Laine 1,361 Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 3/29/2021 at 11:53 PM, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 4th2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! This one is for @Frank who just wanted some questions and asked super nicely I got you Frank #Holla-Days 1. I know not everyone celebrates Easter but it is almost that time of year where egg and bunny shaped chocolate makes it's way into the stores. Do you like Egg shaped treats or Bunny shaped treats? Is there a reason you have a preference? Answer 2. Speaking of Holidays it is April first soon, if you don't know that is April fools day where people typically play pranks on each other. Would you ever prank someone on your team? Answer 3. What is the best April Fools prank you can come up with? Answer 4. When it comes to big fancy family dinners, what is your favorite dish? Can you cook it yourself or do you like it better when it is cooked for you? Answer 5. Helsinki has a new rule in honor of Easter and you get to help make it... person with the least __________ has to wear bunny ears and a tail at practice after the games in the month of april. Fill in the blank and tell me who you think will be wearing those ears lol. Answer 6. Who is the one teammate you know would have stolen eggs out of your Easter basket as a child? do you even care that they would take them. Answer 7. Does your family live in Helsinki with you? What are your usual Holiday plans? Answer 8. Are you bringing in treats on Easter or are you mooching candy off your buddies? or are you a health nut and abstaining? #LOCKER-ROOM-REALNESS Answer 9. What is the most hype part about being on our team (or even being a prospect on our team) ? Answer 10. "Good, bad, pretty or ugly your team has your back till the end" Do you feel this is a creed that VHL members should strive to achieve? Why or why not? Answer 11. They say the Russians have the Russian gas, Well we are Finnish ... what do we have in Helsinki that people don't know about.... Answer 12. Show me an image of something that makes you happy, if you feel you need to explain it a tad go ahead Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat 1) I don't really have a favourite. Really any sweets will do. 2) I would prank EVERYONE. Ask @MattyIce, @JigglyGumballs and @DreMin15. We used to torture each other in Houston. 3) I have a lot up my sleeve, but probably faking an injury. Or painting someone's gear. 4) Again, I don't really have a favourite. Everything is good. 5) Latest person to practice (number of times) 6) I would say Gibson, but I'd let him take them. I'd just steal em back later. @Caboose30 7) My family lives just outside of Helsinki, and they show up to my games. We generally just have a dinner at my parents' place. 8.) Bringing in some treats for the team. Chocolate, Cookies, Candy. You name it. 9) The LR environment is second to none. 10) To a certain degree, yes. If a member does slip up their team should not cover for them unless they see it differently, but generally yes this rule should apply. 11) We have Jubo Fuel (totally not Gatorade) 12) Celebrating after a goal as a team warms my heart because it means the team is together. BladeMaiden and mattyIceman 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenGato 101 Posted April 5, 2021 Share Posted April 5, 2021 #Holla-Days 1. I know not everyone celebrates Easter but it is almost that time of year where egg and bunny shaped chocolate makes it's way into the stores. Do you like Egg shaped treats or Bunny shaped treats? Is there a reason you have a preference? Egg shaped treats are way better! Reese peanut butter eggs, Oreo eggs, Robin Eggs, egg jelly beans, Cadbury Creme Eggs, Hersey's eggs, and more. I legit can't think of one good Bunny treat! 8. Are you bringing in treats on Easter or are you mooching candy off your buddies? or are you a health nut and abstaining? Classic moocher over here. I like to pretend that I am abstaining and relying on the generosity of others to get my candy needs matched. 9. What is the most hype part about being on our team (or even being a prospect on our team) ? The family aspect is the most hype part of the Titans. Constant shoutouts, gifs, and moomin talk keep us all connected. 10. "Good, bad, pretty or ugly your team has your back till the end" Do you feel this is a creed that VHL members should strive to achieve? Why or why not? Within reason for sure! I do think that you can disagree with your team and they can with you. Maybe a new creed should be: "Good, bad, pretty or ugly don't be a an ass." 11. They say the Russians have the Russian gas, Well we are Finnish ... what do we have in Helsinki that people don't know about.... The Finnish have salty licorice. Sure, it might be well known but we sure do love our salty licorice candies. It is very intense and the test of true Fin. 12. Show me an image of something that makes you happy, if you feel you need to explain it a tad go ahead Red pandas always make me happy. They are like derpier, thiccer cats. I could watch red panda videos all day long! BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McLovin 490 Posted April 5, 2021 Share Posted April 5, 2021 #Holla-Days 1. I know not everyone celebrates Easter but it is almost that time of year where egg and bunny shaped chocolate makes it's way into the stores. Do you like Egg shaped treats or Bunny shaped treats? Is there a reason you have a preference? Answer: Oh yeah absolutely, I've always loved them 2. Speaking of Holidays it is April first soon, if you don't know that is April fools day where people typically play pranks on each other. Would you ever prank someone on your team? Answer: It's not a true team if you don't prank your teammates on April Fools 5. Helsinki has a new rule in honor of Easter and you get to help make it... person with the least __________ has to wear bunny ears and a tail at practice after the games in the month of april. Fill in the blank and tell me who you think will be wearing those ears lol. Answer: Points, easily 6. Who is the one teammate you know would have stolen eggs out of your Easter basket as a child? do you even care that they would take them. Answer: Valtteri strikes me as the type to definitely do that 7. Does your family live in Helsinki with you? What are your usual Holiday plans? Answer: Absolutely, having family around you to support you while you play is important to your success in this league #LOCKER-ROOM-REALNESS Answer 9. What is the most hype part about being on our team (or even being a prospect on our team) ? Answer: The amazing Helsinki team atmosphere is worth dying for, they make this team incredible to be on BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BladeMaiden 1,807 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 11th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Hey Titans it is time to have some fun and get crazy!!!! PCs are up and ready for ya, so let's get to it #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Answer 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? Answer 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? Answer 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Answer 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer ? Answer 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) Answer 7. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? If so what do you say to yourself? If not why not? Answer 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? Answer 9. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Answer #Birthday-Bonanza? (Often we don't get asked about our birthdays because this is a team questions section. Well that is changing this week, get out the balloons and confetti WE ARE CELEBRATING) 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat Jbeezy76 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MMFLEX 191 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 1 hour ago, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 11th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Hey Titans it is time to have some fun and get crazy!!!! PCs are up and ready for ya, so let's get to it #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Answer - Dan Dan GQ Cover 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? Answer - Depends what it is. If it's a delicious piece of cheesecake and I don't notice that it's been sitting in the yard for a week after falling off my fork.... Better believe I'm eating that shit. 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? Answer - I can't do it. My parents would be ashamed of the real me. 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Answer - Yolo mother fuckers. I'll die at age 40. 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer ? Answer - Uhh... People have have shower songs? 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) Answer - If I had cat like reflexes they'd put me in the net. I'm like an elegant ballerina when I skate tho. 7. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? If so what do you say to yourself? If not why not? Answer - Yeah I do and shame on you for wanting to know the conversation I have with myself. 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? Answer - The only comfort I need is southern. 9. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Answer - There's got to be a reason why Thightrap is all over me. #Birthday-Bonanza? (Often we don't get asked about our birthdays because this is a team questions section. Well that is changing this week, get out the balloons and confetti WE ARE CELEBRATING) 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer - @Caboose30 gave me his rookie card for my birthday. It was a framed photograph of it tho. Weird. 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer - Taco bar will be had. And cake is cake. I'll eat any cake. 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer - Huge. Rager. Pools. Booze. Helicopters. Boa constrictors. 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer - A golden pineapple. 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer - Have that huge rager with pools and booze and helicopters and boa constrictors... C'mon. 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer - I don't remember a damn thing. Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jbeezy76 396 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 4 hours ago, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 11th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Hey Titans it is time to have some fun and get crazy!!!! PCs are up and ready for ya, so let's get to it #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Was looking for a pharmacy address. 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? I don’t eat food I drop on the ground. 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? My son and I played Choose Your Own Adventure card game and it was fun and spooky. 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Of course I would try to refrain for sure. 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer ? If I sang in the shower it would be Eagles of Death Metal “ Speaking in Tongues.” 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) I have always been very graceful and quick reflexes. But I am sure age will change that as times go by. 7. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? If so what do you say to yourself? If not why not? Answer 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? Answer 9. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Answer #Birthday-Bonanza? (Often we don't get asked about our birthdays because this is a team questions section. Well that is changing this week, get out the balloons and confetti WE ARE CELEBRATING) 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank 5,392 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? I would be dead. I've gotten so used to swearing it's almost painful not to. What is your go to song while in the team shower? Someday by Steve Earle. It really lifts me up after a win or loss. Keeps me level headed so I can rest properly. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Probably a 1 think prime Mike Ricci with the greasy hair. I would say Zamboni Driver @Tape-to-Tape is the hottest. Just look at this man. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Dairy Queen ice cream cake and some quality greek food. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Start a small celebration at the pub then head home and have a few more. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Any woodworking tools I don't already have. Or a gift card/cash so I can go buy more. Tape-to-Tape 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tape-to-Tape 298 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 1- i was searching for this press conference 2- no food is safe once its hit the floor 3- i cant say that I have and dont have an example of a game to share 4- we will start with a goal of 24 hours and see of that can be done 5- back up dancer 6- i have walked into a goal post a few times Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kentakira 19 Posted April 7, 2021 Share Posted April 7, 2021 14 hours ago, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 11th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Hey Titans it is time to have some fun and get crazy!!!! PCs are up and ready for ya, so let's get to it #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Answer 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? Answer 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? Answer 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Answer 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer ? Answer 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) Answer 7. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? If so what do you say to yourself? If not why not? Answer 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? Answer 9. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Answer #Birthday-Bonanza? (Often we don't get asked about our birthdays because this is a team questions section. Well that is changing this week, get out the balloons and confetti WE ARE CELEBRATING) 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer 1. owh no..... owh no...... please no....... it's p........ 2. never more than 30 seconds!!!! 4. gonna swear all the time....... cause...... a forget it 5. leave the door open for now!!!! 9. 10 of course, i'm the hottest 12. small and private for sure, so more talking time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jubo 1,839 Posted April 7, 2021 Share Posted April 7, 2021 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Answer: Promo code for Uber Eats lol 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? Answer: If its in my own house and is something that can be rinsed off, sure why not. Otherwise its straight to the trash. 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? Answer: Jackbox games nights can get 'interesting'. Especially once the drawing games get going. 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Answer: I'd live a long and healthy life 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer? Answer: Country Roads. Who doesn't like a sing-along! 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) Answer: When I was a kid you would find it rare for me to not have a band-aid on my knee's or elbows. Clumsy is putting it lightly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laine 1,361 Posted April 12, 2021 Share Posted April 12, 2021 On 4/6/2021 at 5:43 AM, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 11th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Hey Titans it is time to have some fun and get crazy!!!! PCs are up and ready for ya, so let's get to it #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Answer 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? Answer 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? Answer 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Answer 5. What is your go to song while in the team shower? or are you more of a back up dancer ? Answer 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) Answer 7. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? If so what do you say to yourself? If not why not? Answer 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? Answer 9. How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10? Are you the hottest your team has to offer? If not who is? Answer #Birthday-Bonanza? (Often we don't get asked about our birthdays because this is a team questions section. Well that is changing this week, get out the balloons and confetti WE ARE CELEBRATING) 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat 1) TSN Trade Tracker 2) 1 second. I'm quick. 3) I have. It was a fun experience surprisingly. 4) I could do it. 5) I don't usually listen to music in the shower. 6) It depends on the day. Usually I'm clumsy but sometimes I have a quick reaction time. 7) Not really. Sometimes I will stare myself down before a big game or something like that. 8.) I have a few comfort items stored away. I miss those. 9) Definitely a 0. No doubt. Nobody likes my goat beard. Thightrap is definitely the hottest on our team and it's no contest. 10) I don't remember a weird gift at all. I think one year I did get a Whoopie Cushion though. 11) I usually just have some snacks (Chips, Popcorn, Cookies) and just hang around with the people close to me. No cake 4 me. 12) Private definitely. 