Tagger 2,722 Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) Overall # Up/Down Positional # Up/Down Name Position TPE VHLM Team Nationality Username 1 1 Ryan Kastelic D 304 OTT SVN Enorama 2 1 Julian Borwinn LW 268 LVA CAN Jubo07 3 2 Tzuyu D 253 HFX TWN Tfong 4 3 Joseph McWolf D 247 OTT ENG McWolf 5 1 Scott Shawinganen C 218 LVA CAN Cornflakers 6 1 Alexander Pepper G 201 LVA KOR sonnet 7 Up 2 4 Sidney Crosby D 196 LVA USA SidTheKid87 T8 Up 2 1 Dan Wilinsky RW 187 OTT CAN Oilmandan T8 Down 1 2 Jose Gonzalez LW 187 LVA USA Jose Gonzalez 10 Down 2 2 Cole Mertz G 184 HFX USA ColeMrtz211 11 2 Anthony Dabarno C 180 HFX CAN LordTony 12 2 Vaydar Odinsson RW 166 OTT NOR BOOM 13 Up 5 5 Mountain Thunderfist D 156 LVA ? AdamEss 14 Down 1 3 Chance Matthews C 148 OTT USA DaftRaincloud 15 3 Kisshan Shan RW 146 OSL RUS Kisshan 16 3 Chace Trepanier LW 141 OTT CAN ChaceT 17 Down 4 4 Nathan MacKinnon C 139 HFX CAN Bagelbitesisbae 18 Up 1 6 Jesse Wilson D 138 OTT CAN monkeywrench15 19 Up 1 4 Rylan Peace RW 134 HFX CAN Peace T20 T3 Up 1 Rhett Stoffiday G 133 YUK USA Pierogituxedo T20 Down 3 T3 Tyler Smith G 133 HFX USA DrHexDex 22 5 Jorgon Weyed RW 131 LVA JAM Joubo 23 6 Joey Boucher RW 122 LVA CAN joeyboucher1 24 Up 1 7 James Lombardi D 116 LVA ITA Nymets5 25 Down 1 7 Nikita Flipachyev RW 114 HFX RUS Arayvenn 26 8 Toby Fitzgerald D 101 HFX CAN JohnnyT_77 27 8 Wlodzimierz Zajaczkowski RW 95 SASK POL nicolas01 T28 4 Athanasios Andrianopoulos LW 80 YUK GRC 803 T28 9 Jessy Thomas RW 80 LVA CAN jtww 30 9 Burnt Toast D 76 SASK CAN Toast 31 Up 2 5 Up 1 Randoms LW 71 OTT LVA hedgehog337 32 Down 1 6 Down 1 King Gow LW 70 HFX USA eaglesfan036 33 Down 1 10 Gregor Rasputinov D 68 OTT RUS Joobles 34 5 Theodore Gauthier C 61 YUK CAN Frank 35 7 Anderson LaVey LW 60 SASK USA Doomzday 36 5 Johannes Benoit G 59 CAN PremiumFunk T37 10 Anssi Koivuhaka RW 53 FIN Pelimies T37 11 Robert Renner D 53 OTT USA Tacocat 39 12 Juri Rykonen D 50 HFX FIN Rykonen 40 6 Fizz G 49 YUK CAN Fizzwidget 41 6 Chris F. C 48 SASK CAN ChrisF 42 7 Mike Lavalee C 47 YUK CAN CB204 43 11 Zhang Shou Tian RW 42 YUK CHN Shou Tian 44 12 Rzerk RW 40 OTT CAN Rzerk 45 13 Jesse Sublime D 35 YUK CAN Sublime T46 T8 Bilal Syed LW 34 SASK CAN CanucksHD T46 T8 Lars Tommernes LW 34 HFX ISR Flare T48 T10 Paris Papadakis LW 32 YUK CAN Rosco T48 T10 Vander Peng LW 32 USA Dijital Aaron Butcher LW 30 HFX USA devilsfan35 Adam Werynski C 30 USA KnucklePuckAdam Ajay Minhas D 30 CAN brownboy102 Alex Schmidt G 30 CAN Schmidt Andreas Bergkvist G 30 OSL USA Foehammer Andrew McDade D 30 USA DurdenBrandSoup Anton Jokelainen RW 30 FIN mjrv21 Beckett London D 30 USA bdlondon Bernard Bernardov D 30 RUS Rad Russian Bobby Larkin LW 30 OSL USA DickRobbins Chris Jonah G 30 CAN Jonah38 Conor Scott G 30 CAN ViIlains Craig Kost D 30 USA Tigerteeo Dana Piebird C 30 USA Dude David Lance D 30 CAN Nelson Donald J Wafer RW 30 USA DonaldJWafer Edwin Bergstrand C 30 SWE FuzzyLeeroy Ethan Sawatzky C 30 SASK CAN Greenert11 Finn Schaefer D 30 OSL GER SupaSta Frenchie French LW 30 CAN Galchenyuk_Is_God Frenezo D 30 USA Sook Harrison MacDuff RW 30 CAN Pauly51 Ho-Train RW 30 LVA ? Josh Ho-Train Hyuk-Kyu Kim RW 30 KOR Deft Ian Drake RW 30 LVA USA Claust J.P Desjardin RW 30 YUK CAN Mike_Houle Jace Stravinsky G 30 USA Scorpio James Wolf D 30 USA Ventsan Jeremy Myalls D 30 HFX CAN Sllaym Jerramy RW 30 CAN Jerramy Jesus Christ G 30 JPN KyleS56 Joe Bronie RW 30 USA colton14 Johnny RW 30 CAN RealJohny211 John McCan RW 30 CAN McCan John Robertson C 30 CAN JR0B13 Johnson Johnston RW 30 USA libbyfanaccount Justin Graves C 30 CAN Gravyncarrots Justin Recker RW 30 USA Reckasaur Keywi Miles C 30 CAN Keywi LW 30 CAN Kyle Desjardins G 30 SASK CAN Desjar Magnus Backlund D 30 SASK SWE T65 Marcus Ruggiero LW 30 YUK CAN Ruggiero10 Matt Hart LW 30 CAN mhart97 Max Hosafros LW 30 USA madmonstermax Nick Blagden RW 30 CAN Nick Blagden Nick Ward RW 30 YUK CAN SirRupertBarnes Potato