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S71 All-Star Game (Vote)


Pick out of the following pool (up to 12 votes per member)*If you vote more than 12 all your votes will be DISQUALIFIED  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. FORWARDS *Could only add 20 Forwards to the Vote*

    • Hunter Hearst Helmsley (VAN) - 32G, 56A, 88P, 14, 117PIM, 289HIT, 18SB,
    • Ambrose Stark (SEA) - 37G, 51A, 88P, 21, 49PIM, 61HIT, 28SB,
    • Scott Greene (SEA) - 39G, 43A, 82P, 9, 145PIM, 250HIT, 38SB,
    • Julius Freeman (VAN) - 40G, 39A, 79P, 7, 46PIM, 90HIT, 22SB,
    • Mikko Aaltonen (DCD) - 35G, 42A, 77P, -13, 27PIM, 49HIT, 23SB,
    • Jet Jaguar (MOS) - 33G, 44A, 77P, 10, 96PIM, 190HIT, 28SB,
    • Mat Tocco (MOS) - 33G, 41A, 74P, 6, 75PIM, 141HIT, 36SB,
    • Owen Nolan (NYA) - 35G, 38A, 73P, 8, 115PIM, 92HIT, 22SB,
    • Henrik Zoiderberg (MOS) - 37G, 35A, 72P, 5, 41PIM, 90HIT, 30SB,
    • Tyler Barabash Jr (CGY) - 33G, 37A, 70P, 6, 71PIM, 138HIT, 23SB,
    • Dalton Wilcox (NYA) - 24G, 46A, 70P, 7, 64PIM, 113HIT, 14SB,
    • Benny Graves (DCD) - 28G, 40A, 68P, 1, 72PIM, 80HIT, 24SB,
    • Erik Draven (HSK) - 31G, 36A, 67P, 6, 55PIM, 145HIT, 18SB,
    • Guy LeGrande (SEA) - 33G, 34A, 67P, 22, 20PIM, 33HIT, 26SB,
    • Gritty (MOS) - 33G, 33A, 66P, 10, 47PIM, 66HIT, 12SB,
    • Boris the Forest (DCD) - 28G, 38A, 66P, -29, 147PIM, 295HIT, 32SB,
    • Denver Wolfe (VAN) - 31G, 34A, 65P, 7, 10PIM, 12HIT, 23SB,
    • Keven Foreskin (NYA) - 31G, 34A, 65P, 6, 68PIM, 155HIT, 15SB,
    • Kronos Bailey (HSK) - 19G, 44A, 63P, 11, 46PIM, 75HIT, 28SB,
    • Brian Strong (HSK) - 29G, 34A, 63P, 16, 34PIM, 77HIT, 22SB,
  2. 2. DEFENCE

    • Erik Summers (HSK) - 10G, 63A, 73P, 25, 58PIM, 94HIT, 150SB,
    • Hulk Hogan (SEA) - 8G, 63A, 71P, 10, 109PIM, 131HIT, 110SB,
    • Cinnamon Block (PRG) - 12G, 57A, 69P, 19, 134PIM, 166HIT, 115SB,
    • Roque Davis (DAV) - 25G, 44A, 69P, -18, 79PIM, 127HIT, 131SB,
    • Lance Flowers (NYA) - 13G, 55A, 68P, 10, 194PIM, 256HIT, 108SB,
    • Lincoln Tate (RIG) - 16G, 51A, 67P, 5, 123PIM, 191HIT, 144SB,
    • Brady Stropko Jr (CGY) - 14G, 47A, 61P, 8, 116PIM, 142HIT, 115SB,
    • Micheal Gary Scott (NYA) - 13G, 46A, 59P, -4, 124PIM, 181HIT, 111SB,
    • Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen (MOS) - 6G, 51A, 57P, 5, 126PIM, 155HIT, 140SB,
    • Edwin THE Encarnacion (CGY) - 10G, 47A, 57P, 6, 74PIM, 105HIT, 120SB,
    • Charlie Paddywagon (CGY) - 9G, 47A, 56P, -6, 102PIM, 140HIT, 116SB,
    • Luciano Valentino (DCD) - 11G, 45A, 56P, -14, 63PIM, 117HIT, 124SB,
    • Condor Adrienne (MAL) - 11G, 44A, 55P, 3, 169PIM, 242HIT, 117SB
    • Vladimir Pavlov (MOS) - 13G, 44A, 57P, 5, 111PIM, 113HIT, 136SB,
    • Seabass Perrin (PRG) - 10G, 44A, 54P, 6, 124PIM, 156HIT, 122SB,
    • Apollo Hackett (RIG) - 10G, 43A, 53P, 8, 107PIM, 164HIT, 121SB,
    • Guy Sasakamoose (RIG) - 13G, 39A, 52P, 9, 85PIM, 85HIT, 124SB,
    • Berocka Sundqvist (SEA) - 12G, 40A, 52P, 19, 155PIM, 161HIT, 106SB,
    • Aron Nielsen (TOR) - 20G, 36A, 56P, -10, 12PIM, 20HIT, 153SB,
    • Jeff Downey (VAN) - 13G, 38A, 51P, 6, 100PIM, 118HIT, 118SB,
  3. 3. GOALIES (10 game minimum played)

