX D 44 1 3.00 19 NEW Robert LeFevre @RobberToe LW 44 2 0.00 21 NEW Sparky Buddy Banana man C 42 0 0.00 22 Down 6 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 Will create visualizer after VHLM Draft. Just saying it would be very foolish if I don’t go Top10, I’m gonna be hella active. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 13, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted June 13, 2023 Rankings for Week Ending June 11th (Tagged members who gained TPE this week) Note: Players with Grey Background=First Gen Players/ Players with Red Background = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position June 11, 2023 TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday OTT D 203 25 11.33 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon LVA D 171 14 8.83 3 Up 1 King Kisslinger @Kisslinger MEX C 161 11 11.83 4 Up 1 Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 HOU C 159 14 12.00 5 Up 1 Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 153 14 10.00 6 Down 3 Ryan Artyomov Enorama MIA G 152 0 8.67 7 = Tommy Sleeves @dasboot OTT D 142 9 6.33 8 Up 3 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn MIS RW 141 25 4.20 9 = Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotBear HOU RW 139 14 6.67 10 Down 2 Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 136 8 12.00 11 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP MEX D 131 8 7.50 12 = Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape HFX D 125 14 5.60 13 = Bruise Banner @ctots OTT C 116 12 7.00 14 = Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 SSK LW 111 8 2.00 15 = Eno Velvson @Nykonax PHI C 109 8 5.20 16 Down 1 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 SSK LW 107 6 0.00 17 = Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 100 2 0.00 18 = Jeid Rohnson @TopTiddee2 LVA C 96 10 1.00 19 = Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 SSK C 92 12 2.75 20 NEW Gremlis Lielais @Anomalijs MIS RW 83 10 8.00 21 NEW Stan Par @dylanjj37 SSK D 81 14 12.00 22 Down 2 Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST LVA RW 79 6 0.00 23 Up 2 Jaja Dingdong Jr @Jaja Dingdong LVA D 71 11 0.00 24 NEW Joakim Norden @Kaldolmar MIA C 70 10 8.00 25 Down 4 Andrew Cobberson @BrandyAndy OTT G 69 6 9.00 26 Down 4 Jakub Izacky @Jayrad28 OTT RW 68 6 2.00 26 Down 4 Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa OTT RW 68 6 4.67 28 Down 4 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok SSK RW 67 6 4.67 29 Down 4 Trey Daniels @Tdan04 MEX LW 66 6 4.67 30 Down 3 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 10.00 31 Down 2 Alexei Shirokov @Alexei MIS D 56 6 8.00 32 Down 4 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 12.00 33 Down 4 oscar thurn neksli MIA D 50 0 5.50 33 Down 2 Harjen Van Araken @VaderTheTater HOU D 50 6 5.50 35 Down 4 Robert LeFevre RobberToe HFX LW 44 0 4.00 36 Down 3 Sparky Buddy Banana man HFX C 42 0 11.00 37 Down 3 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 4.00 First Visualizer done for the class as well! jhatty8 and Kisslinger 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McLovin 490 Posted June 13, 2023 Share Posted June 13, 2023 22 minutes ago, MubbleFubbles said: First Visualizer done for the class as well! I absolutely ADORE this. More of this please! Hahaha MubbleFubbles 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisslinger 395 Posted June 13, 2023 Share Posted June 13, 2023 Visual is fire!! MubbleFubbles 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon 602 Posted June 13, 2023 Share Posted June 13, 2023 37 minutes ago, MubbleFubbles said: 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon LVA D 171 14 8.83 I did claim 12 last week Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 13, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted June 13, 2023 4 minutes ago, Moon said: I did claim 12 last week Thanks for mentioning that, my sheet was pulling from the wrong area. I've fixed the capped TPE in the top post just so people don't get re-tagged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 20, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted June 20, 2023 So these rankings