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Posts posted by fishy

  1. 2 hours ago, Berocka said:

    2.0 Recording Software/Uploading


    quick note on this - audacity is a free and very easy to use audio editing app. pretty sure you can also record directly into anchor but not 100% sure on that since I've never done it 


    great article berocka, this is going to be a super useful resource 


    sorry for the month-long hiatus homies. we're back!

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, Answer 6 for 2!


    1. What's the best gift you've ever given or received? Who did you give it to/who gave it to you, and for what?

    2. Tell me about a fictional character that you relate to. What do you like about them? How do you relate to them? Do you want to be more or less like them?

    3. Describe a specific color without telling me what color it is.

    4. What’s the funniest thing you did as a kid that your family still talks about?

    5. If you were to choose a slogan for your life, what would the slogan be? Is that slogan from something else, or is it Original Content™?

    6. The season finally started! Any predictions, thoughts, or hopes that you have (other than DC being amazing and having more fun than everyone else)?

    7. If you were attending a show and tell, what would you take? What would you say about it?

    8. This one is a bit of a different format. I'm going to write a sentence, then you're going to either copy/paste it or quote it with another sentence that starts with "and". Grab the sentences from the person before you so that, by the time the last person does this press conference, we have a small, weird story :)


    For example: I start with "There are birds living in my apartment building."

    Someone quotes and says, "There are birds living in my apartment building. And I think they're spying on me because i have never seen a bird that I trusted."

    Next person quotes and says "There are birds living in my apartment building. And I think they're spying on me because i have never seen a bird that I trusted. And I also saw a crocodile across the street the other day, which really weirded me out."


    You get the gist. Try to have enough of a response that the next person has something to work with. The more detail you add, the weird and funnier it can get.


    Here's our first sentence:

    When I was young, I used to spit on cars while I hid in the tree that I'd climbed.

  3. Just now, jhatty8 said:

    Reminds me of Tac's Rangers Give Back. Love to see this!


    On 4/16/2022 at 9:18 AM, fishy said:

    I played for the lovely @TacticalHammer (do you still check VHL? maybe you'll get an email. anyway, hey :)) on the DEATH VALLEY RANGERS, BEST ECFA TEAM. Though I decided that the EFL wasn't for me, I did walk away really inspired by Tac's seasonal donation based on team stats, so I've decided to mimic it with DC.

    :D I take no credit for the idea

  4. 39 minutes ago, fromtheinside said:

    fishy knows enough people in the community that they could just do that privately on Discord with people and avoid the BS

    this take completely lacks the awareness of the critical importance for community in times of mourning and grieving. creating safe spaces for hard topics is a good, healthy, and vital thing. 


    every single survey that's conducted in this league about why people stay shows that community plays a significant role. why does community only count when it's what you want? it is extremely valuable to have people from around the WORLD on this website for the huge variety of human experience it allows, and even more valuable because I've had a chance to develop personal relationships with many of them. i think it's foolish to believe that value doesn't transfer to difficult topics, and i see no reason why it shouldn't be leveraged. 


    to say that it feels at all appropriate for me (or anyone else) to be expected to reach out to people individually and ask them to meet me where i am on something this monumental is obscene. people handle these kinds of things extremely differently l, and who's to say that someone would be able to give me the support i need and vice versa? 


    the fact that people have thanked me for opening thread says enough. having a space for people to share their stories and connections with this issue and how they are seeing victimization as a result of the court's decision allows for collective healing and bonding. there is not a single ounce of me that regrets creating this thread.

  5. I am so fucking sick of being told that I should be tolerant of intolerance by hate sympathizers. No, I will not take pity on someone who believes that some people are undeserving of human rights. I'm BEYOND the point of being willing to be gentle with someone who goes onto a thread where people are fucking grieving to effectively say that this oppressive ass system is the way it should be. Miss me with the centrist bullshit. Civil rights movements throughout history are rarely characterized by peaceful protests & compromising on the justice they're fighting for. They're characterized by being unrelenting & DEMANDING the justice owed to the people.

  6. hi vhl,


    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am


    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions


    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).


    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying


    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible


    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared

  7. I’m really excited that I remembered this :)


    Here’s a breakdown of how totals were calculated.


    Dividing the stats between forwards and defenders like I’d originally planned left me with the following (this is for regular season + playoffs, not counting any bots):


    Goals 109 $2.18
    Shots Blocked 329 $3.29
    Hits 380 $3.80


    I was a bit unsatisfied rounding $9.27 to $15, so I combined the forward + defender stats to get the following:



    Goals 184 $3.68
    Shots Blocked 665 $6.65
    Hits 1316 $13.16


    … and that felt much better.


    Taylor Mourning finished the regular season with 420 shots (nice), more than any other player even combining regular season + playoffs (yeah… all four games). That means that @scoop chose where this season’s donation went to.


    scoop decided on The Trevor Project. For those of you who aren’t familiar with The Trevor Project, here’s a description:


    Over the last two decades, The Trevor Project has become a world leader in LGBTQ youth suicide prevention, and is the country's only LGBTQ organization to operate—and innovate—at the intersections of LGBTQ youth mental health, suicidology, and crisis intervention. Today, we serve more than 200,000 LGBTQ youth annually through our 24/7, free, and confidential crisis services via phone, chat, and text, while our suicide prevention programs work to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by shaping a more inclusive and accepting world.