    • Jacques Lafontaine (CGY) - 64GP, 40-22-2, 0.91SV%, 2.64GAA, 3SO, 1904SA
    • Pekka Pouta (DAV) - 26GP, 7-16-2, 0.909SV%, 2.8GAA, 2SO, 792SA
    • Samuel Ross (DAV) - 47GP, 19-27-1, 0.911SV%, 2.77GAA, 4SO, 1461SA
    • Virgil Ligriv (HSK) - 65GP, 27-32-5, 0.917SV%, 2.64GAA, 4SO, 2082SA
    • A Red Guy (NYA) - 64GP, 34-29-1, 0.917SV%, 2.6GAA, 4SO, 2000SA
    • Greg Eagles (RIG) - 69GP, 33-27-9, 0.92SV%, 2.4GAA, 1SO, 2098SA
    • Rayz Funk (SEA) - 68GP, 40-21-6, 0.918SV%, 2.36GAA, 5SO, 1938SA
    • Thorvald Gunnarsson (TOR) - 12GP, 2-4-2, 0.907SV%, 3.36GAA, 0SO, 367SA
    • Jaxx Hextall (TOR) - 64GP, 28-25-11, 0.915SV%, 2.87GAA, 4SO, 2132SA
    • Raymond Bernard (MOS) - 65GP, 33-24-7, 0.917SV%, 2.55GAA, 3SO, 1942SA
    • Kolur Bjoernsson (MAL) - 11GP, 2-6-1, 0.889SV%, 3.06GAA, 0SO, 270SA
    • Michael Johnson (MAL) - 63GP, 29-26-8, 0.927SV%, 2.2GAA, 10SO, 1891SA
    • Finn Davison (VAN) - 58GP, 33-20-4, 0.926SV%, 2.0GAA, 9SO, 1547SA
    • Jimmy Spyro (VAN) - 11GP, 8-2-1, 0.938SV%, 1.78GAA, 1SO, 322SA
    • Stone Wolski (DCD) - 14GP, 5-4-1, 0.91SV%, 2.52GAA, 1SO, 356SA
    • JB Rift (DCD) - 64GP, 34-19-9, 0.91SV%, 2.55GAA, 5SO, 1712SA
    • Brick Wahl (PRG) - 64GP, 33-21-9, 0.931SV%, 1.97GAA, 7SO, 1827SA
    • Solomon Crawford (PRG) - 10GP, 3-5-1, 0.871SV%, 3.63GAA, 1SO, 255SA

This poll is closed to new votes

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The VHL All-Star Game!




All-Star Player Selection


12 Forwards

8 Defensemen 

4 Goalies



EACH MEMBER CAN VOTE FOR 12 PLAYERS (no matter the position)


That's it. 24 players -- two forward lines, two defensive lines, and two goalies each for two teams to represent 12 VHL teams. 


