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VSN Presents: S82 VHL Awards


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Hey everyone, and welcome to the S82 VHL awards! I hope you’re all ready, I would like to just start off by congratulating all the nominees. We will be starting at 8 PM EST, hope you’re all ready to earn some prediction TPE!





Szatkowski - Dan Dan @MMFLEX


Brooks - Darth Kaprizov @Darth Kaprizov


Beketov - Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn


Campbell - Taro Tsujimoto @Gustav


Slobodzian - Dan Dan @MMFLEX


Kanou - Thadius Sales @thadthrasher


Valiq - Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn


Wylde - Tom Eagles @Greg_Di


Labatte - Hard Markinson @STZ


Shaw - Thadius Sales @thadthrasher


Boulet - Duncan Idaho @OrbitingDeath


Stolzschweiger - Nils Godlander @Moon


Funk - Darth Kaprizov @Darth Kaprizov


Knight - @Acydburn


Elmebeck - @Alex


Edited by Alex
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Good evening and welcome to the season 82 Victory Hockey League Awards show! Over the course of the next couple of hours we will reveal the winner of each and every VHL awards winner. This season saw several storylines come up, with Vancouver three-peating as Continental Cup champions, Moscow’s playoff run, and Taro Tsujimoto’s spectacular season. 


Tonight we will celebrate and reflect on season 82, as we award the league's biggest hardware and players, they become recognized as S82 legends and a few may even build their case for The Hall of Fame. I hope you’re ready, Let’s get this thing started!

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Victory Cup

In contrast to season 81, the Wolves set off at a remarkable pace, with a 7-2-1 start to the season, much better than S81 which saw them start 5-5-0. The Wolves would continue this pace all season and go on to have a 53-15-4 record to finish the season for 110 points. Led by Jerome Reinhart’s @MexicanCow123 59 goals and 141 points, allowing Vancouver to capture their 3rd straight Victory Cup.



Congratulations Vancouver!

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Continental Cup

After winning the Victory Cup and entering the playoffs as clear favourites, the Vancouver Wolves did not disappoint. In the first round an upstart Seattle Bears team came the closest to knocking off the 2-time champ as they took Vancouver to 6 games. Following this they made quick work of both Los Angeles and Moscow as they swept both teams on their way to their 3rd straight Continental Cup. This season Thadius Sales @thadthrasher stood on their head all playoffs for Vancouver as they posted a 0.929 SV% and a 3.14 GAA throughout the playoffs. 


Congratulations to The Vancouver Wolves and @Nykonax on their 3rd straight Continental Cup!


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Each season the Alexander Beketov trophy is presented to the player who leads the league in assists, this award is commonly won by a defensemen and this season is no different with 3 of the top 5 players being defensemen; Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr @TacticalHammer, Hard Markinson @STZ, and Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn, and our two forwards in the top five were Nathaniel Minion @Minion and Taro Tsujimoto @Gustav. In what was a pretty close race right up until the final few sims of the season, and the final margin of victory being rather sizable compared to previous seasons as Battre Sandstrom would lead the league by an astounding 9 assists. I’m pleased to present our first individual award of the evening to Battre Sandstrom with 99 assists!


Congratulations to Battre Sandstrom on the Season 82 Alexander Beketov Trophy!

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The Kevin Brooks trophy is awarded to the player(s) who leads the league in scoring at the end of the regular season. Notably this season we saw 6 players within 4 goals of the lead, the closest margin we have seen in a while, these players were: score over 60 goals which may have been enough to win in most other seasons, these players were: Reylynn Reinhart @Ricer13, Alex Johnston @Alex, Dan Dan @MMFLEX, Jerome Reinhart @MexicanCow123, Taylor Mourning @scoop, and Darth Kaprizov @Darth Kaprizov. Although there was a tight race at times 1 player took the win on the final sim of the season by scoring their 60th goal of the season, putting them one goal ahead of the runners-up, establishing themselves as the S82 VHL leading goal scorer:
Darth Kaprizov!


Congratulations Darth Kaprizov!

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The previous two awards covered assists and goals, the Mike Szatkowski Trophy is awarded to the player who leads the league in points at the end of the regular season. Just a few seasons ago it was a massive accomplishment to score 100 points, this season 31 players hit the 100 point mark! Among those 7 players were over 130 points. We did have a relatively close race here that came down to the last couple sims with Bogdan Trunov @qripll, Nathaniel Minion @Minion, Taro Tsujimoto @Gustav, and Jerome Reinhart @MexicanCow123 all within 9 points of first. This season we saw a player score the most points since S62 and that player was the name you have all been waiting for…




Dan Dan @MMFLEX with 143 points! Congratulations!

