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VHL Virtual Bookie - Place Your Bets!!

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Yes, its true… The approval for the VHL Virtual Bookie has been made final and begins now.  After many months of dealing with Tulalip Tribal Gaming, the Resort has given me permission to run the operation as the VHL Virtual Bookie.  To start the bookie operation, I have selected the next four VHL games of the playoffs.  But wait!  There’s more…. As an introductory offer, games 4 and 6(if necessary) are included with your wager of game 3 in each series.  3 chances to win on 1 wager!  VHLE and VHLM games will be added in the future.


Betting is simple, all you need to do is look at the game #s below, and make your wagers by submitting a reply with the game #, which bet, and the wager.  You do not have to bet on every game, or every prop.  And its preferable that wagers are made before the game begins!    From there, its on you!  All wagers are in increments of 100, or in the amount to make a whole number depending on the odds, ie. if the odds were -125, then the wager  would be in increments of 125.  And because I’m such a nice bookie, you might see game time notes to help with your decision making.


Remember, gambling can be an addictive habit.  If you feel you need help with your addiction, seek assistance.  The VHL Bookie is not responsible for your addiction.


To begin the virtual booking with a variety of choices, plus to increase the number of words for maximum TPE out of this, here is a list of betting choices:


Puck Line -  The point spread of the winner

Total Score - The number total goals between both teams that are scored

Money Line - The winner of the game


But wait, there’s more.  Individual props include:


Shots on goal - the over/under of shots on goal by a player

Points - the over/under of points by a player


No, the virtual bookie has not forgotten the goalie prop.


Saves - the over/under of saves made by a goalie


And to make things even more exciting, there is the awards prop


Third Star - Second Star - First Star


Unfortunately, there are no parlay bets or teaser bets at this time.




Let the virtual betting begin!




Game #49(#53 & #61included) - Seattle Bears vs New York Americans


New York is coming off an easy series against the Chicago Phoenix, while the Seattle Bears are well rested.  Even though New York had little difficulty scoring against Chicago, Seattle traded for Fuukka Rask, @jubis, and Rask went 21-2-3 with Seattle. Seattle is currently up 2 games to 0.


Puck Line - New York Americans +1.5  (+160) Bet 100 to win 160

Seattle Bears -1.5   (-190) Bet 190 to win 100


Total Goals - Over 6.5 (-115) Bet 115 to win 100

  Under 6.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


Money Line - New York Americans (+160) Bet 100 to win 160

    Seattle Bears (-192) Bet 192 to win 100



      Over 5.5 (-125) Bet 125 to win 100

      Under 5.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100


      Oreo McFleury @JB123

      Over 6.5 (-140) Bet 140 to win 100

      Under 6.5 (+105) Bet 100 to win 105


Points - Tord Yvel @Trazan

    Over 1.5 (+130) Bet 100 to win 130

    Under 1.5 (-125) Bet 125 to win 100


    Daryl Dixon @Ricer13

    Over 2.5 (+140) Bet 100 to win 140

    Under 2.5 (+105) Bet 100 to win 105


Saves - Wwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwww @rory

    Over 35.5 (+110) Bet 100 to win 110

    Under 35.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


    Fuukka Rask @Jubis

    Over 22.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100

    Under 22.5 (+135) Bet 100 to win 135


Stars of the Game - First Star - Gustav Mattias @Berocka (+2300) Bet 100 to win 2300.   

    Second Star - Jasper Davis @Josh (+4500) Bet 100 to win 4500.

    Third Star - Fuukka Rask @Jubis (+1400) Bet 100 to win 1400.




Game #50 (#54 & #62 included) - Toronto Legion vs DC Dragons


The Dragons are definitely a playoff hockey team, going into Toronto and taking the first two games.  They now come back home and have a chance of sweeping the Legion in front of their home fans.  DC’s offensive prowess has been incredible thus far, causing oddsmakers to struggle with predicting the results.