G 30 HFX ? Potato Prescott Triomphe D 30 CAN PaintingItOrange Radovan Svejkovsky LW 30 YUK SVK UltraMick Rick Slambone D 30 CAN Drob127 Riku Rantala G 30 FIN RickRandles Rob RW 30 USA Flyershockey90 Russell Jerome D 30 CAN Russell Jerome Ryan Cruise D 30 USA Steve Razyn Ryan Dodds D 30 SASK USA RJHockey21 Sebastian Dietz G 30 USA Bazmandoo22 Steve DeMatteo C 30 USA Nyr1994 Steven Hovden RW 30 NOR Steveziedoesit Ted Thomas G 30 USA DBCrumpets Toshinaga Akutsu D 30 JPN toshimann Trjegen Pisz C 30 CZE JaacTree Victor G 30 YUK USA Zetna White Goodman RW 30 USA Tniz15 So for this week, I figured I've done looking at week-by-week TPE of players, why not break down the week-by-week rankings of each of these players? So I've made up some graphs that illustrate how the top 30 TPE players in this draft class have climbed up the rankings or fallen down the pecking order and will give some descriptions to accompany them. Originally I had done one big chart including all 30, but it was a cluttered mess, so I've broken it down so most of the charts have five players each (and if they don't, you'll understand why in the description). In truth, I had forgotten when I'd started these rankings that for the first few weeks of doing these draft rankings, Ryan Kastelic was in third place and was 84 TPE behind Tzuyu. However after a huge surge of Hall of Fame articles along with extremely strong weekly activity and the additional perks of donating, Kastelic is currently the unquestioned number one at the top of the TPE leaderboard and is now 51 ahead of Tzuyu, therefore Kastelic has earned 135 TPE more TPE over the course of the season, an insane figure! Had it not been for Kastelic, winger Julian Borwinn would have been regarded as arguably the best pre-draft first gen this league has seen in at least the last 30 seasons. While he occupied third place in the rankings for four weeks, he overtook Tzuyu in my week seven rankings and now that he's already 15 TPE ahead of Tzuyu, looks set to pull away from the Taiwanese defensewoman. It will be interesting to see which player out of Tzuyu and English defenseman Joseph McWolf will enter the draft with the third most TPE. McWolf has been earning capped TPE at an un-toppable rate, but I imagine Tzuyu is likely to have the better achievement tracker results given her success in the VHLM this season. Rounding out the top five is center Scott Shawinganen, who has held the same position outright for the last six weeks (in Week Two he was tied for fifth with Nikita Flipachyev). Given that he started at quite a bit of a time-disadvantage given that he joined after the draft, Shawinganen has done exceptionally well to separate himself from the rest of the class and ensure he doesn't even enter the VHLM Draft with the amount of TPE he has already earned. One of the big stories around this draft outside of the top five selections was which goalie would be the best in this draft class and, in truth, that answer may not have a clear cut answer as of right now as it seems Cole Mertz may be deliberately holding off in his TPE earning activities in a desire to stick around in the VHLM for another season. As it stands right now though, the goalie with the highest TPE entering this draft looks set to be Alexander Pepper, who has also been the top goalie in six of my eight weekly recaps and has never been below #10 in the rankings. Sidney Crosby was overlooked by the VHLM GMs when the S62 VHLM Draft took place, as he wound up not being selected, but this seemed to only work to encourage Crosby to prove them wrong and, from week two onwards, he's never been outside of the top ten TPE players in this draft class and, while I'm not sure, could potentially be the first undrafted (as in was eligible for a draft but was passed over rather than too much TPE) VHLM player to be selected in the first round of the VHL Draft. Jose Gonzalez and Dan Wilinsky