have been a bit more difficult with the BOT no longer posting new player threads. I think I've got every new player created (the only player not on here is Eric White Jr since they created after W/E Jun 18th so will be in next weeks rankings). Same rules as usual: Rankings for Week Ending June 18th (Tagged members who gained TPE this week) Note: Players with Grey Background=First Gen Players/ Players with Red Background = Retired Rank Up/Down Player Name Username VHLM/VHLE Team Position TPE TPE This Week Average Capped TPE 1 = YaBoi Oven @Doomsday OTT D 225 22 11.43 2 = Walter Fitzroy Jr @Moon LVA D 183 12 12.00 3 = Ryan Artyomov @Enorama OTT G 178 16 11.71 4 = King Kisslinger @Kisslinger MEX C 175 14 9.14 5 = Xiver Zilla @jhatty8 HOU C 174 15 12.00 6 = Maxim Anisimov @McLovin LVA RW 168 15 11.86 7 Up 1 Catia Goncalves @cLoWn MIS RW 155 14 9.14 8 Up 1 Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotBear HOU RW 153 14 12.00 9 Down 2 Tommy Sleeves @dasboot OTT D 152 10 7.57 10 = Martin Kemp @leafsman HOU LW 146 10 6.71 11 NEW Axle Gunner @Steve PHI C 143 27 12.00 12 Down 1 Conference Prince-de-Galles @UnkemptCL4PTP MEX D 140 9 6.29 13 NEW Severus Targaryen @Banackock HOU C 139 23 12.00 14 Down 2 Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage @Grape HFX D 138 13 10.67 15 NEW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW @rory HOU G 133 17 11.00 16 NEW Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu MIS C 130 14 12.00 17 Down 4 Bruise Banner @ctots OTT C 129 13 9.20 17 NEW Simons Worst Nightmare @zepheter HOU D 129 16 11.00 19 Down 5 Jorji Costova @Hybrid1486 SSK LW 118 7 5.50 20 Down 5 Eno Velvson @Nykonax PHI C 116 7 5.33 21 Down 5 Jussi Jokinenegg @HearnNation67 SSK LW 115 8 5.33 22 Down 5 Aurora Skylight @Bedirhan HFX C 114 14 7.83 23 Down 5 Jeid Rohnson @TopTiddee2 LVA C 106 10 8.00 24 Down 5 Ontario Leblanc Jr @Psanchez55 SSK C 104 12 10.00 24 NEW Aeschylus Jigglejawns CXXXVII II .sniffuM HFX C 104 0 0.00 26 NEW Jebediah Big Ol Doinks in Amish @hylands HOU D 98 11 9.00 27 Down 6 Stan Par @dylanjj37 SSK D 95 14 12.00 28 Down 8 Gremlis Lielais @Anomalijs MIS RW 91 8 7.00 29 Down 7 Barry McOckiner @LanerDUST LVA RW 87 8 5.00 30 NEW Factor Lee @Hockeywizard676 SDM D 81 15 8.00 30 NEW Vladimir Kozlov @vladbatton SDM D 81 15 8.00 32 Down 8 Joakim Norden @Kaldolmar MIA C 78 8 7.00 33 Down 10 Jaja Dingdong Jr @Jaja Dingdong LVA D 77 6 4.00 34 Down 9 Andrew Cobberson @BrandyAndy OTT G 75 6 5.00 34 Down 8 Shinoa Hiiragi @shinoa OTT RW 75 7 4.75 36 Down 8 Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok SSK RW 73 6 4.17 36 NEW Joseph Dubois @Dubois SDM D 73 7 5.00 38 Down 9 Trey Daniels @Tdan04 MEX LW 72 6 4.00 38 NEW Joe Blow @ES29 D 72 6 4.00 40 Down 14 Jakub Izacky Jayrad28 OTT RW 68 0 3.50 41 NEW Owen Williams Iknoweverythingaboutsports MIA RW 66 0 0.00 42 Down 11 Alexei Shirokov @Alexei MIS D 65 9 3.00 43 Down 10 Harjen Van Araken @VaderTheTater HOU D 61 11 2.33 44 Down 14 Yves Lafleur Habs fan RW 58 0 0.80 45 Down 13 Carl Junior Cejayz C 55 0 2.20 46 Down 13 oscar thurn neksli MIA D 50 0 0.00 47 Down 12 Robert LeFevre RobberToe HFX LW 44 0 0.00 48 Down 12 Sparky Buddy Banana man HFX C 42 0 0.00 49 Down 12 michael Ovechkin penguinb19 LW 36 0 0.00 ctots and jhatty8 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ctots 400 Posted June 20, 2023 Share Posted June 20, 2023 Oh good, my weekly reminder that I’m not keeping up. I’m not crying, it’s just raining on my face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 30, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted June 30, 2023 Just a heads up, I’ve not been in a situation where I can use my PC recently (been on holiday from work this week), I should be able to give an update for last week on Sunday, and then should be able to do the rankings for this week at the usual day of Tuesday. Sorry for the inconvenience. jacobcarson877, jhatty8 and ctots 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted August 14, 2023 Author Moderator Share Posted August 14, 2023 High Frame-rate version at McWolf and Spartan 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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