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Now how about them goalies? The Greg Clegane Trophy is presented to the goalie with the lowest GAA over the course of the season. This one was a bit more clear-cut then last season as the winner held that spot for the majority of the season. However, there was one goalie pretty close all season as Tobias Reinhart @Spaz gave chase and finished the season with a 2.97 GAA. Although Reinhart did have an incredible season it wasn’t quite good enough to catch Thadius Sales @thadthrasher as they finished the season with a remarkable 2.89 GAA, outstanding for the high-scoring era we are in.




Congratulations Thadius Sales @thadthrasher for your second consecutive Greg Clegane Trophy!

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(Written by @samx)

Now we move onto what I would call the most prestigious award the VHL has to offer: the Frederik Elmebeck Trophy. Named in honour of Frederik Elmembeck, who from what I’ve heard was an incredible person who engaged the community with passion and positive energy on a daily basis before he was taken from us far too soon. This award is to honor the lasting legacy of Elmebeck by recognizing the member who best served the VHL community.

This season, the nominees, as selected by you, the VHL community, are


@Alex: For his work in hosting both the all-star game and prospect game this season, helping run the Junior Showcase and his work as the new GM of Davos.

@Beketov: For his commitment to the VHL, always providing guidance and help to those who need it, as well as the work he put into creating a solution to end the meta.

@Dil: For his work in helping to get trivia running on the portal and the overall energy he brings to the league.

@Enorama: For his work in coming up with solutions to help end the meta.

@Shindigs: For his willingness to help and assist new members in the league.

@Spartan: For his help and guidance with new members in the league.


First off I would just like to thank all the nominees for all the work they put in this season and making the league a better place each and every day. Without further ado, the winner is…



@Alex! Congratulations!

Alex - 10, Beketov - 1, Enorama/Shindigs/Spartan - 0


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Just now, Alex said:

As awkward as I find it presenting an award to yourself, I just want to say thank you to everyone I've met in the VHL and hope to continue to make the VHL a great place to be! This really means a lot!






I kid. I don't know who voted, but it's well-deserved @Alex! Thanks for everything! :D

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Only 2 seasons ago we saw the rookie points record broken by Matty Fire @MattyFired, this past season we saw the record of 113 points shattered by not one, but 2 players! Additionally, Zaza Colors @McWolf and Brendan Marner @MetalToday became the 4th and 5th rookies to ever break the 100 point mark. Additionally, Cole Pearce @N0HBDY had one of the best rookie goaltender seasons in recent history with 40 wins. Lastly, our two rookie point leaders this past season were Matt Avens @Mr Bohannan (132 points), and Nils Godlander @Moon (131 points). What a season for London rookies! The winner of the season 82 Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy is...




Nils Godlander @Moon! Congratulations!

Godlander - 10, Marner - 1, Avens/Colors/Pearce - 0


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The Dustin Funk is awarded to that season's most improved player, this season we had a lot of players take a huge step forward. For this award each VHL GM can nominate 1 player from their own team, this ensures that no player is overlooked in any way. This can lead to a crowded field and with that it was narrowed down to five finalists,

who stood out above the rest. These were:


S81: Darth Kaprizov @Darth Kaprizov (DAV) - 29G, 31A, 60P, -10, 26PIM, 69HIT, 30SB

S82: Darth Kaprizov (PRG) - 60G, 55A, 115P, 43, 48PIM, 85HIT, 27SB


S81: Dan Dan @MMFLEX (LAS) - 42G, 47A, 89P, 6, 34PIM, 87HIT, 51SB

S82: Dan Dan (LAS) - 57G, 86A, 143P, 33, 99PIM, 192HIT, 34SB


S81: Sigard Petrenko @SlapshotDragon (SEA) - 14G, 33A, 47P, 31, 126PIM, 263HIT, 28SB

S82: Sigard Petrenko (SEA) - 30G, 57A, 87P, 54, 70PIM, 196HIT, 43SB


S81: Addison McLaren @tcookie (DAV) - 14G, 31A, 45P, 36, 100PIM, 155HIT, 129SB

S82: Addison McLaren (MAL) - 24G, 61A, 85P, 47, 170PIM, 241HIT, 204SB


S81: Nils Tallinder @Patrik Tallinder (CGY) - 32G, 36A, 68P, 21, 6PIM, 22HIT, 32SB

S82: Nils Tallinder (RIG) - 49G, 69A, 118P, 33, 32PIM, 65HIT, 30SB


And the winner is…





Darth Kaprizov @Darth Kaprizov! Congratulations!


Kaprizov - 6, Dan - 5, Petrenko/McLaren/Tallinder - 0


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