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Posts posted by Trunkxolotl

  1. On 3/31/2023 at 1:28 PM, animal74 said:

    :tor: Toronto Legion Press Conference :tor:

    (2 TPE for answering all six questions)


    1. How many goals are you expecting from yourself in S88?
    2. Who is one of your favorite players on another team?
    3. Which player do you hate to play against the most?
    4. Joel Castle is redesigning his mask - what are your suggestions for him?
    5. We added McDonalds BigMac and BK Whopper in the draft. What is your favorite fast food burger?
    6. Today is Eiffel Tower Day. Have you ever been? If yes, how was your experience. If no, do you plan on going?



    1. Twenty would be my stretch goal, no pun intended, but more realistically at least 10

    2. Henry Tucker Jr! Hope I get to score on him sometime soon. We came up together.

    3. Nikolas Kauppi. I brought him into the league, and the guy tries to hit me constantly. Can you believe that?!

    4. The Toronto Skyline as a castle. The CN Tower would make a great Turret. ( I think that is what they are called)

    5. The Jr Chicken. It's got the tinnnnnny bit of kick that is nice. I tried the Big Mac Chicken and was not impressed.

    6. I have never been and I don't really plan on going. Traveling is too damn expensive!

  2. 8 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:


    Wildcard round  (Joker round!?!?)



    Here we are at the end of the first round or play in round of the play-offs called this weird and wonderful think about cards; not sure that it is a joker card or not but it should be called this instead of the Wild as it doesn`t really live up to that name. Joker sounds better; right?

    Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



    1.Seattle Bears & Chicago Phoenix went the distance with Seattle winning in Wildcard (Joker) series in over-time in the fifth game. Did this surprise you and what do you think of our chance against Seattle Bears in the first round?



    2. Riga Reign in my books upset the Warsaw Predators in the other Wildcard (Joker) series. Did you expect Riga to upset Warsaw in the wildcard and do you give them any chance against Moscow Menace in the first round?



    3. What do you call a bear without an ear?



    4. What do you call a bear caught in the rain?



    5. Why are Teddy bears never hungry?



    6. Oh, did you know that the other leagues are also playing in the play-offs at the same time as the VHL? This surprised me as our prospect Oreo McFleury is also in the first round with Oslo Storm currently down 0-2 to Stockholm Vikings; Can the Oreo McFleury and the storm make a blizzard out of the Viking to get back into the series? Why or why not?


    Yes, I know the first two games have been played;

    Teddy Bear Dog GIF

    And no I don`t want to talk about it until after we come back and win the series!!


    1. I'm honestly very surprised Seattle made it out. Chicago and them had similar points in the standings but Seattle had a much worse goal differential. Though considering how they've played us the first two games, I'm guessing that they made some adjustments and found something that works for them, and the GD didn't have a chance to adjust.


    2. I mean, I picked Riga to win in fantasy, so yes. I believe in the power of Mr Henry Tucker. I mean, I have to. He learned how to goalie from me! Moscow seems strong though, but I believe in Tucker to carry.


    3. It's a Bee. Cause Bear-ear= B. It's clever. Kind of.


    4. A drizzly bear! Get it? Like grizzly.. but rain? Rain is sometimes called a Drizzle? Fo shizzle? Ha...ha.... ha


    5. Because it's stuffed! Like both literally with... I don't know what bears are stuffed with. Imitation cotton? Either way, I was promised riddles and instead I get jokes. Rude


    6. I figured they would be playing as well. As for Oslo vs the Vikings, I have a soft spot for both teams so it's kind of hard to pick. I'm cheering for the series to go the full length, because I think that'd be the most exciting. But its hard not to cheer for someone called Oreo



  3. 20 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:


    Final Count down



    The season end is just around the corner with five games remaining in the regular season so today we are going to look at the play-off picture and maybe a few other things but who knows at this point. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!



    1. Vancouver Wolves are officially Victory Cup champions with five games remaining in the season, did winning the Victory Cup surprise you? Why or Why not?



