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Town of Salem #18


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8 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

Though for the record, if this is confirmed, vote FLEX I guess? 


Once this is confirmed then osens is confirmed evil!


1 minute ago, bigAL said:





LIKE O. M. G. 


I've got no beef with you AL, but I would appreciate it if you reconsidered and voted osens.

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Just now, omgitshim said:


Once this is confirmed then osens is confirmed evil!



I've got no beef with you AL, but I would appreciate it if you reconsidered and voted osens.

Meryl Streep Doubt GIF

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2 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:

@MMFLEX what is your full will?


Last Will:

Bodyguard Flex

N1 - Jericho. I don't trust Eagles.

N2 - Devise. Still don't trust Eagles.

N3 - Vested. Doctor got hung. Don't believe hatty to be another TP.

N4 - BigAl - Ensure he gets his last shot.

N5 - Osens

N6 - Osens

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2 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

They can't confirm BGs either. Trappers can tho. And if he actually has a trap down he'll get confirmation.


Actually Hex could soft confirm both BG and Arso since they could have defense when they get attacked.

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5 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

@bigAL I told Gustav to give you an extra bullet, please use it at your own discretion. 



@GustavMattias give bigAL an extra bullet.

damn this mayor has some serious pull, must be backed by the NRA

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2 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


We should probably remove some of those then. Don't want a mislynch this late in the game.

Oh yeah what if it’s jester?? I don’t wanna die!!!

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Today the town has gathered together in support of killing @omgitshim. After claiming to be the town's legally-appointed MAYOR, the town comes to their senses and realizes that nobody ever wanted him in office.


He was the GODFATHER.


...and that's all, folks!




As is always the case, thank you all for participating. I hope you had a great time, and I hope I'll see you in the next game!


Here is the game's spreadsheet, and here is a parting gift.


Next game coming at some point. Not sure when but I'd love to run another before exam week hits.



List of players:


@Advantage- MEDIUM






















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