currently sit in joint-eighth place and both have been doing a great job in regards to keeping up with their weekly PTs, with neither slipping below 11 capped TPE over the past month. Wilinsky deserves special praise here given that he's the first prospect we've mentioned here to not earn TPE till the second week of my scout rankings and managing to reach the top 10 in spite of having less time to get to those TPE levels, is evident of the effort Wilinsky has put in to this point. Currently the third highest TPE player to have been created after the previous VHLM Draft, Anthony Dabarno occupies an interesting position in this draft class, having occupied 11th place for the last three weeks, Dabarno is one of the highest ranked players outside of the top four to find themselves in a position where they can consistently hold on to the same place in the rankings, although if Mertz is continuing with his intentions to head back down to the VHLM, we will likely see Dabarno head into the top 10 before the start of the draft. Another interesting case in this draft has been the resurgence of "The Tittymaster" BOOM and his player Vaydar Odinsson. In the early goings, it seemed like Odinsson was satisfied with making a single-PT/welfare player and in turn his high place in the rankings fell pretty early. However, over the last month and a half, we've seen Odinsson return to the form that saw him create multiple Hall of Fame players, frequently posting capped TPE weeks of 10 TPE or more, which saw him claw back up the rankings to the point where he now finds himself in potential contention for a first round selection. Throughout this whole process, Mountain Thunderfist had been probably the most consistent player in this entire draft class outside of the top four in regards to his TPE ranking, as from week one through to week seven, Thunderfist had never had a weekly ranking higher than 16 but also never had one lower than 18. That changed this last week though as, after a bumper submission of special PTs, Thunderfist wound up climbing up the ranks in a big way, all the way up to #13. There was a time earlier on in the season where Chance Matthews was considered a player who looked set to contend with the likes of Gonzalez and Crosby for a late first round selection, and while he is still earning a lot of TPE through his VHLM Magazine job, he's stopped doing as much of the side activities (such as his podcast) which has seen him slip out of the top ten TPE players. Kisshan Shan is the highest TPE player to have started earning his TPE from the third week of my rankings and has shown he's capable of big earning numbers, with a couple of 12 TPE weeks to his name. If he were to keep that up, he'd be a very good contributor for any team that drafts him. For a while it looked like Chace Trepanier and Dan Wilinsky, two players signed on the same day as each other to the same team, would also have around the same TPE as each other. However, while Wilinsky has gone on to greater things, Trepanier hasn't been able to keep up the same pace and is now over 40 TPE behind Wilinsky. While Trepanier is consistently earning TPE, it's only in small amounts right now (Welfare + Practice Facility) which, while obviously better than no earning whatsoever, may see himself drafted later than some currently lower TPE players who are showing more TPE promise. Trepanier's earning rate right now is at least significantly better than Nathan MacKinnon's, who seems to have unexpectedly disappeared from the league. While being eligible for the VHLM Draft, MacKinnon didn't start earning TPE till the third week of my rankings, but once MacKinnon started earning, he went in hard with several high-capped TPE weeks. However as he looked set to play a greater part in the league and threaten for a first round selection, he disappeared off the face of the earth and hasn't been seen in two weeks. Given