    2. At this time, it looks like Seattle Bears and the Chicago Phoenix are going to play in the North American Conference wildcard with the winner playing (us) Vancouver in the first round. Who would you like to meet in the first round? Why?



    3. Calgary Wranglers and the LA Stars will play the other series. Who do you think wins the series? Why?



    4. European Conference is a mess with five of the eight teams fighting for the play-offs & Wildcard spots. Who do you think makes the play-offs between Malmo, London, Warsaw, Prague and Riga?



    5. Talking about the European Conference Play-off race; (We) Vancouver Wolves actually has complete control of one of the teams fate; Warsaw Predators as we play them three times in five remaining games. How do you think we are going to play them considering we have nothing to play for other than getting ready for the play-offs? Are we going to wreck them and destroy their play-off hopes or are we going easy and doing them a favor?



    6. This week lets try a fill in the blank:



    Vancouver Wolves will repeat as Continental Cup Champions if __________________________.



    Want to finish by saying Great season Vancouver Wolves with a ton of personal best. Play-off are going to be tough but I Believe we can repeat so lets rest up and give them hell!!



    1. Saying it surprised me is an understatement considering a few weeks ago I was on the opposite side of the standings.


    2. Seattle! They seem a little worse defensively and we have a lot of firepower that should make it an easier match up. Then again, how things should go is rarely how they do go.


    3. Hard to say. LA is currently on a nice little win streak, so my gut would say to go with the hot hand. Either way I think it would be a hard fought series.


    4. Honestly I gotta go with my heart here. I hope Riga makes it solely for the fact that they have Tucker as their back-up. Him and I came up through the minors together.... and so did his father and my cousin. It was weird.


    5. Warsaw, to use a baseball term, seems like a tough out. I don't think their playoff hopes are in our hands, they are in complete control of how that goes.


    6. The temptation to go with the 'Real Gud Pro™' answer of 'Get pucks deep' is strong. But I guess it really comes down to if "our guys step up at the right time, cover each others mistakes, and play as a team."

  4. 1 hour ago, Gaikoku-hito said:


    Trade Deadline Snooze!!



    When thinking about the trade deadline, I like to think about who is going to be traded where, who is going to load up for a play-off push and who is now content in tanking for a better draft position. What wait a second no one tanks; right? Well, this trade deadline seen only two teams buying really and not a lot of action on the trade front. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




    1. Vancouver Management pulled the trigger on two trades at this year’s deadline; What did you think about the trades and do they improve the teams chance in the play-offs?



    2. Seattle loaded up with two-star forwards in Vasile Lamb & Tavish DeGroot in two different trades; Do you think this makes them a better team and improves their chances at making the play-offs?



    3. If you could complete a single trade for any team (NHL, VHL, VHLE, VHLM)  what would that trade look like? Why?



    4. With all the trades in the NHL taking place around the same time as the VHL trade deadline has it made it more exciting or distracting following the two leagues? Did the NHL trades over shadow the VHL trades?



    5. In the locker room the other day a bunch of the players were talking about their career high in stats this season. Have you set career highs this season and in what stats? Did this surprise you or was this expected?



    6. Most season are filled with ups and downs; while Vancouver this season has seen more ups and seem to be just waiting for the play-offs. What do you prefer a dominating season where you are just in wait mode or would you like to battle more to just make the play-offs? Why?


    Also Welcome to the team Tater Tottingham @Trunkxolotl;

    I had a question based around your player but forgot to add it this week!!




    1. I may be biased, but I think that one trade with Helsinki is a pretty good one. I hear we got a pretty damn good player, with a bright future.


    2. I've been away from the league for a little bit, so to be honest, I'm not sure how Seattle has been looking, or how good those players are. But generally, if you add without losing anything significant, it increases your chances!


    3. Patrick Kane at 50% retained to the Leafs for Kerfoot, Robertson and a mid to low draft pick. Or some how prying Varlamov from the Islanders at 50% retained to shore up the fact that Murray is probably going to be too much of an injury risk.


