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Sort of a mock draft, part 1 [1/2]

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For the last couple of days I was trying to find a drive to make this and finnally this day has come. I won't do something original here. Just another mock draft. I'm also one of them who won't cover all active players because they are too much. But I hope I can do like four rounds since I have two players. But before I start this; two notes:


1. Malmo first round pick is going to be determined in a random engine (from 5th to 10th pick). I've decided to do it by my own to continue this article. Random says Malmo got the 6th pick.

2. For Riga picks I'll go with BPA, no matter how active player is and regardless of positional needs.

3. As of yesterday when I started this article, NY was still in the playoff zone. So the draft order will be: 4th - Davos; 5th - NY and so on.

4. As I said, I started this yesterday so some guys are having more TPE than this article suggests.


Let's start!


1. :mos:C - Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Current TPE: 326

Member: @Beaviss


We can make fun of Beaviss, his team and his player and how trash they are supposed to be. But letting this player to other team isn't going to be a smart move. Especially if your team is currently rebuilding. HHH will be somewhere at 400 TPE by the next season and that already would be enough for becoming a solid second line center. You just can't miss this prospect with this work rate. The only negative part of this could be Beav being GM of other team. (I imagine him trying to get the first pick in case Vancouver misses the playoffs.) But other than that, I don't see him holding out because he definitely wasn't earning all of these TPE for missing a season lol.


2. :cal:LW - Shane Mars

Current TPE: 295

Member: @Spade18


The second pick is actually not that obvious like we are expecting. I won't be 100% sure, but I believe @Bushito isn't really keen on brining a rival GM player into his team. So I'm not going to surprised if he picks Freeman instead. But there are still more reasons why Bash will go with BPA:


1. Mars has a 60+ TPE advantage on the next prospect;

2. Spade already has an experience on playing for other team while GM'ing the Amercians. So I suppose that he won't be bitching about it again.


Also, I'm not going to be surprised if this pick will be traded. That's in case if this will be enough to assemble a contender team.


3. :que:LW - Julius Freeman

Current TPE: 233

Member: @rjfryman


Let's be honest, maybe only a few members could predict Vancouver's fall. At this point they're about to finish in a lotto zone with some very legit players. I think if this happens, Beaviss will try to make a deal with giving up this pick+more assets to Moscow in order to get a first pick. Anyways, one thing won't change. In my opinion, Freeman is clearly the third best draftee now. He's active and also managed to exploit the flaws in lotto which gives him even more juicy TPE. As long as he will continue to do this, he will definitely solidify his place in TOP 3 and maybe even surpass Mars at some point.


4. :dav:RW - Mikko Aaltonen

Current TPE: 223

Member: @GRZ


Honestly, I wasn't expecting Davos being so close to a playoff spot. So we may see a situation when they don't even have a lotto pick. But at this moment, they're still in a lotto zone. I'm not even sure @ShawnGlade will even use all of his first round picks. But in case if he will just trust his current players and not do any trades, I see Aaltonen being drafted by them. First of all, he is clearly a fourth best prospect. In fact, he is not that far from Freeman too. Also, I doubt Shawn will keep both McDavid and Lynch so Mikko can easily slide into the second line.


5. :rig:C - Maximilian Kirbsson

Current TPE: 225

Member: @Kirby


So after the first picks, Kirbsson will be as BPA. Would be that good pick? I think there are two centers that may have more potential than Max, but he Kirby is still updating his player. He isn't earning as much TPE as he was before due to claiming welfare. Still, this pick will make sense. Both of my center's, Cast and Pajari are S61 players. And they both will face the first stage of regression next season. I know this won't do much harm for Podrick, but I can't say the same for the Swiss player since he has less TPE. So Kirbsson can focus on trying to take the future 2C spot against Anthony Matthews and Teagan Glover.


6. HiEa4pB.png&key=b91d428cd9dd424dff193944e21a8cbbedef6f82f779aed838df9468b5f96932G - Owen May

Current TPE: 191

Member: @FacebookFighter


I was thinking about this for a moment. But as much as Tagger I've decided to put Owen May as the first pick in Malmo's history. There are a lot of other great prospects and this is this the exact reason why @Advantage might go with a goalie. He will just try to secure the goalie spot before Moscow uses their second or third round pick on him. Are there other active goalies? Yes, of course. Clayton Park, Juan Jaundice, Kolur Bjoernsson, Wendy Kandee Cain. Are they on pace of becoming a franchise goalie? If only Park and that might be reach since the user behind this player isn't max capping so far. So May has a good chance on becoming a first rounder.


