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Status Replies posted by Advantage

  1. Didn’t do lines to give others a head start. That’s the spirit of competition!! 

    1. Advantage


      Im going to remember this for GMOTY voting.  No chance this season.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. May 11th, 2024. 8 years as Seattle Bears GM. A little late but thats okay!

    1. Advantage


      Retire you scrub

  3. Did Vasteras actually have 10 picks in a row or am I trippin?!?!

  4. No clue what I'm doing, bombard me with tips if you come across my profile :)


    1. Advantage


      If you haven't joined the Discord yet, I do recommend it.  A lot of help can be given there.


      And what Bana said.  The nice thing is once you end up on a team, you'll have a good support system that should be able to answer any questions you have.  Feel free to PM myself if you do have any questions though as I would be happy to try and help.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Very sorry for any spam posts that were made as obviously I had my account hacked.  Appreciate @Acydburn getting me back on here quickly.  


    Deadline isn't too far away..hmm..:ph34r:

  6. Me and my two kids all have Covid now, except for my wife. Lots of sleeping and lots of tissues 😷

    1. Advantage


      Family just got over it (getting over it in case of my parents).  Hope you recover quickly and with little symptoms.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. After a great deal of wondering whether I'm good enough, I got my first grad school acceptance today! Here's to many more.

  8. So yeah I was traded to Mexico I played 5 games I am happy with 2 goals 3 assist

  9. Vasteras S80 VHLE champs :vas:

    1. Advantage


      Yep, and then the curse begins all over again.  Just like Season 1 😉

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. we should bring back vasteras 

    1. Advantage


      Yeah I wanted the yellow and black just cause I thought it looked fire.  Also really liked purple and white but alas we went with what we did, which I still think looks good.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. we should bring back vasteras 

    1. Advantage


      Not a good identity though.


      Vasty won't come back pretty much regardless of support.  Can confirm as someone who inquired back when I brought Malmo in.  They wouldn't even let me do yellow because they worried people would relate them.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Micah Adrienne > Tyler Walker

    1. Advantage


      Nah.  Those two playoff points are cute.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. #BanADV


    Any member seen with this hashtag will be featured in my next media spot. Use it in all your posts, baby. SUPPORT US FOR VSN. HOSTILE TAKEOVER INBOUND. 


  14. So I've seen a handful of different members in their expansion articles touting me as the "best VHLM GM of all time" and while my most recent run was in fact an attempt to reach that title, I don't think I've entirely gotten there. I have the longevity over several stints, sure, but has it really been so long that we've forgotten @CoachReilly? I think I'd largely place myself 2nd, which is still a pretty hefty statement (and there are a lot of contenders in or around that stage) but 3 cups in 5 seasons is amazing and there's a reason the trophy is named the Jack Reilly trophy rather than the Jason Glasser trophy.

    1. Advantage


      I'll take my dominance over 5 years as VHLM GM.  VHL was better for me though


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Tonight I’m proud to put on a Bears jersey and look forward to many good years with this organization! #gobearsgo

  16. If anyone guesses exactly how much money is currently in my wallet I will retire

  17. Spent the past couple of days thinking “what the hell Tagger why can’t we see your mock draft now” but today I saw the VHL expansion announcement and it all makes sense now.

    1. Advantage


      I’ve known @Taggerfor a long time.  Definitely doesn’t know all :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Spent the past couple of days thinking “what the hell Tagger why can’t we see your mock draft now” but today I saw the VHL expansion announcement and it all makes sense now.

    1. Advantage


      I’m not entirely sure he knew about it.  I was going to warn him but forgot to

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. So I hear you guys in Vancouver are getting some snow...

  20. How many games does the back up have to play? because it's never enforced and I can't find it listed in the rules. Also I'm old and forgetful. 

  21. If a locker room has enough talk in a short period of time to become "hot" it still doesn't show up to the public right?

  22. I lost one of my best friends this weekend to a POS drunk driver. I just got back from taking his daughter trick or treating with mine. I will post trivia shit tomorrow or really late tonight, I'm physically and mentally drained. If someone can let Shaka know on EFL i'd appreciate it.

    1. Advantage


      Awful man.  Sorry to hear.  Passed it along to Shaka and sent you a PM there.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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