    4. Yes. I am humble enough to admit that my team getting Ryan O'Reilly overshadows Vancouver trading for me. Stay humble.


    5. No, this looks to be a sophomore slump kind of season for me, but that may have to do with my previous team not playing the greatest. I do have more power play goals this season than I did last?


    6. Wait mode, as long as it doesn't bring with it complacency. The near guarantee to make the playoffs is always a plus. It also gives time to evaluate, find where strengths and weaknesses are and improve on them.

  5. avJieZ4.png

    For the week ending October 9th

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. As we head towards the end of the season, how do you feel you have progressed so far?


    2. Our goal differential is starting to trend towards the positive! What do you attribute this steep incline to?


    3. Jani Karppinen leads the team in Game Winners, and is top 4 in the league in that category as well. How important is it to the team knowing we have a player that can step up in big moments like that?


    4. With the JST coming up, do you have any fond memories from your time playing in it? If not, which team has the best name/logo combination and why?


    5. You can get an unlimited topping pizza- whats going on it?


    6. What is one injury you think your player would be prone to, and why?

  6. avJieZ4.png

    For the week ending October 2nd

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. After a rough start to the season, we've climbed up towards the top three, but there is still some separation between us and the top two teams. What can we do to catch them?


    2. We have a trade to announce! We recently picked up some assets along side Carson Hound in exchange for Nagy AL! Any pieces of advice or welcome messages for our new teammate?


    3. We have four straight games against Instabul who currently sit at the bottom of our league. What steps do you take to not get complacent in those kinds of games?


    4. Is there a specific player or team you consider to be your/our rival? If not, how do you think your player would do if a line brawl broke out?


    5. This season's theme week revolves around GM/AGMs! Do you have any experience with VHL management, if so what was it like? If not, is it something you'd be interested in?


    6. Which is better and why, the leaves changing color or the first snowfall?

  7. avJieZ4.png

    For the week ending September 25th

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. After a rough start to the season, we seem to find ourselves on a little bit of a run! What do you attribute this to?


    2. Despite our rough start, our goalie Bezos is putting up some impressive stats! What do you attribute their success to?


    3. Do you pay much attention to the other two leagues? Is there a specific team you cheer for, and if so why?


    4. What's your go to pre or post game meal?


    5. The team has a layover in your home city and a few days off. What are you recommending to your teammates to do?


    6. Since after all we are the Stockholm VIKINGS: What role do you think you would play on a ship and why?

  8. avJieZ4.png

    For the week ending September 18th

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. After the first 10 games we are off a rough start and currently sit at the bottom of the league despite every game being close and against strong teams. Is the a reason for concern?


    2. The team is down by a goal going into the third period and you're passed the AUX cord at intermission. What song do you play to get everyone buzzing and in the mood for a comeback?


    3. On the bus in-between road games, what do you do? Are you the type to keep to yourself, or are you bugging your seatmate?


    4. Nikolas Kaupali of the VHLM's Mexico City Kings invaded our press conference last week. Who on our team do you think would be the best at running security and keeping people in check?


    5. Across the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, who has the sickest logo and colour scheme combination in your humble opinion, and what team do you think could use some new colours?


    6. The NHL pre-season starts soon, who is your team? Did you inherit the fandom, was it decided based on location, or was it a team you just chose?

  9. avJieZ4.png

    For the week ending September 11th

    Answer 3 Questions for 1 TPE

    Answer 6 Questions for 2 TPE


    1. A new season approaches! With S85 starting this week, what are a few points of individual success your player is hoping to achieve this season?



    2. With the 3rd and 4th overall picks in the draft that just passed, we picked up two defense studs in Tater Tottingham and Jani Karppinen! How do you think these two additions will effect our backend?



    3. If your player could have their own personalized goal song, what would it be and why?



    4. What are you expectations for the team this year?



    5. With training camp over, what was your player's most hated drill to do, and if they have one- what was their favorite?



    6. It's time to haze the rookies and newcomers- what kind of prank does you play on them?



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