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Posts posted by jesse115

  1. Review:

    I love how you used the canucks jersey, It makes the Rome Gladiators logo fit in so well. I also like the glow you put behind the player and how it makes him look as if hes shinning and popping out of the screen. I am loving the Rome background and the Red stripe down the middle, It works as a perfect backround. Overall I don't see any problems with it, I think its amazing! 9.5/10

  2. On 5/13/2021 at 10:54 AM, Viper said:

    Hello VHL! Some quick press conference questions if you need them!


    #1. Who is your favorite VHL member? Why is it me?

    #2. How did you discover the VHL?

    #3. What is your favorite forum memory? {Ex. Mine is very recent, the whole Helsinki GM drama}

    #4. Why do you continue to stay active in the VHL?

    #5. Do you try to max-earn each week? Why or why not?

    #6. What's your favorite meal? Why is that your favorite meal?

    1. I Think I would have to say @Joel Main because he is the one to reference the VHL to me.

    2. Like I said in the first question I got referenced it by a friend and just got hooked as soon as I started playing it.

    3. I don't really have one but I do like how you can get 10 free tpe once you reach 100tpe, that's pretty cool.

    4. I enjoy earning TPE so I would say just for the earning tpe part of it.

    5. Yes, I don't see why you wouldn't want to max earn seeing as how it makes you better in games faster.

    6. I like chicken strips and fries because there simple and still taste good. There's also like no way to mess them up so when going to a restaurant there's no risk involved.


  3. Review:

    These jerseys are really nice and cool looking! I love the blackout jersey and how they made the logo fit in with the jersey, makes it way cleaner. I also like the font colors used on the jerseys and how they aren't bad looking and hard to look at, there good looking and the remind me of a neon outline kind of look. The VHL logo in the top is a small addition to the jerseys but I think it looks very nice and adds a sponsor type of style to the jerseys. Overall I love these jerseys and I hope to rock them in just a couple seasons time!

  4. On 7/7/2021 at 2:26 PM, Baby Boomer said:

    1. Which season was your first in the VHL?

    2. Which season was your best? Why?

    3. Which season did you win the most trophies (team or individual)? What are the name of the trophies?

    4. How many season your first player took to go in the VHL? What did you do to accomplished that?

    5. What is your favorite name you saw in the VHL as of right now?

    6. Would you like to have a managment role (VHL commissioner, VHLM commissioner, GM, AGM, etc.)? If yes, which one?

    1. My first season on the website was last season when I played for the Las Vegas Aces but I'm hoping to play in the VHL for the nighthawks in around season 95.

    2. Well I have only played one season so I would say that.

    3. Haven't won any yet but I'm hoping to very soon.

    4. I have played one season of the VHLM and I'm most likely going to play 2 season in the vhle then go to the VHL (if I stay active with my TPE earning).

    5. I really like the name Mighty Ice Wizard, it is just such a cool name and definitely scares opponents.

    6. If I ever get a job with the VHL I would want it to be GM or AGM because I love the building a team part and also running an active locker room would also be cool.

  5. Review:

    This is cool! I love how its not filled with a bunch of stuff just pilled together, its more simple and overall cleaner. I also love the colors used in this graphic it makes the logo pop out more and give it some color. The font you used is also fitting well in the image, It makes it seem like it was actually wrote by a pirate. There isn't much I would change and I love it very much how it is now! overall 9.5/10

    Good looking graphic👍

  6. Eugene Ryanheart 

    Position: LW

    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 188lb

    Age: 18



    ShootingEugene is a sniper and a great goalscorer. He has been training for many years taking shots every day after school since he was 11 and it has paid off. Although some may say Eugene could be a play maker, his shot is just to good to not have him be labeled as the goal scorer. Eugene scored 19 goals with the aces and that was just in his first season in the VHLM. If Eugene can get surrounded by play makers and teammates that support him he could really be the next scoring superstar for years to come!


    Vision: One of Eugene's strong ability's is how good he is at seeing opening on the ice and how his hockey IQ is through the roof. He is really good at finding those open holes and breaking down the ice which often leads to a score from Eugene or a pass for the assist. After finishing with 47 points in his rookie season Eugene looks to be terrifying in future years just from his ability to see the ice like no one else.


    Puck skills/Deking: The way he is able to break through opponents with what looks like simple moves is remarkable. Eugene is great at faking out his opponents and creating the scoring opportunity off of just a couple simple moves. A move that scares opponents the most from Eugene is his signature move the between the legs deke. He uses this move to open up space in the other teams end and can easily fool the opposing goalie because of how quick he moves whilst putting it between his legs.



    Defensive Coverage: A pretty big problem most scouts have found with his game over his season the Vegas is that he has a problem with his defensive aspect of his game and often struggles to back check and is a big problem he is trying to fix. He has gotten a lot better over the off-season and could be seen as a possible two way forward next season just because his defence is a lot better. However it doesn't look good for scouts because Eugene finished with a -17 plus minus and this being a problem could really bring his draft ranking down a lot.