13) I don't really have anything in mind. Just the company of my friends and family is enough for me. 14) Just hanging around playing video games together or going out and doing something (Bowling, Roller Skating, etc) 15) Someone shaved Laine's beard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenGato 101 Posted April 12, 2021 Share Posted April 12, 2021 #Risky-Business (let's get to the nitty gritty and show that we are litty...omg I regret this whole thing already lol) 1. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone? Chashu Pork. I am making some homemade Tonkotsu Ramen this week and I was looking up the Chashu marinade. It's going to be a good week!. 2. After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? No comment. 3. Talk about risky Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents? If not have you played any other iffy board games with family if so what was it and how did it go? I have not played Cards Against Humanity with my parents but I have played Quiplash with my parents, cousins, and aunts/uncles. It was WILD! I quickly learned that family has no filter. 4. If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it? Could you do it?? Are we starting after I take this bet? If not, I'd already be dead! I could try and I have at points in my life try to curse less. It is really hard and something I will have to do whenever I have kids. 6. Lets talk about if you have cat like reflexes or better yet if you don't. Have you ever walked into a wall? Walked into anything you shouldn't have? (Really, I want to know if your as clumsy as I am ... I swear when I played sports in the past I was graceful, now sometimes I trip on my own feet lol) I have only be graceful when playing sports but immediately afterwards I lose it. My parents would tell me, after bumping into a wall, that I would grow into my body. I am now fully grown into my body and still walking into shit. 8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If not do you still own a comfort item that you like have around? She isn't a stuffed animal but I love when my cat Scottie sleeps curled up next to me. 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? I am not the biggest cake fan but I love a good pie or buckle. Anything will berries is my pun intended. Food-wise, I always have a tradition with my GF that we order in a huge sushi platter and eat it while watching a crappy movie until we can't move any more. I'll do something else with the family or friends but sushi pig out is a great tradition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BladeMaiden 1,807 Posted April 14, 2021 Share Posted April 14, 2021 -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 18th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Theme week was announced so lets get all mad scientist and talk about alternate realities This one is for @Frank who apparently wants an IV of tpe hooked up to his arm with the drip rate at max, this one is for you buddy. #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? Answer 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? Answer 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? Answer 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? Answer 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? Answer 6. Let's get a little nerdy, would you choose for there to be aliens in this alternate universe and are you trying to be a Peter Quill or Captain Kirk type with those aliens? **Insert eyebrow wiggles** Answer #About-success 7. What do you think has made us so successful so far? Answer 8. We have been playing fantastic since @MattyIce joined us, he is new and bringing us good luck lets give him some love Answer 9. Who would you like to shout out for their recent on ice performances? Answer 10. Give me your best Helsinki pre game cheer and make it rhyme please Answer 11. What is your best quality as a play and how do you use it to fuel success? Answer 12. You just heart that you are the player that is getting forced to wear the bunny ears at practice, somehow you got too many penalty minutes or not enough shots blocked O.O , how do you react? Tell us all about it Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 @MattyIce Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat mattyIceman and Frank 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jubo 1,839 Posted April 14, 2021 Share Posted April 14, 2021 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? Answer: Professional tennis player as seen in my media spot this week 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? Answer: Dreams can be reached in many different ways. Hockey is just one avenue when it comes to achieving career success. 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? Answer: Weaker force of gravity lol, that sounds like fun. 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? Answer: I'd like to be part of the story line. Having control just means its a matter of time before there are attempts to overthrow my reign! 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? Answer: Lets not joke around here, why mess with perfection 7. What do you think has made us so successful so far? Answer: Talent through and through. Everyone is committed to the common goal of winning the continental cup and having fun throughout the journey BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jbeezy76 396 Posted April 15, 2021 Share Posted April 15, 2021 21 hours ago, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 18th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Theme week was announced so lets get all mad scientist and talk about alternate realities This one is for @Frank who apparently wants an IV of tpe hooked up to his arm with the drip rate at max, this one is for you buddy. #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? I got famous for my award winning Sweet Cornbread Chili Pie. 