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New Moscow GM


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As I’m sure anyone not living under a rock is aware of by now, @Victor stepped down as GM of the Moscow Menace which means it’s time for the team to have its first GM change.


Obviously this is never an easy decision with so many worth candidates each and every time a GM spot opens up but the @Commissioner team has made a decision so that both the VHL and VHLM can move on quickly with the off-season.


I was going to make a joke about taking the job myself but @Quikused that one already with the Malmo announcement so instead I’ll stop rambling and get to the point that everyone seems to already be in agreement about. The new General Manager of the Moscow Menace is officially @Spartan! Congratulations and may all your enemies forever rot in the gulag!

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This is an outrage!


Nah, good luck Spartan, obviously I'll be on hand to point out your mistakes but I trust you will represent Moscow well and lead this beautiful franchise to greater heights.



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Just now, Victor said:

This is an outrage!


Nah, good luck Spartan, obviously I'll be on hand to point out your mistakes but I trust you will represent Moscow well and lead this beautiful franchise to greater heights.



Couldn't have asked for a better mentor over the past few seasons, and I appreciate your vote of confidence throughout this process. I'll try my best to make you proud ❤️.


And thanks everyone for the support, excited to see how this goes!

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Perfect fit and best choice imo, happy for you man! Moscow didn't get weaker when Victor left they just turned into a different kind of strong 👀 MOSCOW MOSCOW MOSCOW (last time and I have to start cheering for my own team ;))


Hope you have a lot of fun, congratulations Spartan

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