    Physicality: After winning an award for best sportsmanship in his first season in the showcase a lot of people see him as soft and a weak player. If Eugene doesn't work on his physical aspect of hockey soon he could be in danger when going into those higher leagues and facing bigger players because if he's not physical he could get hurt pretty easily and could look as a safety hazard for scouts to come.


    Skating: Even though his skating isn't that bad it isn't really a strong suit either. Eugene can sometimes get bursts of speed but mainly relies on his shooting and puck skills to do the work and his speed is just a meh thing to him. If Eugene can get his speed up a lot he could really be an offensive weapon for whichever team gets him. I don't think his speed is a main focus stat right now but will most likely a stat he could work on in the future.


    Final words: If Eugene is able to work on his defense and physicality some more whilst keeping his strengths an amazing ability he could be a great asset for whichever team take the chance on him.


    592 words


  7. On 5/8/2024 at 11:40 PM, meandyoc said:

    Brigade press conference week of 5/12/2024

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2 TPE 


    1. Rough start for us but we will bounce back, and with that, the first question is: Where do you think we will finish in the Regular season?

    2. Were you happy with the Captain selection?

    3. Who do you think will finish with the most points on our team?

    4. Were you happy to be Drafted to the Brigade?

    5. Who do you think will win it all?

    6. What is your favorite pre-game warmup?

    1. A little late but I would of predicted somewhere around 3 or 4 just because our team was struggling but were still pumping out sneaky wins her and there.


    2. I think the captains were picked professionally and have no concern towards them.


    3. A sneaky player doing pretty well is Dorji Kahn, I think they could definitely finish pretty high with a couple of good games.


    4. So far I have enjoyed playing for this team and hope we can make it far.


    5. Even though I would like it to be the brigade I think if I were to estimate it I would say the warriors, there team Is stacked and filled with a bunch of studs who can really go far.


    6. Probably watching the ice or stretching can definitely get your head in the game and overall make you locked in on the game with a couple of activities.

  8. This graphic is amazing! I love how every players logo is on the jersey perfectly and how it looks just like a minor league hockey banner lol. I also like the font and color of the graphic it makes the letters fit in very well and overall suits it good. overall I think you made this perfectly and there isn't really and other ways to do it, I would love to see more stuff like this. overall 10/10

    Amazing work!

  9. On 6/23/2021 at 11:10 AM, Baby Boomer said:

    1. Who is the person you like the most on your team? and why?

    2. Who will win the Cup in the NHL this year?

    3. Why did you choose that name for your player?

    4. Where would you like the next expansion team to be?

    5. What is you favorite logo in the VHLM? why?

    6. What is you favorite logo in the VHL? why?

    1. I enjoy playing with Nikita yolishev Because I just feel we have great chemistry and Im also friends with him irl, he's kinda the reason I ever played this in the first place lol


    2. I have the rangers winning, I just think there pretty much unstoppable they haven't even lost in the playoffs yet and they are playing the canes who are good and still cant lose.


    3. To be honest when I was making a character the first thing that came to mind was sam reinheart so I based it off that and also off my NHL 24 be a pro character and came up with Eugene Ryanheart


    4. Probably somewhere like Quebec city because it would be cool to have another canadian team to try and win the cup.


    5. I really like the marlins logo and the colors, it really pops out to me and kind of reminds me of a sweden themed team. 


    6. For the VHL I really love the Prague logo, The colors are so cool and I'd imagine the jerseys to look like Columbus heat jerseys which would make for a really cool team.

  10. Eugene Ryanheart

    #52 Winger

    Height: 6'3"

