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So participation and voting has reached an all time low the last few weeks. I know it's only been five weeks but the stats show a large drop-off in interest. I am here asking what some suggestions may be for future competitions. Should I keep it the same? Should we revert back to the sig of the month? Should we just do a bracket at the end of the season for sig of the year? Should we drop GFX competitions all together?


All input is valuable and since playoffs are starting I believe this is a good time to start planning something for next season. Thank you!



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i feel like it's too frequent every week, and voting is kinda a pain in the ass since you have to keep switching tabs and reorganizing them. I feel like a monthly competition would be better with an easier voting system

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@Motzaburger I think I'll have to agree with Nyko in that every week is a bit too frequent for some people. Whether you're busy most of the time, or, like me, you're a writer by trade just casually trying to pick up on the graphics side of things, graphics every week can be a bit much if you're not much of a graphics person. I'd like to get an entry in every week, but one week I was just too busy and this past week I just didn't feel like it (no offense).


There's also the fact that there isn't any reward being offered, other than just a spot on the leaderboard. What's the motivation for VHLGFX? There really isn't any; I've just been doing it as a way to learn how to make a passable sig. I don't care where I am on the leaderboard, or who I beat, or who's in front of me. Though the ranking should absolutely play a part in the contest, I have here a little idea for motivation, which doesn't involve the ranking at all but certainly encourages all members, of all skill levels, to take part...


Now, this would involve a bit of work on your part, or on the part of anyone who volunteers to help as well. If this sounds good to you, though, I'd suggest that it be given a try. It also involves the use of a FAIR LOTTERY SYSTEM, but enough editorializing on my part.


Every week (or every increment of time that you decide should be open for each separate ranking), one entry is chosen at random. Whoever made that entry wins a sig of their choice, whether it's of their own player or that of somebody else they know who's in need of a first sig or an improvement. It's a way to a) encourage activity, and b) get some new guys some fresh-looking sigs. Obviously, though, it would be first and foremost your job, although others who are good at this stuff should be allowed and encouraged to help out. 


Just my two cents, I'm sure there are other ways to improve things.

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  On 6/17/2019 at 12:18 AM, GustavMattias said:

@Motzaburger I think I'll have to agree with Nyko in that every week is a bit too frequent for some people. Whether you're busy most of the time, or, like me, you're a writer by trade just casually trying to pick up on the graphics side of things, graphics every week can be a bit much if you're not much of a graphics person. I'd like to get an entry in every week, but one week I was just too busy and this past week I just didn't feel like it (no offense).


There's also the fact that there isn't any reward being offered, other than just a spot on the leaderboard. What's the motivation for VHLGFX? There really isn't any; I've just been doing it as a way to learn how to make a passable sig. I don't care where I am on the leaderboard, or who I beat, or who's in front of me. Though the ranking should absolutely play a part in the contest, I have here a little idea for motivation, which doesn't involve the ranking at all but certainly encourages all members, of all skill levels, to take part...


Now, this would involve a bit of work on your part, or on the part of anyone who volunteers to help as well. If this sounds good to you, though, I'd suggest that it be given a try. It also involves the use of a FAIR LOTTERY SYSTEM, but enough editorializing on my part.


Every week (or every increment of time that you decide should be open for each separate ranking), one entry is chosen at random. Whoever made that entry wins a sig of their choice, whether it's of their own player or that of somebody else they know who's in need of a first sig or an improvement. It's a way to a) encourage activity, and b) get some new guys some fresh-looking sigs. Obviously, though, it would be first and foremost your job, although others who are good at this stuff should be allowed and encouraged to help out. 


Just my two cents, I'm sure there are other ways to improve things.



I wish I agreed with you but everything can't be a lottery. This is intended to be a competition. I get you want to change the lottery lol this isn't a lottery; never will be. 


I agree that it's missing a reward. I was told by Bana that there will be no TPE rewards. I'm not sure if this is the right call since we give out TPE for things like posts in 'affiliated' simulation leagues. Not everyone is in those leagues just like not everyone does graphics. If I had 1-5 TPE to distribute to the top three or five GFX folks at the end of each month (or every 2 weeks) I think things would be different. 


I disagree with the lottery thing for now, but it may be worth a shot if things can't turn around! Thanks Gustav :) 

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I agree with Nyko and Gustav. Once a week is too much, I would do it once every two weeks. I only posted a graphic that one time just because I was bored and had nothing to do. If you had it as a longer period of time, then more people would submit graphics. Of course another issue is that there aren't any rewards, but we can't give out TPE, and we have pretty much figured out that most people only post on the forums to get TPE. 


I would do this: Every two weeks, people vote on their three (or five, depending on how many submissions we have) favorite sigs, rather than ranking them, which is kind of a pain. At the end of the season, we put the top three sigs from each week and put them in a bracket to determine the sig of the year. The Playoffs are kind of dead time if you aren't on a playoff team so this would increase activity during the playoffs. This is similar to your idea that you thought of, and it could work

Edited by Matt_O
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I'm going to be honest, once I missed a week I lost all motivation to post my graphics in there. I knew I wasn't going to win because I missed that week. Lmao. Not to mention the first week which is sort of a let down for me.


I'm actually fine with the way that it was, but maybe do it biweekly instead? I think monthly is too long of a gap, even.


The voting is a little different as well. I don't know if there's some kind of other voting system that you can put in place that doesn't involve the dragging and dropping on a huge scrolling page? Not sure.

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