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Status Updates posted by Toast

  1. I have a full month of @McWolfDiscord naming rights. Please list suggestions below!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McWolf


      Also rights to my forum title and profile picture!

    3. jRuutu


      Seattle Bears Is My Favorite Team

    4. Gustav


      Ask Me About My Hemorrhoids 

  2. 16 teams now? Very nice!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Banackock
    3. der meister

      der meister

      Hey, it's toast. Very long time, no see

    4. Toast


      Good to see you're still kicking around old friend

  3. Kudos to all on the amazing progress that has been made here while I've been away. But also, I'm in need of a buddy to help me re-learn how the whole deal works. Burnt Toast needs to become a god. Any volunteers? 

    1. Exlaxchronicles


      You make a player yet in my honour? Its a step towards becoming a God.

      I see you have. Disregard this post.

    2. DollarAndADream


      Not too hard to earn that 12 capped per week.


      PT - 6 TPE

      Press Conference Questions - Up to 2 TPE

      Reviewing - Up to 2 TPE

      VHL.com - 2 TPE

      Practice Facility - 2 free uncapped per week while in VHLM, then 1 uncapped while in VHL

      VHL/VHLM Fantasy like there always has been



      Press Conferences are new since you've been here, and they're in the PT sections. You can ask questions or answer questions for TPE weekly. Either you can make your own thread where people will come in and ask, or you can ask in other people's threads. I post questions weekly in my Toronto Legion thread pinned to the top that anyone can use as well.

    3. hedgehog337


      I guess you already know all updates are in VHL Portal now

  4. what do?

    1. Bushito


      OMG it's Toasty in here

    2. Tyler


      make a player who will only play for vasteras 

  5. The previous two Continental Cup winners had Ilya Kopralkov on their roster.... hint hint FAs. #ChooChoo

    1. gregreg
    2. BluObieZ


      They also had SWC3. Reason why he stayed in NY

    3. Devise
  6. Did I actually just send a pitch that wasn't Riga related? This second player nonsense is weird...

    1. Phil


      seriously eh?

    2. gregreg


      That's why you draft your own player :P

  7. Rowlet, Litten, or Popplio? 

    1. scoop


      I've been Rowlet since the beginning but since I don't like any other water options, maybe Popplio.

    2. Toast



    3. scoop


      If I Litten's final evolution were a quadruped then maybe but nah

  8. Two 3-1 leads... lol.

    1. scoop


      And another 3-1 lead in the VHLM, with the other semi-final being a sweep.. here's to hoping all series can be closed out tomorrow; bring on the off-season!

  9. the Riga curse returns

  10. Congrats @JardyB10 on the SO record!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JardyB10


      Thanks Toasty!

    3. Victor


      Career leaderboard is where it's at.

    4. Higgins


      yeah but rigged

  11. The top five scoring leaders are all from the past free agency. :o 

  12. Microsoft Paint sigs for Riga FAs!

    1. FacePuncher


      Shit I'm not an FA and even I am interested!

  13. Reign of FA terror

  14. VHL is #blessed

  15. #ReignOfTerror

  16. Go away Helsinki, nobody loves you anyways

  17. With all the kerfuffle about female players earlier, I have decided that my second player will be the VHL's first dog, Air Bud.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Higgins


      My next player will be the first player with no ear lobes

    3. bukss_a


      damn i pushed report. But i wanted Like

    4. Toast


      They're going to ban me now. Thanks @bukss_a

  18. eagles is 2 smart

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eaglesfan036


      what did I do?

    3. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      we must keep it secret @Toast

    4. Toast


      The clever way of handling vhl fantasy finals 

  19. Fantasy Finals will be paid out tonight or early in the morning! Sorry about the delay, folks.


  20. Worst BBCan winner ever.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheLastOlympian07


      no way, Sarah was the worst winner every, most annoying. all she did was cry every single week. I personally wanted Jared to win. 

    3. Higgins


      Man I don't know how you guys watch BBCAN the production value and Arissa Cox, ugh. I was hard on BBUS until 14 (coaches), haven't watched any of the last 3. If it's all stars I prob would.

    4. Toast


      Jared's game was a complete trainwreck. Social game consisted of lay in bed with Kelsey while gossiping and getting irrationally angry about every conversation, which he was certain was always about him and Kelsey.

  21. What should I get at Tims for breaky

    1. Will


      pretzel bagel lightly buttered :shades:

    2. Toast


      I got a BLT for the record

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