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Status Replies posted by Banackock

  1. Imagine being the SHL and not using this logo


  2. Another GM sighting?! Live, from Team Asia, your GM is...


  3. We have a WJC GM sighting! The first announcement (of five) is here:


  4. Team USA GM holds video press conference. Check it out!

  5. Ho! Ho! Ho!


    Forget the milk and cookies, let's get that money for those less fortunate. Today is the last day to bid in the VHL Holiday Charity Auction. If none of those suit your fancy, a donation in our Holiday Charity Drive might be more to your liking!


    Remember, all proceeds through the VHL PayPal get split evenly among Food Banks Canada and Feeding America, so if you can spare it, every little bit counts!


    PS - Rudolph says hi!

  6. In about 3 hours my wife is going to surprise me with the gender of our second child 😅


    ps we are doing it indoors to limit the chance of causing a catastrophic forest fire 👍🏻

  7. In about 3 hours my wife is going to surprise me with the gender of our second child 😅


    ps we are doing it indoors to limit the chance of causing a catastrophic forest fire 👍🏻

  8. My podcast has seven listeners and 40% of them are Australian #hotdownunder

  9. VHL implement negative repping please & ty.

  10. Sooo.... how's the degen hour sims for everyone to wake up to working for everybody? 

  11. can somebody make another graphics tourney?

  12. what happened to Kachur?


  13. So what are the tiers of Community Reputation and how many points do you need for each tier? Curious to know.

  14. VHL: Why don't you record podcasts anymore?


    Me: *records podcast*


    VHL: .........

  15. AGMs not having a colour role or any sort of indication apart from the portal is basically the epitome of us not having rights

  16. You're currently ranked 5th for earned TPE this week with 37, you really made an entrance coming back lol

  17. Trump was close enough. All he had to do was drop the “O” from COUNT in #STOPTHECOUNT and he finally would of been correct on something. 


  18. Out of curiosity, what VHL team would I fit into the most?

  19. I think the league should invest in a way to change player info. Like, I get the Player Store cost to change from Forward to Defense or vice versa but like, Center to a Wing would be nice. Change age, weight. Ya know, little admin?

  20. Good luck all Americans tonight



    If trump loses, he said he's leaving the country, which is weird, cuz if HE wins, I'm leaving the country!

  21. Just remember, tonight when the news coverage is focusing particularly heavily on my state in particular: we're not all like that.

  22. I think we can all agree Americans suck. 

  23. Hi, I'm looking for playing time next season. Any VHL GM looking for a motivated young player please contact the Seattle Bears 

  24. VHLers acting tough showing their fake aggressive side. 
    'Til I see em in discord, now they wanna conceptualize. 

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