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First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who participated. I have asked and received feedback about future competitions and they will either switch to bi-weekly or monthly. I will be having a poll for it soon so we can figure that out. I also may use the ranking system, and then for the final month or during playoffs, use the rankings to seed a playoff tree format. That way we have a regular season and playoff graphics competition. I'll make a poll for that as well. Looking forward to future graphics competitions ladies & gents!


Anyways, Week 5 Results:

@jack 20
@gorlab 17
@monkeywrench15 15
Motzaburger 13
@Strooper99 11
@Green 10


And finally, the S66 VHLGFX FINAL RANKINGS. Take it for what you will!

VHLGFX Season 66 Rankings
Rank Username Points
1 @gorlab 81
2 Motzaburger 74
3 @InstantRockstar 66
4 @monkeywrench15 39
5 @chillzone 36
6 @Acydburn 31
7 @solas 26
8 @DollarAndADream 25
9 @Strooper99 24
10 @Thranduil 23
11 @jack 20
12 @GustavMattias 19
13 @Enorama 18
14 @Jubo07 12.5
15 @RunnerBert11 11
16 @Benson 11
17 @Tate 10
18 @Green 10
19 @Nacci25 9
20 @Radcow 7
21 @No_Dangles 6
22 @Nykonax 6
23 @DilIsPickle 5
24 @Matt_O 5
25 @HenrikZoiderberg 3.5
26 @Banackock 2
27 @FerdaJets 1
28 @HulkHogan 0
29 @Esso2264 0
30 @omgitshim 0



Congrats to the S66 VHLGFX Champion, @gorlabkAPc5Nd.png(you may now use this in your signature, if you so desire ?)



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Congrats to @gorlab. Well deserved. Something I would have predicted. :P



Also, sorry I didn't participate after like 3-4 weeks. I forgot 1 week and it kind of killed my motivation to win. I'll be in it next time.

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Just now, DollarAndADream said:

Congrats to @gorlab. Well deserved. Something I would have predicted. :P



Also, sorry I didn't participate after like 3-4 weeks. I forgot 1 week and it kind of killed my motivation to win. I'll be in it next time.

No problem! That's why I'll be planning ahead and switching up the format to make less frequent submissions :) 

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Ty for hosting the tourny @Motzaburger and to everybody who participated and voted. 


Shit like this helps the graphic community as a whole, and while it didn't go as perfect as we would have liked, it definitely was a highlight of S66 for me personally, and I think it's something the VHL graphics community can definitely build on. 



I dedicate my tourny win to @boubabi



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2 minutes ago, gorlab said:

Ty for hosting the tourny @Motzaburger and to everybody who participated and voted. 


Shit like this helps the graphic community as a whole, and while it didn't go as perfect as we would have liked, it definitely was a highlight of S66 for me personally, and I think it's something the VHL graphics community can definitely build on. 



I dedicate my tourny win to @boubabi






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