Puck Line - Toronto Legion +1.5 (-130) Bet 130 to win 100

DC Dragons -1.5 (+145) Bet 100 to win 145


Total Goals - Over 5.5 (-125) Bet 125 to win 100

  Under 5.5 (+120) Bet 100 to win 120


Money Line - Toronto Legion (+110) Bet 100 to win 110

    DC Dragons (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


Shots on Goal - Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer

      Over 2.5 (+110) Bet 100 to win 110

      Under 2.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


      The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath

      Over 6.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100

      Under 6.5 (+130) Bet 100 to win 130


Points - Diego Machado @Dadam30

    Over 1.5 (+150) Bet 100 to win 150

    Under 1.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


    Theo Allard @InstantRockstar

    Over 1.5 (+165) Bet 100 to win 165

    Under 1.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


Saves - Joel Castle @animal74

    Over 35.5 (+110) Bet 100 to win 110

    Under 35.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100

    Henry Tucker Jr @NSG

    Over 34.5 (-105) Bet 100 to win 105

    Under 34.5 (+115) Bet 100 to win 115


Stars of the Game - First Star - The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath  (+1500) Bet 100 to win 1500

    Second Star - Jimi Jaks @ke1vi (+3200) Bet 100 to win 3200

    Third Star - Joel Castle @animal74 (+2900) Bet 100 to win 2900





Game #51 (#55 & #63 included) Malmo Nighthawks vs Moscow Menace


Moscow went to Malmo and took the first to games, now they are home and are up 2-0.  Can the Menace live up to their name and sweep Malmo, or are the Nighthawks ready to play some hockey.


Puck Line - Malmo Nighthawks -1.5 (+140) Bet 100 to win 140

Moscow Menace +1.5 (-155) Bet 155 to win 100


Total Goals - Over 6.5 (+160) Bet 100 to win 160

  Under 6.5 (+105) Bet 100 to win 105


Money Line - Malmo Nighthawks (-110) Bet 110 to win 100

    Moscow Menace (+125) Bet 100 to win 125


Shots on Goal - Gregger Mckeggegger @TheNeonShaman

        Over 4.5 (+175) Bet 100 to win 175

        Under 4.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


        George Richmond @badcolethetitan

        Over 4.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100

        Under 4.5 (+160) Bet 100 to win 160


Points - Viktor Jensen @Advantage

    Over 1.5 (+135) Bet 100 to win 135

    Under 1.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100


    Axle Gunner @Steve

    Over 1.5 (+120) Bet 100 to win 120

    Under 1.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


Saves - Ash Sparks @DarkSpyro

    Over 31.5 (+140) Bet 100 to win 140

    Under 31.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


    Olober Syko @Spartan

    Over 32.5 (+175) Bet 100 to win 175

    Under 32.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100


Stars of the game - First Star - Jacob Stone @scoop (+5000) Bet 100 to win 5000

    Second Star - Reese McFleury @Spaz(+9000) Bet 100 to win 9000

    Third Star - Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard (+12000) Bet 100 to win 12000




Game #52 (#56 & #64 included) London United vs Prague Phantoms


This series is tied at 1-1.  Both teams are deep in talent and it is making for an exciting series.  The oddsmakers are being generous with these odds, but remember, anything could happen!


Puck Line - London United -1.5 (+220) Bet 100 to win 220

Prague Phantoms +1.5 (-150) Bet 150 to win 100


Total Goals - Over 5.5 (+135) Bet 100 to win 135

  Under 5.5 (+180) Bet 100 to win 180


Money Line - London United (-105) Bet 105 to win 100

    Prague Phantoms (+120) Bet 100 to win 120


Shots on Goal - Leonard Triller @Triller

      Over 6.5 (+140) Bet 100 to win 140

      Under 6.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


      Rip Wheeler @ScottyP

      Over 2.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100

      Under 2.5 (+210) Bet 100 to win 210


Points - Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ

    Over 1.5 (-125) Bet 125 to win 100

    Under 1.5 (+130) Bet 100 to win 130


    Nikolas Kauppi @Tetricide

    Over 1.5 (+150) Bet 100 to win 150

    Under 1.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100


Saves - Jesse Teno @aimkin

  Over 35.5 (+140) Bet 100 to win 140

  Under 35.5 (-105) Bet 105 to win 100


  Matt Murdock @Acydburn

  Over 36.5 (+190) Bet 100 to win 190

  Under 36.5 (-110) Bet 110 to win 100


Stars of the Game - First Star - Rip Wheeler @ScottyP (+25000) Bet 100 to win 25000

    Second Star - Matt Murdock @Acydburn (+20000) Bet 100 to win 20000

    Third Star - John Jameson @Frank (+9000) Bet 100 to win 9000




Bookies Wagers


Game #49

Bookie likes this one because Fuukka Rask @Jubis has been a monster in goal and will keep New York scoreless.  Total Goals Under 6.5 (-105) Wagering 515 to win 500.


