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Status Updates posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Remember that time you were in SHL free agency - and told every individual team who asked you were signing with them, then signed with none and retired lol

    1. Enorama


      Do birds shit in the sky bird boy?

    2. Victor


      that wasn't munk lol

    3. solas


      yeah I think that was Jack Crasher

  2. Just looked at my player stats for the first time ever - how do I have so many points as a dman? And why do I have so many PIMS?

    1. Gustav


      That's actually not abnormal. I'm sure you're aware that the league has had its varying eras of scoring and that Gritty played in a really dead one. The same is true for the M--Garcia was (I think) 2nd in SB with (I think) 120 in S65 and that would be nothing today. Hybrid attributes are part of it, but it's all relative.


      We've had weirder. At least the M leaders aren't breaking 200 points (yet) like they've done a few times.

  3. April 1st 2022, 1PM EST. VHL discord. Be there

    1. Hogan


      hey man idk if i can make it


  4. More members have been banned this past year than every single other year of VHL's history combined

  5. new fone who dis

  6. Still alive huh

    1. Gustav


      Most unfortunately

    2. Victor


      Not only alive but back on the drinking binges. It's like its 2019 again 😭

  7. deerest triforce ur tew l8. ur werds hav cut thru me defensis lik ketchup. i cnt avocadte ur actions n i serpently dnt axept ur apaulugy. primarly cuz u tink u hur me but nay u slade me. wat u tel me dat i no hawe fwends n dat i no spek normul and IT ALL OK BITWEN u n i. u tink dat i wud let u get a way wif insult my 96th langooage? nay gd cur i vil ce u in curt.

  8. hi

    1. JardyB10
    2. Doomsday
    3. JardyB10


      Hello Doomy! Next time you talk to Eagles tell him I actually think he’s a piece of shit.

  9. Ever wanted to punch eaglesfan in the face? Well now is your chance if you join the TFC sim league and fight me!



    1. diacope


      I always wanted to so signed up and made a character right away, the more people the more punches to eagles face 🤜 🦅

  10. no u get preggy dis tym 

    1. Will


      we need a misinformation flag like twitter 

  11. At the current rate, London will not lose a single game this season

  12. I just learned 10/16 teams make the playoffs - what is the point of even having a regular season then? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. eaglesfan036


      @Mrpenguin30 the nhl next year will have 16/32 teams make playoffs which is 50 percent. That is much lower than 63 percent of vhl teams. Do math

    3. Gustav



      I just learned 10/16 teams make the playoffs


      Oh shut up

    4. Mrpenguin30


      just found out over 80% of kids graduate from high school what is the point of even learning to read then.

  13. where did you go why you no play town of salem come back friend :(

    1. osens


      school :( maybe next time bud.

    2. eaglesfan036


      get your priorities in order - you ain't here to play no skool! 

  14. I just realized Munk's rank is Munkception - is that a custom thing? 

    1. Gustav


      I mean your rank is chatfan036 so you had to have edited that yourself at some point recently.


      Account Settings --> Edit Profile --> Member Title

  15. Honey Mustard > Ketchup

    1. Garsh


      I thought you usually made controversial statements

    2. dlamb


      Honey Mustard is elite

    3. Gustav

    1. Quik


      everyone else has it, we only disabled it for you

  17. Gigga-Bijoux

    1. boubabi




      A group of multis

  18. we should bring back vasteras 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. solas


      Unfortunate but I guess I can see why (although the yellow with Malmo would've been great).  Oh well.

    3. Advantage


      Yeah I wanted the yellow and black just cause I thought it looked fire.  Also really liked purple and white but alas we went with what we did, which I still think looks good.

  19. What if we brought back project player 2 and had 32 teams? 

  20. Can we move Vancouver back to Quebec City? 

  21. My new player is coming today, get hype! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. boubabi
    3. mediocrepony
    4. eaglesfan036


      Someone is hype lol


      Not until tonight I need to update Gritty first too so I have as much carryover tpe as possible

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