that he had a long absence between his draft and his first TPE, there is a chance we'll see MacKinnon return, but as it stands, his draft stock looks set to fall in a big way. On the opposite end of the spectrum though is Jesse Wilson and Rylan Peace, two players who didn't earn TPE till the fifth week of my scouting, so have done extremely well to break into the top twenty of what is an already talented draft class. At their current rate of earning, you could see both of these players in contention for a second round selection. The reason this chart has six players is that there's a very interesting tie for 20th between two goalies in Rhett Stoffiday and Tyler Smith, a battle that you could never have seen happening a few weeks earlier. Tyler Smith was a player who was earning 12 capped TPE a week and was always just on the fringe of a position in the top ten TPE players and was even close to threatening Mertz and Pepper in their goalie battle, however work commitments have restricted Smith from earning at the rate he once had and, while he still visits the forum and earns TPE, it's not near the same 12 TPE rate he was earlier on in the process. On the other side, Stoffiday has exploded into action after a slow start that didn't see him earn TPE till the third week of my rankings despite being selected in the draft, Stoffiday has gone onto huge things since then and has done remarkably well to close down a gap that would have been thought to have been insurmountable, and is a great demonstration as to why you keep faith in players regardless of when they are drafted! Jorgon Weyed is an interesting case of a player, jumping into 20th place in just his second week, I boldly proclaimed in my Mock Draft that Weyed would go in the second round of the draft and had the potential to rise even higher, but in reality, he's actually two positions lower than when I did that Mock Draft. This seems to have come about with a bit of unfamiliarity with welfare, as there were a couple of weeks where, despite doing plenty of other PTs in the same week, welfare wasn't claimed when a six-point PT wasn't done and, had those welfare claims been made, he would have been sitting five positions higher in the rankings. Now that the player is familiar with welfare should he not have time to do a PT, maybe we will see him come back into the form that saw me project him entering the second round. Joey Boucher and James Lombardi are two very similar players in that while they will do Point Tasks when there is a specific benefit from doing so, they will predominantly use welfare and practice facility for the bulk of their TPE, which will be enough to see them become solid role players on a VHL team in the future. Nikita Flipachyev is probably the most unfortunate case of this draft class. A few weeks in, it looked like Flipachyev would be among the top prospects in this draft class, not quite a Kastelic/Borwinn/McWolf calibre player, but certainly someone who could be a great first round selection. However he hasn't earned points since the third week of my rankings and, as a result, will likely slip out of the third round of the draft. Toby Fitzgerald and Wlodzimierz Zajaczkowski are very similar to Boucher and Lombardi in that they predominantly rely on welfare for their main PT and, for the most part, they are actually more consistent in earning extra TPE than Boucher and Lombardi, however the reason they are currently behind them in TPE is that they haven't done a PT when bonuses and incentives were presented for doing one (E.g. The Mid-Season PT, which would have seen them earn 12 TPE more than their welfare claim). Given that they, especially Fitzgerald, do more stuff like press conferences more consistently than some of the players above them, they may well gain some ground on the players above them, but doing those themed bonus-PTs would see them not potentially lose