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The rules are here

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Can you believe we've made it this far? I can't believe I even made it past D3 in the first game, and I also can't believe that it's the 10th time I'm asking "who's interested" and getting a solid amount of people jumping on the boat (and, oh yeah, we're just about at 5,000 posts in this subforum!). So, yeah--let's make this one a game to remember. No announcements this time around as nothing's changed this time around (finally! exclaim too many souls upon realizing that there aren't any stupid minor rule changes Gustav has decided to implement). I'll get this out of the way, though...


The format of this game is Any All, meaning that this is your role list.


...no, there's no role list, for any first-timers for whom that wasn't directly stated enough.


Now for the copy-paste, hopefully edited this time so as to be up to the standards of the current rules...



-I'm going with my usual starting and ending times as a general guideline: WHENEVER THE HELL I WAKE UP marks the start of each day phase, and 9 PM EST marks the start of each night phase. Those will be the times that I'll aim for, but, officially, the start of one phase and the end of another comes whenever I make the announcement. You'll be pinged. I will do my best to give out expected announcement times, but I reserve the right to kick off any phase at any time.


-No talking in this thread during night phases. That goes for everybody, regardless of role. I have no power to lock this thread at night, and there's no official penalty for talking in here at night, but if you see one of your fellow citizens doing so, please yell at them for me.


-Do not edit posts. I've been relaxed about not yelling at people who have, but editing is a sneaky way to take out potentially incriminating information. If you say something stupid, too bad. Don't change it.


-If you are reasonably able to be online at the start of the night phases, please make an effort to do so. The JAILOR (if there is a Jailor) is able to speak with you in their own Discord server at night, and that is when I will send an invite to whoever is jailed. If it is within your power to do so and doesn't present a huge inconvenience, please be online when the night phase starts and please join the server out of respect for the Jailor and their time.


-DO NOT PM ANYBODY. All communication must happen in this thread, unless you have already received an invite to a Discord server where you may speak as well. If you haven't, keep everything here. Should you wish to contact someone directly, too bad! Whispers don't exist in this format.


-STAY ACTIVE. If you do go two day and night phases in a row without speaking in public, speaking in a private Discord, or sending me a night action (or specifically telling me you do not want to take a night action), I will swing the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death. You do not want the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death, and neither does anybody on your side.


-NO ROLES ARE OFF THE TABLE. If you play the online game, you may be familiar with a Classic mode being the default, where many of the newer roles are not used. In these games, if the evil faction is the Mafia, ALL roles which are not members of the Coven may be used, and vice versa. This includes Any All and Town Traitor.



-The game starts NOW, with an extended Day 1 phase lasting until (about) 9 PM EST tomorrow (or, ok, fine, tonight).



Players (23):
























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Good news town, I am the jailor


If you are a town protective (doctor or bodyguard) please protect me tonight, and if you are a lookout please go on me so we can confirm who any town protective are. If you are an escort who wishes to confirm themself, feel free to roleblock me tonight as well. If you are a crusader please make sure to stay off me for now. 


If you are not any of the above roles, do not visit me or you will look suspicious. There is no need for town investigative to look at the jailor, as it will soon become obvious if I were lying about my role. 

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I am the Survivor. I do not want ANY trouble this game. Please, for the love of God, let me survive a whole game.


I will be using an armor plate tonight. Please, investigators or vigis feel free to try and confirm me the first night. It might not be worth your time, since I am already telling you my role, but I understand your hesitation to believe me. 


Just like Gus to give me Survivor in any-fucking-all smh my head

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1 hour ago, chatfan036 said:

Good news town, I am the jailor


If you are a town protective (doctor or bodyguard) please protect me tonight, and if you are a lookout please go on me so we can confirm who any town protective are. If you are an escort who wishes to confirm themself, feel free to roleblock me tonight as well. If you are a crusader please make sure to stay off me for now. 


If you are not any of the above roles, do not visit me or you will look suspicious. There is no need for town investigative to look at the jailor, as it will soon become obvious if I were lying about my role. 

Don’t trust a word this guy says ?

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Jailor is incredibly hard to fake. If there is a real jailor out there who isn't me, they can easily just execute me on night 2. Or if this game doesn't have a jailor it will become quite obvious when no one has been jailed for 4 nights. You guys can trust me this time

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6 hours ago, chatfan036 said:

Good news town, I am the jailor


If you are a town protective (doctor or bodyguard) please protect me tonight, and if you are a lookout please go on me so we can confirm who any town protective are. If you are an escort who wishes to confirm themself, feel free to roleblock me tonight as well. If you are a crusader please make sure to stay off me for now. 


If you are not any of the above roles, do not visit me or you will look suspicious. There is no need for town investigative to look at the jailor, as it will soon become obvious if I were lying about my role. 



Need to do this for old times sake

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