Bookie likes this one also because there’s a good chance Rory is going to face a lot of shots from Seattle.  Saves - Wwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwww @roryOver 35.5 (+110). Wagering 300 to win 330.


Bookie is taking a chance on this one, but has a good feeling about how much impact Daryl Dixon has on Seattle’s scoring.  Points Daryl Dixon @Ricer13 Over 2.5 (+140)  wagering 1000 to win 1400.



Game #50


Bookie feels this one is a lock because Toronto has got to get back in the series and Bookie says the veterans will be stepping up. Shots on Goal - Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer Over 2.5 (+110) Wagering 500 to win 550.


Bookie really likes the chances of this one as The Frenchman has been nothing short of a superstar all season.  Stars of the Game - First Star - The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath (+1500).  Wagering 100 to win 1500.


Bookie is taking a risk with this one as the payout isn’t the best, but Bookie thinks Toronto will come back in game #50, and even if Toronto loses, the score will be within the odds.  Puck Line - Toronto Legion +1.5 (-130) Wagering 260 to win 200.



Game #51


Bookie sees this as a straight up winner as Moscow surprised Malmo at home, and Malmo wants revenge.  This one might be a double winner for Bookie as there’s a good chance Malmo evens the series.  Money Line - Malmo Nighthawks (-110). Wagering 440 to win 400.


Bookie’s got a feeling about this one.  There’s just something about the name!  Stars of the game - Second Star - Reese McFleury @Spaz (+9000).  Wagering 100 to win 9000.


Bookie really likes this one and feels the oddsmakers screwed up when they decided to put this prop on the table.  Bookie thinks Mckeggegger will be shooting at least 7 shots in the first game.  Shots on Goal - Gregger Mckeggegger @TheNeonShaman Over 4.5 (+175)  Wagering 1000 to win 1750.



Game #52


Bookie doesn’t want to touch the money line, puck line, or total goals with this series.  Bookie thinks the teams are too closely matched and have outstanding goalies, making everything unpredictable.  At any rate, Bookie feels this one has a really good chance of winning.  Points - Nikolas Kauppi @TetricideOver 1.5 (+150) Wager 500 to win 550.


Bookie has a good feeling about this one because he’s looking to Toronto to put the brakes on Prague, especially on Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP.  Bookie feels Prague won’t even shoot enough shots at Teno to meet the over, so Bookie feels the under is the safer bet.   Saves - Jesse Teno @aimkin Under 35.5 (-105) Wagering 525 to win 500.


Bookie has mixed feelings about this bet, not because he doesn’t think Jameson won’t get a star, but feels that Jameson has a better chance of picking up first star or second star of the game, and given the two free games, it makes it even more enticing to place a wager, even though its for the third star.  Bookie feels the reward is worth the risk.  Stars of the game -   Third Star - John Jameson @Frank (+9000) Wagering 500 to win 45000.



I wouldnt do Rip Wheeler any justice if I didnt tell him how much it pained me to include him in any kind of accolade, or even mention him as a chance to do anything other than getting his face smashed in by Logan Ninefingers, @Scurvy.  Scottyp, I hope you lose your ass!!


Everyone else, good luck!!


One last thing, you may ask if there is any free TPE handed out, but I cannot guarantee that.  I can only say there is the same likelihood of getting free TPE as getting TPE wishing @Victor a happy birthday!!


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3 minutes ago, Thunder said:

Stars of the Game - First Star - Rip Wheeler @ScottyP (+25000) Bet 100 to win 25000


Time to put $1k down on this.

13 minutes ago, Tetricide said:

Time to put $1k down on this.

Done!  You’ll either be a rich man or come to the realization that @ScottyP is worthless!!!

  • Admin
2 hours ago, Thunder said:

I can only say there is the same likelihood of getting free TPE as getting TPE wishing @Victor a happy birthday!!

It was 100% success rate, all you had to do was get a time machine and travel back to 2014.

23 minutes ago, Victor said:

t was 100% success rate, all you had to do was get a time machine and travel back to 2014.

Its more fun bringing it up!!  I got fooled big time by it.  Even put in for the tpe.  You’re a legend to have your birthday recognized back in 2014!!

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