that advantage. One of the recruits from the EHM world, Jessy Thomas looked set to become a potentially solid player, getting as high as 19th in the TPE rankings, however like Tyler Smith, work related stuff has come up and apparently he's gone silent in a number of other leagues because of this. #PayUsToVHL. Athanasios Andrianopoulos was looking like a player who could potentially be a solid depth player on a VHL roster through the welfare system, but unfortunately the last couple of weeks, he hasn't submitted for welfare or practice facility, leaving him falling behind some of his contempories. If he were to come back and do welfare, he could certainly still play a part for a VHL team eventually (We've had players who've gone on to have success in the VHL who entered the draft with much less than 80 TPE), but as it stands it's difficult to see Andrianopolous go any higher than a late third/early fourth. Burnt Toast can be used as a prime example of counting your chickens before they've hatched. Even before the VHLM Draft had started, Seattle Bears GM Blake Campbell was proclaiming Toast would become his assistant GM and first round selection. However, due to out-of-league commitments, he's not earned TPE since Week One and his stock has plummeted 26 places since the first rankings, only Theodore Gauthier and Anssi Koivuhaka (who both fell 27 places) have fallen down the rankings further than Toast. @tfong @Enorama @Jubo07 @McWolf @Arayvenn @Sonnet @DaftRaincloud @ColeMrtz21 @Jose Gonzalez @Toast @SidTheKid87 @Cornflakers @BOOM™ @Frank @Joobles @Doomzday @AdamEss @Pelimies @LordTony @803 @Rykonen @DrHexDex @VV2O4 @Tacocat @ChrisF @nicolas01 @Sublime @nymets5 @Rzerk @Dijital @Zetna @devilsfan35 @brownboy102 @Schmidt @Foehammer @DurdenBrandSoap @mjrv21 @Bdlondon @Rad Russian @DickRobbins @ViIIains @Tigerteeo @oilmandan @Nelson @pierogituxedo @DonaldJWafer @FuzzyLeeroy @Greenert11 @SupaStu @Galchenyuk_is_God @Sook @ZST @Josh Ho-Train @Deft @Claust @Scorpio @ventsan @Sllaym @Jerramy @KyleS56 @colton14 @joeyboucher1 @McCan @libbyfanaccount @Mike_Houle @Reckasaur @Keywi @Desjar @T65 @mhart97 @bagelbitesisbae @Nick Blagden @SirRupertBarnes @Potato @UltraMick @Drob127 @RickRandals @Flyershockey90 @Russell Jerome @Steve Razyn @RJHockey21 @Bazmandoo22 @Nyr1994 @DBCrumpets @JaacTree @Tniz15 @ChaceT @Jtww @canucksHD @PremiumFunk @Gravyncarrots @JohnnyT_77 @Shou Tian @eaglesfan036 @KnucklePuckAdam @Flare @toshimann @Pauly51 @Kisshan @Joubo @RealJohny211 @madmonstermax @hedgehog337 @PaintingItOrange @Ruggiero10 @Steveziedoesit @monkeywrench15 @Dude @Rosco @Jonah38 @JR0B13 @Peace @Fizzwidget Edited February 7, 2022 by fishy removed personal information per request by user BOOM, oilmandan and AdamEss 3 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/53668-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-eight-week-by-week-draft-rankings/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
McWolf 3,116 Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 From week 2 to right now, I've been 4th and @Cornflakers was 5th. Pretty crazy how that top 5 was pretty static all season Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/53668-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-eight-week-by-week-draft-rankings/#findComment-554372 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BOOM 8,971 Posted October 1, 2018 Share Posted October 1, 2018 Another excellent write up. As for Odinsson, I think it's simply been a case of having some time to do things. That's likely to change. Any GM who is considering a first round selection should have their GM position reviewed! Tagger 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/53668-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-eight-week-by-week-draft-rankings/#findComment-554375 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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