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? I am a man of many talents and even in alternate reality I followed my dreams and aspirations. 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? I would love to change gravity with a push of a button. Lol When I need to get to those hard to reach places in the world. 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? I would like to control it for once 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? I would like smaller ear lobes and a world without diseases. 6. Let's get a little nerdy, would you choose for there to be aliens in this alternate universe and are you trying to be a Peter Quill or Captain Kirk type with those aliens? **Insert eyebrow wiggles** I would like their to be aliens and we are at war with them. After we destroy them they are used as fertilizer for our horticulture on the new earth #About-success 7. What do you think has made us so successful so far? Answer 8. We have been playing fantastic since @MattyIce joined us, he is new and bringing us good luck lets give him some love Answer 9. Who would you like to shout out for their recent on ice performances? Answer 10. Give me your best Helsinki pre game cheer and make it rhyme please Answer 11. What is your best quality as a play and how do you use it to fuel success? Answer 12. You just heart that you are the player that is getting forced to wear the bunny ears at practice, somehow you got too many penalty minutes or not enough shots blocked O.O , how do you react? Tell us all about it Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 @MattyIce Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McLovin 490 Posted April 15, 2021 Share Posted April 15, 2021 #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? Answer: Superhero, 100% 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? Answer: Probably, hockeys been in my life since I could walk 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? Answer: Make the infinity stones a real thing, just to create some chaos in the universe 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? Answer: One where I'm a part of the story, it's not fun if I know everything that's gonna happen I want to experience it all first hand 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? Answer: Hopefully I'd be incredibly buff as a superhero, but who knows actually maybe I'm still a stick 6. Let's get a little nerdy, would you choose for there to be aliens in this alternate universe and are you trying to be a Peter Quill or Captain Kirk type with those aliens? **Insert eyebrow wiggles** Answer: QUILL ALL DAY LONG BABY BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tape-to-Tape 298 Posted April 18, 2021 Share Posted April 18, 2021 1- carried the ancient skill of Zamboni driving in the alternate reality. 2- in many ways it did. Hockey is important to me. 3- no skate blades but the reality has hover skates 4- The story line. A supporting character. 5- a little smaller as I would not have to shop at the big and tall Stores. 6- the Star Lord known as Peter Quill. BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank 5,392 Posted April 18, 2021 Share Posted April 18, 2021 If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? I want an alternate reality where there is no greater power and everything is randomly left to chance. Oh wait. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? I got famous by eating tide pods and vlogging about my ER visit. Oh alternate reality, right. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? All people will have super human strength and laser beam eyes. We have been playing fantastic since @MattyIce joined us, he is new and bringing us good luck lets give him some love . Honestly he's been a gem in the locker room from day 1. I have much to learn from him and Emi. What is your best quality as a player and how do you use it to fuel success? My best quality would be being a goid teammate. So meshing well with my teammates and adjusting my playing style to help the team win. Wins over individual stats. You just heart that you are the player that is getting forced to wear the bunny ears at practice, somehow you got too many penalty minutes or not enough shots blocked O.O , how do you react? Tell us all about it I would wear them proudly. But first I would need to cut holes for the ears in my helmet, because safety first. mattyIceman and BladeMaiden 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laine 1,361 Posted April 18, 2021 Share Posted April 18, 2021 On 4/14/2021 at 3:42 PM, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 18th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Theme week was announced so lets get all mad scientist and talk about alternate realities This one is for @Frank who apparently wants an IV of tpe hooked up to his arm with the drip rate at max, this one is for you buddy. #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? Answer 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? Answer 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? Answer 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? Answer 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? Answer 6. Let's get a little nerdy, would you choose for there to be aliens in this alternate universe and are you trying to be a Peter Quill or Captain Kirk type with those aliens? **Insert eyebrow wiggles** Answer #About-success 7. What do you think has made us so successful so far? Answer 8. We have been playing fantastic since @MattyIce joined us, he is new and bringing us good luck lets give him some love Answer 9. Who would you like to shout out for their recent on ice performances? Answer 10. Give me your best Helsinki pre game cheer and make it rhyme please Answer 11. What is your best quality as a play and how do you use it to fuel success? Answer 12. You just heart that you are the player that is getting forced to wear the bunny ears at practice, somehow you got too many penalty minutes or not enough shots blocked O.O , how do you react? Tell us all about it Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 @MattyIce Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat 1) I have no idea honestly, Could be anything. Probably in a different sport or a doctor. 