But how are we going to do it?


We decided to go with a different direction when it comes to the All Star Game. ALL 24 players will be up to you. The players with the most votes will become the team captains. Each of our team captains will pick one worthy player from their the player pool to become their assistant captain. They then will pick from the remaining players publicly and put their team together. In this thread each member of the VHL can vote for up to 12 players; we'll have this thread up for a week, then finalize our rosters.


But before I get ahead of myself, we'll also need to select the team captains for each team. This is a public vote - so the players with the greatest number of votes will be the ones managing our all-stars.



The Draft & Game


Once the Captains of each team are chosen we can get to the draft portion of the Event. Each Captain will participate in a snake-style draft (team 1-team 2-team 2-team 1...) to select the teams for the All Star game. Once the players are selected then the Captains will send me there lines and who there starting goalie will be. Since there are 4 goalies selected, the starting goalie will play periods 1 and 3 and the backup will play the 2nd period (unless asked otherwise).


For this year's All Star Game we'll be using NHL 20 on PS4 to run and record the event. The event will be announced and conducted at a later time to reach as many members as possible. The game will be three periods of 15 minutes real-time, so it'll be a full-length, live-streamed & recorded game.


I'll be creating NHL versions of our VHL stars and (hopefully) the captains teams using their VHL stats (height, weight, scoring, speed, etc.) so you can see just how deadly our favorite snipers and how powerful our favorite goons are.




Because of the recent TPE Inflation we have chosen to remove the TPE rewards from this event. While this might reduce the amount of interest we hope the community continues to support these events.

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3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

Everyone, lets not vote for HHH so he isn't in the all star game



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In spite of almost being .500, a playoff team, and having 2 of the 3 league leaders in plus/minus, Malmo has no skaters to vote for? Even Davos has one. 


Write-in vote for @Sullvino Aston Martin, league leader with +31 on a team with a -11 goal differential and barely misses the cut-off with 62 points. 

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23 minutes ago, animal74 said:

In spite of almost being .500, a playoff team, and having 2 of the 3 league leaders in plus/minus, Malmo has no skaters to vote for? Even Davos has one. 


Write-in vote for @Sullvino Aston Martin, league leader with +31 on a team with a -11 goal differential and barely misses the cut-off with 62 points. 


I'm not leaving someone off the ballot that deserves it for someone that shouldn't.

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Just now, flyersfan1453 said:

Hey, remember last all-star game where Team @gorlab blew a 7 goal lead or whatever it was?


That was one of the best ASG's we have had I was hyped

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6 minutes ago, twists said:


Because Spyro's numbers are better?

Spyro did have a great season despite the lack of games don’t get me wrong, but brick wahl played the whole season as a starter

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10 minutes ago, twists said:


Because Spyro's numbers are better?


In 11 games played, some of which were certainly in relief and most were likely against weaker opposition. Backup goalies are relatively easy to stat pad if you make an effort to.

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Just now, twists said:


Ah this is fair, I missed the number of games played and assumed both were starters.

Beaviss is an idiot and put in everyone (almost), not just starters for goalies

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2 minutes ago, Rayzor_7 said:

Beaviss is an idiot and put in everyone (almost), not just starters for goalies


As it has been ever since I started doing the asg......

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Just now, Rayzor_7 said:

11th in SV% among starting goalies. How is that an All-Star?

Tied for most wins but I’m being completely biased because he’s our goalie haha 

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56 minutes ago, Enorama said:


In 11 games played, some of which were certainly in relief and most were likely against weaker opposition. Backup goalies are relatively easy to stat pad if you make an effort to.


Let’s say I played the majority of my games against weaker teams, that means Davison didn’t get many games against weaker opposition and still has some of the top stats (2nd best GAA and 3rd best in Sv% excluding the “backups”). @Poptart was easily one of the most impressive goaltenders this season along side the obvious pick in Brick Wahl who has been godlike for sure.

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