7. :dav:D - Charlie Paddywagon

Current TPE: 190

Member: @DMaximus


Some members were complaining about the lack of a franchise D prospect. But that doesn't means a defenceman won't be drafted in the first round, at least in my mock draft. Given that Davos took Aaltonen, they will have six forwards. Also, at this moment Davos still has one free spot at D. Charlie and Garcia are equally good youngins, but since Paddy is a BPA among defs, he will be taken first.


8. :rig:C - Jet Jaguar

Current TPE: 212

Member: @gorlab


Will this pick make that much sense, given that I ''took'' Kirbsson earlier? Well, as I said earlier I will go with BPA regardless of positional needs so there's that. By the way, I also told earlier that I'm seeing two centers with more potential than Max. Jaguar is one of them. The other thing is the last Gorlab's player, Booby Digital last team was Riga. A perfect fit, isn't it? I assume Moscow could his most preferable destination, but he also told he even could be fine with playing in Davos. So I don't see why he wouldn't be ok with being drafted by me. With this pick I may start a bloodbath for the 2C spot and probably a future first line center too. Cast and Pajari will only have three seasons left, you know.


9. :dav:D - Jerry Garcia

Current TPE: 182

Member: @GustavMattias


I heard some trade rumors that could leave Davos with two free D sport. So considering that Paddywagon was already taken, Garcia might be another pick that makes sense. In his draft destination article, Davos was ranked 6th. However, even second pair defs are getting 25-28 minutes in bigs so I don't think he will have to worry about the playing time. And he will be an important player as long as he is updating. I also should mention that Jokinen is a S61 player so he won't have a long career left. That could give Jerry a chance to take the first pair spot at some point. He will have to fight with Paddy for this spot first, though.



10. :rig:LW - Dimitri Volosenkov

Current TPE: 211

Member: @SirRupertBarnes


Yes, Volosenkov is another welfare player. And yes, this is another pick that makes sense. First of all, could I keep all current players in my team without going over the cap? And then, we have Kisshan Shan - a solid second line forward. But he hasn't updated him since the beginning of March. And he also will enter the prime period which could make Riga cap situation even worse. And that definitely might open 1-2 spots at the wing position. Currently the only wing prospect that could make it into bigs is Milan Griffin, but will he? So yeah, this pick definitely makes sense.


11. :mos:RW - Shawnomir Jagr

Current TPE: 205

Member: @TheLastOlympian07


I believe there is a player that has a bot more potential than Jagr. However, We need take into the account Moscow positional needs. They have two centers (with HHH), but only two active wing guys. Dan Bailie and Matteo. This is clearly not enough. And Shawnomir could try to fix this problem. TLO isn't the most consistent member in terms of earning TPE and taking his player is kind of a Russian roulette. Either Moscow will get a future Shawn Muller or more like his earlier efforts (that's were second line/pair players at best). And I need to point out the Menace is the most preferable destination for ex-SS91.



12. :cal: C - Bert Meyers

Current TPE: 201

Member: @RunnerBert11


What could Calgary do after they drafted Mars? Well, get another forward. McKnight and Ball are retiring, STZ is inactive as hell and Zajaczkowski is stuck at 330-ish TPE. And he isn't even that active anymore. So Meyers would be a nice pickup for the Wranglers. We could argue that Bash's GM player initial position is center too. But he never put a single TPE into faceoffs so Bert will have an easy time with sliding into the 2C position. You know what, maybe into the first line center since Hammer is a pure affiliate welfare player that doesn't earns more than 10 TPE per week. But wait, why not a player who has more TPE, Sigurdsson? I believe that Runner is more vocal here so that could give him an edge over Bluesfan.


13. :rig:RW - Arnor Sigurdsson

Current TPE: 209

Member: @bluesfan55


But he won't fall too far, according to my mock. Now, there are two BPA's with 209 TPE. But we all know who is more active, right? And I already told that the upcoming cap situation will make me to do sort of a retool. And Arnor might become a vital part of it. I saw that Bluesfan wasn't sure about the type of his player. And will his power forward type be that important for a team that has 80 checking Randoms? Well, there is a thing - Randoms is my player and I can do with him what I want. And I belive you all know about the stuff named ''TPE reroll''. And it's not even certain that him and the Icelandic will play in same line so the younger one will still show his full checking potential. 


14. :que:LW - Kyle Sabertooth

Current TPE: 187

Member: @uphillmoss


I think Vancouver will try to find some younger forwards in an upcoming offseason. But why I put Sabertooth here despite VAN already taking a winger before? I had some thoughts between Ludvig Sederstrom and Kyle. But at the end of the day, Uphill seems more vocal in boards, has a good activity in discord and is a part of VSN crew. This could be enough to put him higher than Ludvig. I think the Wolves' management will try to sell some older forwards (like Mulligan) in order to free some space for younger ones. And I can't miss the fact that they also have Gritty whose work rate isn't consistent enough at this moment.