2) I'd still have the same personality I would say. 3) A cookie a day keeps the doctor away (anything unhealthy is now healthy) 4) Part of the story line. Definitely. 5) I'd likely be taller or shorter. Hopefully taller. 6) Depends on how the Aliens are. 7) Just being consistent. Being good at all 3 positions. 8.) We love ya @MattyIce! Let's hope it doesn't take another 5 seasons for us to reunite! 9) Our goalies, @Caboose30 and @Tape-to-Tape have been playing lights out lately. We appreciate you more than you know, boys! 10) I honestly spent about 10 minutes trying to think for this one and I've got nothing. 11) I think my defensive awareness is best. Lately, I haven't been on the score board as much, but I've been good at the other end of the ice so I'll take it. 12) I wouldn't argue. Just have a chuckle. put the ears on, and go out and practice. BladeMaiden and Caboose30 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenGato 101 Posted April 19, 2021 Share Posted April 19, 2021 #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? I became famous by creating punny business ideas. My currently idea is the Swing State Set. It is a backyard swing set that is covered in US geography. 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? In an alternative reality I would change the grammar rule for a person and me/I/myself. It shouldn't really matter if the point gets across. 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? It would be fun to the be in the story line. I guess I am viewing this more like who I am now is a character and my mind is implanted in someone else. It would be interesting to see who I am from the outside. #About-success 7. What do you think has made us so successful so far? It all comes back to balance. From the forward core to the goalies, everyone can produce and defend. 8. We have been playing fantastic since @MattyIce joined us, he is new and bringing us good luck lets give him some love 100%! Rose on the back line has completely changed around the team dynamics. It was a great move by Jubo and I couldn't be happier with the results. 9. Who would you like to shout out for their recent on ice performances? Emi has been kicking butt all season long! She has been instrumental in keeping us in it this season and holding down the fort before MattyIce showed up. BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jubo 1,839 Posted April 22, 2021 Share Posted April 22, 2021 10. Oddest gift you have ever received for your birthday? Answer - Not so much odd gift but I was once gifted 68 days before my birthday, and the gifts were wrapped in "Happy Birthday" paper. lol. Everyone loves a good surprise but 68 days!!! haha 11. Speaking of birthdays lets pretend it is yours. What type of cake would your prefer and what food are we ordering in to celebrate? Answer - Fish and chips and a nice big slice of cheesecake 12. What would be your perfect birthday? Small and private or a huge raging party? Answer - On the smaller side of attendees. Short and sweet. 13. What is the gift on the top of your list for when your birthday comes around? Answer - 1 itty bitty bitcoin 14. Describe the main activity or event you would like to do on your birthday. Answer - Since my bday is in the summer, I'd love to play a round of golf 15. #Titans-Behaving-Badly is trending the morning after your party, why is it trending? Answer - The after golf festivities got out of hand... @Spaz showed up so I need not say more Spaz and BladeMaiden 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BladeMaiden 1,807 Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 25th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Earth Day and Team work, not the most cohesive pairing this week but i'm sure your answers will score major points regardless #Earth-Day 1. As a public figure do you think it is ok to use your public platform to get political? Answer 2. April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day? Answer 3. What is one environmental concern that you would be willing to be the face of ? What would you like to change? Answer 4. Are you an outdoorsy person? What do you like to do outside? How do you enjoy our natural world? Answer 5. Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors? Answer 6. If we all planted trees and they grew based on the premise that they reflected our talent, how would your tree grow. What type of tree did you plant to reflect you? Answer #Team-Work-Makes-The-Dream-Work 7. It's hard being a a team with so many wonderful people, no only do we compete with the other teams but we also compete and help each other gain stats and prestige. Do you ever find this dynamic hard to deal with? Answer 8. What team has surprised you most and has come together to have an incredible season thus far? Answer 9. Does attitude matter? Do you think your moods and words affect your teammates? Answer 10. In the end all we have is each other, tell me something nice you did for a teammate. Answer 11. If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why? Answer 12. Everyone thank @Frank he encourages me to put these bad boys up and i think that is an example of a team player who is looking out for the organization. (Look frank you get a chance to tank your self lol ) Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 @MattyIce Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat Frank and Jbeezy76 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank 5,392 Posted April 24, 2021 Share Posted April 24, 2021 Everyone thank @Frank he encourages me to put these bad boys up and i think that is an example of a team player who is looking out for the organization. (Look frank you get a chance to tank your self lol ) @BladeMaiden Deserves the real thanks for taking the time each week to put these great press conferences together, with quality questions and more then enough for us to chose from. So you da real MVP, probably the best FA signing I've ever seen. April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day? Separated my recyclables and put most of my waste in the compost. Unfortunately I'm making a tiny difference in the grand scheme of things. Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors? Yes, it's a completely different feeling then playing in an arena. The ice is never perfect and your subject to frigid winds, nothing like it. What team has surprised you most and has come together to have an incredible season thus far? I would have to say the Legion, I thought for sure Chicago had NA in the bag. But Toronto deserves credit and we probably shouldn't have overlooked them as a contender. In the end all we have is each other, tell me something nice you did for a teammate. I'm in the process of making @MMFLEX a sig for another league. Even though he's been waiting a while for it. If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why? Win a cup with the squad. No it hasn't changed, that's always the goal above all else. If we can't do it this season then in the near future I hope. MMFLEX and BladeMaiden 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McLovin 490 Posted April 25, 2021 Share Posted April 25, 2021 2. April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day? Answer: Considering I forgot it was Earth day not really unfortunately 5. Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors? Answer: I have many times when I went up into the mountains during my freshman year, best week of my life 6. If we all planted trees and they grew based on the premise that they reflected our talent, how would your tree grow. What type of tree did you plant to reflect you? Answer: My tree would be dead the second it hit the dirt if it was based on my talent 7. It's hard being a a team with so many wonderful people, no only do we compete with the other teams but we also compete and help each other gain stats and prestige. Do you ever find this dynamic hard to deal with? Answer: Not a bit, having a team supporting you and hyping you up makes success that much better 9. Does attitude matter? Do you think your moods and words affect your teammates? Answer: That's the easiest question, absolutely it does. Motivational speeches have turned games around countless times, so yes absolutely. 11. If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why? Answer: Win the cup is always my end goal, anything short is just motivation to try harder next season BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laine 1,361 Posted April 25, 2021 Share Posted April 25, 2021 On 4/23/2021 at 1:13 PM, BladeMaiden said: -> Titans S76<-- Week Ending April 25th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! Earth Day and Team work, not the most cohesive pairing this week but i'm sure your answers will score major points regardless #Earth-Day 1. As a public figure do you think it is ok to use your public platform to get political? Answer 2. April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day? Answer 3. What is one environmental concern that you would be willing to be the face of ? What would you like to change? Answer 4. Are you an outdoorsy person? What do you like to do outside? How do you enjoy our natural world? Answer 5. Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors? Answer 6. If we all planted trees and they grew based on the premise that they reflected our talent, how would your tree grow. What type of tree did you plant to reflect you? Answer #Team-Work-Makes-The-Dream-Work 7. It's hard being a a team with so many wonderful people, no only do we compete with the other teams but we also compete and help each other gain stats and prestige. Do you ever find this dynamic hard to deal with? Answer 8. What team has surprised you most and has come together to have an incredible season thus far? Answer 9. Does attitude matter? Do you think your moods and words affect your teammates? Answer 10. In the end all we have is each other, tell me something nice you did for a teammate. Answer 11. If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why? Answer 12. Everyone thank @Frank he encourages me to put these bad boys up and i think that is an example of a team player who is looking out for the organization. (Look frank you get a chance to tank your self lol ) Answer Titans GM @Jubo07 Titans AGM @PatrikLaine Titans Team Tag @Big Bob @Jubo07@PatrikLaine @MMFLEX @Jbeezy76 @Dil @BladeMaiden @GreenGato@Frank @kentakira @McLovin @Emi @Tape-to-Tape @Caboose30 @MattyIce Titans Prospects Tag @Edgy Mcedgelord @Slick @jpach @Jacob oldenburger @dylanjj37 @ATST @Vat 7) Not really. The way I look at it, regardless of how well I'm doing, as long as the team is winning, things are good. Although, of course, you always want to playing good. 8.) The Legion definitely. They've been having a great year at the top of NA. 9) Definitely. The team has to be united. a split locker room is never healthy. Scrums will break out but you gotta keep it under control. 10) After our game last Wednesday, I cleaned and washed everyone's gear. 11) Continental Cup. Jubo deserves it as well as everyone on this great team and I plan to give my all against every team that stands in our way. 12) Thanks @Frank! BladeMaiden 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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