    Weight: 200lb


    Born in Manitoba Canada, 2006 lived a very heart driven kid with one dream in mind, to play hockey. Ever since Eugene could remember he loved hockey, he was drawn to it since he was just able to walk. Eugene was born into a wealthy family but didn't give him much help at all because his family Wasn’t supportive of his dream and thought hockey was just a waste of time but that never stopped Eugene from playing the sport he loved most. Growing up in his early years Eugene played house league from 6 years old all the way up to 11 but when he turned 12 he realized he wanted more. Lucky for him he got his chance when he found a new team he wanted to play for, the Manitoba moose. This was only a single A team, but that didn't bring down Eugene because all he was focused on was getting better. The day of the tryouts Eugene was feeling the most nervous he has ever felt but that didn't stop him from shocking the coaches with his gem like talent. Eugene made the final roster as a first line LW and shortly after they had their first couple practices. Eugene finished his first season of rep hockey with 89 points in 51 games and ended up ranking 1st out of everyone in his league. This was good enough to get higher level coaches to recognize him and he even got asked by the Manitoba triple AAA coach to sign up for the tryout. Eugene ended up making the roster as a 2nd line LW after shocking the coaches for how good he was for only playing single A for one year. In Eugene's second season playing rep hockey he put up 54 points in 53 games which ended up getting him a lot more notice around the league. After making the team once again Eugene was excited as ever and to top all of that off he made the first line just before the season started. This was Eugene's chance to shine, to finally prove the doubters wrong, if Eugene does good this season he could have a real shot at making it pro. With everything on the line Eugene steps it up and starts training over the off season, he ends up getting so good that he gets chosen by the coaches to be the captain of the Manitoba moose in the upcoming season. Shortly after the coaches call him into their office and explain to him “A good ship always relies on the captain to lead them to their destination”. This quote gave Eugene the confidence to become the leader he was always meant to be and he said to the coach just before the season that  he was going to lead them to the championship. Eugene ended up leading his team to finish 1st place in standings going 43-7-3 and Eugene finished with 84 points in 53 games finishing top 3 for points in the league. This was good enough to win Eugene the league MVP and this caught the attention of many CHL scouts around the area and this drew a lot of attention to Eugene which left people wondering who this kid is and will he be a star? Eugene ended up having a lot of looks at him and a lot of teams found him good, especially the Saskatoon Blades. Eugene ended up being taken with the 5th overall pick by the Saskatoon Blades and he now had to take a huge leap of faith and step up his game. This didn't scare Eugene, he was ready and he felt that he could take on anything which he did. After getting towards the end of the season he was finishing the season with a record finish sitting at 70 points in 60 games as a first year however his amazing run would end with tragedy as in the second last game of the regular season Eugene took an injury that would halt his career in a pretty bad way. Eugene ended up suffering an injury that put him out for the playoffs of that season and also the whole next season. This meant that Eugene was gonna have to push if he wanted to reach that next level because that injury really brought his run down and some had him so low they think he might not be drafted. For Eugene's 3rd season he put up a boat load of numbers going for 110 points in 54 games and this did rank him higher some still speculated if he was 100% healthy or if this was a recurring problem for the future. With a lot of hope in Eugene he was nervous as ever knowing that this could be the deciding factor for his career and his future. After sitting through 5 rounds, just before the round ended the Las Vegas Aces were on the clock and they had one player in mind Eugene Ryanheart. From that day forward Eugene knew he had to start working and he must stay focused and prove everyone wrong about him and that he isn't just some injury prone player and that he really is good. Currently Eugene has just finished his first season with Las Vegas and finished with some pretty good numbers for a rookie finishing with 47 points in 72 games.

    900 words

  11. On 8/11/2018 at 8:17 AM, Tagger said:

    This is a thread designed to help newer members and players get the full 2 TPE out of Press Conferences if they haven't received enough questions and will be updated with new questions every Saturday. If you answer 6 of these questions, you will receive 2 TPE.


    If you've already answered enough questions in other press conferences to reach 2 TPE, then you do not need to answer these questions (These questions here do not grant an additional 2 TPE on top of the 2 TPE you've already earned)


    1) Since it's not been too long since you've joined the league, what are thoughts on the league so far as a whole?

    2) Are there any areas in the league that you would like to see a change/improvement? 

    3) The VHLM Newsletter launched earlier this week, did you read it and was it helpful to you?

    4) What are your aims this season in the VHLM?

    5) With the teams starting to take shape, who do you consider to be the favourite for the VHLM Founders Cup?

    6a) Is there any player on your VHL team that you're particularly looking forward to playing with when you make the VHL? (For players who were also in the VHL Draft)

    6b) What do you think of your current VHLM team? (If you were selected in the VHLM Draft)

    6c) If a GM were to make you an offer, what kind of player would they be getting? (If you're currently unaffiliated).


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    1. I have been loving the league and all the things to do and now its even apart of my routine to do my TPE tasks lol.

    2. I hope they can fix the index because its had some bugs at the start but its slowly improving but I'm hoping they can fully fix it.

    3. no I haven't read it yet but I will definitely look into it

    4. I hope next season to finish strong and to finish high in the standings and go far in the playoffs

    5. I think the Houston bulls will make it far and even win the trophy

    6b. I like the team I am currently on and the staff and teammates have been very helpful for helping me through my journey and to navigate the VHL.

  12. This is a great piece, I am loving the glow on the letters it makes the picture pop and makes the words pop out and easy to read. I also like the background and how its the Las Vegas sign because that's where the team is. Something I would suggest is try and make the background more green to try and make it a closer tint to the jersey color, it would make it more clean. Overall amazing piece!


  13. Wow! this graphic just amazed me, I love the comic book type of texture used in this piece. I also love the use of flames it relates to the logo of the team and just give it a nice warm feel to it. I like the player picture you used in the graphic its just perfect how he's looking up at the logo and the flame it almost makes it look like this was a photo shoot and you made him pose like that. overall this piece amazed me and inspires me to try and make mine as good as these lol. 

    I give it a 10/10

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