15. :hel:D - Aaron Nielsen

Current TPE: 180

Member: @solas


Helsinki is in an interesting position. They have a bunch of S63 players so @Quik will have to be careful with the cap. That means this team will play with some cheaper younging to not have problems with it. I also see them trying to replace Bald Guy since it looks like Galdo lost interest. Nielsen is the best D at this point and it will make a perfect sense to take him. Solas is familiar with the Titans' as he had a couple of elite seasons with Axelsson. Also, he is a solid affiliate welfare member who is consistent at earning 10 or more TPE. I think this could be a perfect match.


16. HiEa4pB.png&key=b91d428cd9dd424dff193944e21a8cbbedef6f82f779aed838df9468b5f96932C - Ludvig Sederstrom

Current TPE: 181

Member: @aleks


Usually, one elite defenceman is enough to make his team a contender. However, you would need more than elite forward to make team a real championship contender. This is what I'm expecting Advantage to do - grabbing as much forwards as possible now. Sederstrom isn't the BPA in TPE wise, but he is definitely way more active than Jurri. Aleks is another consistent TPE earner and that will be enough to not fall below the second round. Btw, he has 69 posts as of this moment. Nice.


17. :que:RW - Nethila Dissanayake

Current TPE: 166

Member: @nethi99


At this point, things are getting unclear. I see Vancouver wanting a defenceman to fill the fourth free spot. But it's not that easy. The next BPA, Rhye Tyr has fallen off the map with his recent semi-activity. Taking Codrick Past might be a bit risky since he might be interested in Moscow. So there is another winger. I simply put him here due to his good activity on board despite being a welfare player. Does Vancouver needs yet another winger? Given that Beaviss is a fan of three line setup, he could be ok with that.


18. :que:C - Hans Gruber

Current TPE: 159

Member: @TheFlash


Oh hey, another Vancouver pick! In fact, they have four second rounders! Now that's what I call real tanking. Anyways, since Beav wants three lines, why just not to take a future third line center? Makes sense. And since Beau only has three seasons left, Hans might actually become an important guy very soon. Rauno Palo also isn't becoming younger. Can't forget about the activity from Flash which is really good. I think this will be a good pick for the Wolves' GM.


19. :que:D - Rusty Shackleford

Current TPE: 135

Member: @K1NG LINUS


So VAN just managed to complete the third line. What else Beav can do? Of course, to finally find a defenceman to fill that fourth free spot. Since I'm not sure about Kyl's opinion on Vancouver, I'll make a risk and put Rusty here. First of all, he didn't even claim this week's TPE yet so he should have more than 135. And this is another member who only joined in like mid-season but managed to become notable because of his real good activity. At this moment I see him in early 200's TPE before the next season starts. And I'm sure that could be enough for the forever unlucky team since S56.


20. :rig:LW - Kari Jurri

Current TPE: 209

Member: @hockeyis66


Well, there's our inactive BPA. That's a shame that Hockey went inactive. At some point Kari was easily a third best prospect, but you can't even skip one week to hold on, that's how this draft is being deep. Which makes things worse, he also stepped down from GM and AD spot in SBA and I believe that league was his first priority. So that means H66 might be done with some leagues, at least for some moment. At this point, I'm not expecting much from this player.



Part two is coming very soon!


All of this payout goes to Kallis


08.04 - 14.04

15.04 - 21.04

22.04 - 28.04

29.04 - 05.04


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3 hours ago, hedgehog337 said:

Which makes things worse, he also stepped down from GM and AD spot in SBA and I believe that league was his first priority

he was MIA for 2 weeks. Think he said he was getting super busy in life. But if he does come back its a total steal

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8 minutes ago, bluesfan55 said:

wow buddy i may not be vocal but i get my teps eh


tbf it's not like being vocal in boards is the most important thing for me. That's just a good bonus to LR.


cause I'm not that vocal here either and this is my first priority league

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8 hours ago, hedgehog337 said:


tbf it's not like being vocal in boards is the most important thing for me. That's just a good bonus to LR.


cause I'm not that vocal here either and this is my first priority league

yeah i get that

I'm more of a discord guy and I'm in 4 other leagues so it's hard

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54 minutes ago, SirRupertBarnes said:

Not sure why you’d call me a welfare player when I’ve only claimed it 3 times out of the 11 weeks I’ve been here. I’ve also updated every week so I don’t know why you think I haven’t since the beginning of March.


That's weird. Probably I confused you with someone else, wasn't in best condition when I was typing this. about welfare - I saw you claiming welfare and for some reason thought you went into the pure welfare route. 


I appologize for an incorrect info about your player. But I still put you fairly high anyways ?‍♂️

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