    Our suicide prevention programs provide a digital community for peer support for LGBTQ youth called TrevorSpace, lead impactful advocacy efforts to protect LGBTQ youth from local and national laws that aim to harm them, offer innovative education programs to increase awareness of the support LGBTQ youth need, and conduct a research program leading the charge to provide peer-reviewed data on the experience of LGBTQ youth today.


    I’m very happy that the first donation is going to this cause, especially since it’s Pride Month. With that, $23.49 have been donated (plus the processing fees):




    @Dom your turn!

  8. :dcd:✨ D.C. DRAGONS PRESS CONFERENCE ✨:dcd:


    1. if you could give a gift to anyone in the world, who would you give it to and what would you give?

    2. When you were much younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why?

    3. What's something you're looking forward to this week?

    4. If you had the chance to become famous, would you take it? If yes, what would you want to be famous for? If not, why?

    5. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

    6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? Why?

  9. this post has swearing in it btw


    I am a huge fan of ~good vibes only~ in the VHL world. I agree with Bek’s assessment, noted in the theme week announcement post, that a lot of posts seem to be focusing on things that aren’t working, things that need to change, complaining, ranting, whatever. A lot of folks visit the VHL as an escape, and it’s tiring to go from a draining “real life” to watching people bitch and moan and critique endlessly the space that’s supposed to be safe, calming, and relaxing.


    As much as I enjoy the posts that have been shared lately, though, I’ve noticed that it’s a lot of the same people being tagged. There are folks around the league that deserve a lot of thanks for this or that, and they are certainly getting their thanks this week. That’s wonderful, but there are a lot of people who don’t have authority roles that are equally important and fantastic and valuable. I’ve decided to take this theme week to appreciate folks whose names aren’t a bright and shiny color.


    Like @solas, for example. Solas was one of my first friends that I made through a dead Chicago locker room. Some folks in the league are easy enough to talk to because you have a shared interest–the VHL itself. I’ve always felt, though, that solas has been super easy to talk to as a human, and I really enjoy that. Clever, intelligent, and an all-around great person to have in the locker room, solas is one of the people who really shaped my early VHL career, and most definitely a reason why I’ve decided to stick around. I’m very thankful for the book recs, the memories in the counting channel, media spot-worthy-length press conferences answers, and (embarrassing myself in) jeopardy. I’m really glad we crossed paths and shared career-long contracts in Chicago with my first player.


    I know @Quik’s name is still a pretty, shiny color, but he’s MIA so I’m making an exception. Another of the Chicago homies, Quik played a huge role in me being able to find comfort in the league. Although solas and I had nice little conversations here and there in the Chicago server, Quik gave us a pulse. He was the glue that brought us together, the energy we needed to bring our team to life. He also gave me a lot of content to work with for my research paper, which was extremely helpful, considering that I probably wouldn’t have been able to successfully write it without him. Quik was one of the first people that I talked to about coming out as enby to the league since he was better able to gauge how the league would react. It was awesome to have him in my corner, knowing that he’d have my back both as my friend and as a commissioner at the time. He ultimately propelled me to where I’m at today as a mod, and I’ve always looked up to him and how he looked upon the league during his rulership.


    I don’t know if @Blazzer is still around, but I hope she finds some time to return to us. My first VHL AGM, and another staple of my Chicago team with my previous player. Her player was absolute dog shit for a lot of the time we played together, up until the very end, and she never really got upset about his performance. I appreciated that, as well as the press conference questions every week. I know she’s busy right now with school, but I have hope that she’ll make it back.


    I know @Bobo doesn’t come around much anymore, but he’ll see this eventually. Another Chicago homie who really knew how to light up a locker room when he was around more consistently. I’ve always admired the fiery passion trips that sprout from bobo, most clearly exemplified by his VHT project and seconded closely by his very long album reviews. He’s another person who is full of ideas. Someday we’ll hear bobo’s album once he gets around to it, and we’ll all be DUMBSTRUCK.


    I have a lot of really fond memories of the time that the Chicago core spent together, and am ever-thankful for those moments.



    @Garsh is one of the most reliable sources of laughs around the league, and I'm so thankful that we’ve become pals. Garsh is another example of people in the league that I’m able to talk easily with about things that have nothing to do with the VHL, and I’ve had the opportunity to humanize him in my head (as opposed to just text on a screen or audio in a voice channel). It’s really cool, and I appreciate the time and commitment he dedicates to his friends to show that he cares for them.


    @Berocka is one of the people who brought me into the podcasting realm of the VHL, and he didn’t do anything other than create podcasts with boot. Someone mentioned in a podcast that I listened to recently (@ctots maybe?) that podcasts make you feel like you have a relationship with people despite never having held an actual conversation with them. I spent a lot of time laughing along to Two and a Half Aussies, and berocka’s been someone that I look up to in the podcasting realm. He has endless ideas about how to improve, change, or tweek things, and it’s incredible how ready he always is with those ideas. As someone who just doesn’t think that way, it’s fascinating to me to hear him chatting away and, seemingly, going off about a great idea that he is having for the very first time in that same moment (for someone else to steal and claim as their own later).

    I’ve had a lot of laughs with @Viper (is that even the right account?), the biggest and best taylor swift fan I have ever encountered in my life. We shared space in EFL as well, and the absolute and utter chaos that he’s capable of is incredible.


    That’s enough. Have a nice week.


    claiming weeks ending 5/29 and 6/5


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