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16 hours ago, 16z said:


Well get used to it, I asked to be untagged 4 seasons ago because I manually check his lists but never got a response 🤣


This is a cool list to be a part of bud

SS Hornet + 1 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 22 Alex Letang + 19 Latrell Mitchell + 21 Chris Hylands + 25 Timothy Brown + 9 Robin Winter + 23 Spencer Elsby + 4 Andrew Su + 14 Zamboni Driver + 17 General Zod + 10 James Rose + 5 Jungkok + 12 Randy Marsh + 24 DeFenz Mann + 6 Gregg Stallion + 5 Riley Knight Gee + 7 Jay Jones + 17 Arthur Dayne + 7 Pietro Angellini + 2 Ziarie Anigbogu + 6 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 15 Cole Newhook + 22 John Poremba + 10 John Brewitt + 5 Joakim Lund + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 26


SS Hornet + 47 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 28 Alex Letang + 30 Latrell Mitchell + 26 Chris Hylands + 29 Robin Winter + 37 Timothy Brown + 23 Spencer Elsby + 38 Andrew Su + 29 Zamboni Driver + 30 General Zod + 22 James Rose + 32 Jungkok + 24 Randy Marsh + 8 DeFenz Mann + 12 Riley Knight Gee + 10 Gregg Stallion + 5 Jay Jones + 18 Arthur Dayne + 22 Cole Newhook + 33 Pietro Angellini + 11 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 16 Ziarie Anigbogu + 13 John Poremba + 12 John Brewitt + 5 Keith Krestanovich + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 26


SS Hornet + 14 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 16 Alex Letang + 14 Latrell Mitchell + 14 Chris Hylands + 12 Robin Winter + 14 Timothy Brown + 12 Andrew Su + 9 Zamboni Driver + 14 General Zod + 1 James Rose + 14 Jungkok + 13 Randy Marsh + 9 DeFenz Mann + 6 Riley Knight Gee + 9 Jay Jones + 8 Arthur Dayne + 8 Cole Newhook + 14 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 10 Pietro Angellini + 1 John Poremba + 5 Joakim Lund + 6


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 22



SS Hornet + 60 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 37 Alex Letang + 38 Latrell Mitchell + 25 Chris Hylands + 51 Timothy Brown + 33 Robin Winter + 26 Andrew Su + 41 Spencer Elsby + 7 Zamboni Driver + 34 James Rose + 46 General Zod + 35 Jungkok + 34 Randy Marsh + 33 DeFenz Mann + 22 Riley Knight Gee + 20 Gregg Stallion + 15 Jay Jones + 26 Arthur Dayne + 28 Cole Newhook + 34 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 28 Pietro Angellini + 20 Ziarie Anigbogu + 20 John Poremba + 15 Keith Krestanovich + 4


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 25


10 hours ago, N0HBDY said:

I agree with your disagreeing of his disagreement

i agree with your agreement of me disagreeing with his disagreement

SS Hornet + 14 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 16 Alex Letang + 14 Latrell Mitchell + 24 Chris Hylands + 9 Timothy Brown + 12 Robin Winter + 14 Andrew Su + 8 Spencer Elsby + 1 Zamboni Driver + 8 James Rose + 26 General Zod + 6 Jungkok + 12 DeFenz Mann + 6 Riley Knight Gee + 5 Gregg Stallion + 5 Jay Jones + 7 Arthur Dayne + 5 Cole Newhook + 4 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 7 Pietro Angellini + 3


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 21



SS Hornet + 15 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 26 Alex Letang + 35 Latrell Mitchell + 25 Chris Hylands + 16 Robin Winter + 20 Timothy Brown + 18 Andrew Su + 16 Spencer Elsby + 5 Zamboni Driver + 10 James Rose + 12 Jungkok + 24 DeFenz Mann + 12 Riley Knight Gee + 7 Gregg Stallion + 5 Jay Jones + 5 Arthur Dayne + 12 Cole Newhook + 14 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 7 Pietro Angellini + 8 John Poremba + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 21



SS Hornet + 57 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 39 Alex Letang + 33 Chris Hylands + 51 Latrell Mitchell + 7 Timothy Brown + 41 Robin Winter + 40 Andrew Su + 26 Zamboni Driver + 45 Spencer Elsby + 15 James Rose + 17 Jungkok + 30 DeFenz Mann + 12 Riley Knight Gee + 5 Jay Jones + 22 Gregg Stallion + 10 Cole Newhook + 26 Arthur Dayne + 10 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 22 Ziarie Anigbogu + 9


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 20


SS Hornet + 15 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 29 Alex Letang + 27 Chris Hylands + 21 Robin Winter + 16 Timothy Brown + 10 Andrew Su + 5 Zamboni Driver + 12 Spencer Elsby + 6 Jungkok + 24 DeFenz Mann + 12 Jay Jones + 14 Gregg Stallion + 5 Cole Newhook + 5 Arthur Dayne + 5 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 16


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 16


SS Hornet + 65 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 59 Alex Letang + 53 Chris Hylands + 45 Timothy Brown + 48 Zamboni Driver + 47 Andrew Su + 40 Spencer Elsby + 21 Jungkok + 63 DeFenz Mann + 22 Jay Jones + 17 Riley Knight Gee + 20 Cole Newhook + 19 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 24 Arthur Dayne + 15


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 15



SS Hornet + 23 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 31 Alex Letang + 27 Chris Hylands + 24 Timothy Brown + 5 Andrew Su + 10 Zamboni Driver + 5 Spencer Elsby + 13 Jungkok + 12 DeFenz Mann + 12 Jay Jones + 8 Arthur Dayne + 14 Ernie King + 5


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 13



SS Hornet + 27 Valtteri Vaakanainen + 57 Alex Letang + 34 Chris Hylands + 10 Timothy Brown + 5 Zamboni Driver + 26 Andrew Su + 10 Spencer Elsby + 16 Jungkok + 27 DeFenz Mann + 24 Jay Jones + 21 Arthur Dayne + 18 Cole Newhook + 10 Viktor Alexei Kamenov + 12


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 14


Valtteri Vaakanainen + 18 Andrew Su + 5 Arthur Dayne + 5 Cole Newhook + 7


Total number of people who updated this week in this draft class: 4



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