Tagger 2,722 Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 (edited) Overall # Up/Down Positional # Up/Down Name Position TPE VHLM Team Nationality Username 1 - 1 - Tzuyu D 222 HFX TWN Tfong 2 - 2 - Ryan Kastelic D 206 OTT SVN Enorama 3 - 1 - Julian Borwinn LW 191 LVA CAN Jubo07 4 - 3 - Joseph McWolf D 185 OTT ENG McWolf 5 - 1 - Scott Shawinganen C 161 LVA CAN Cornflakers 6 - 4 - Sidney Crosby D 146 LVA USA SidTheKid87 7 Up 3 1 Up 1 Cole Mertz G 144 HFX USA ColeMrtz211 8 Down 2 2 Down 1 Alexander Pepper G 136 LVA KOR sonnet 9 - 2 - Jose Gonzalez LW 135 LVA USA Jose Gonzalez 10 Down 2 2 - Anthony Dabarno C 134 HFX CAN LordTony 11 Up 3 1 Up 1 Dan Wilinsky RW 126 OTT CAN Oilmandan 12 Down 1 3 - Tyler Smith G 125 HFX USA DrHexDex T13 Up 1 3 - Chace Trepanier LW 121 OTT CAN ChaceT T13 Down 1 3 - Chance Matthews C 121 OTT USA DaftRaincloud 15 Down 3 2 Down 1 Nikita Flipachyev RW 114 HFX RUS Arayvenn 16 Up 1 4 - Nathan MacKinnon C 110 HFX CAN Bagelbitesisbae 17 Down 1 3 - Vaydar Odinsson RW 105 OTT NOR BOOM 18 - 5 - Mountain Thunderfist D 92 LVA ? AdamEss 19 Up 16 4 Up 5 Kisshan Shan RW 88 OSL RUS Kisshan 20 - 5 - Jorgon Weyed RW 84 LVA JAM Joubo 21 - 6 - James Lombardi D 82 LVA ITA Nymets5 T22 Down 3 T6 Down 2 Jessy Thomas RW 80 LVA CAN jtww T22 Up 1 T6 - Joey Boucher RW 80 LVA CAN joeyboucher1 24 Down 3 7 Down 1 Burnt Toast D 76 SASK CAN Toast 25 - 4 Up 1 Athanasios Andrianopoulos LW 74 YUK GRC 803 26 Up 5 8 Up 1 Toby Fitzgerald D 71 HFX CAN JohnnyT_77 T27 Down 3 5 Down 1 King Gow LW 70 HFX USA eaglesfan036 T27 Up 4 8 Down 1 Wlodzimierz Zajaczkowski RW 70 SASK POL nicolas01 29 Down 4 9 Down 1 Gregor Rasputinov D 68 OTT RUS Joobles T30 NEW 9 NEW Rylan Pearce RW 61 HFX CAN Peace T30 Down 3 5 - Theodore Gauthier C 61 YUK CAN Frank T32 Down 4 6 - Anderson LaVey LW 60 SASK USA Doomzday T32 Up 7 4 Up 1 Rhett Stoffiday G 60 YUK USA Pierogituxedo 34 Down 4 5 Down 1 Johannes Benoit G 59  CAN PremiumFunk T35 Down 2 10 Down 2 Anssi Koivuhaka RW 53  FIN Pelimies T35 NEW T10 NEW Jesse Wilson D 53 OTT CAN monkeywrench15 T35 Down 2 T10 - Robert Renner D 53 OTT USA Tacocat 38 Down 3 12 Down 1 Juri Rykonen D 50 HFX FIN Rykonen 39 Down 2 6 Up 1 Chris F. C 48 SASK CAN ChrisF 40 Down 2 7 Up 1 Mike Lavalee C 47 YUK CAN CB204 41 Down 1 11 Down 1 Zhang Shou Tian RW 42 YUK CHN Shou Tian 42 Down 1 12 Down 1 Rzerk RW 40 OTT CAN Rzerk 43 Down 1 7 - Randoms LW 39 OTT LVA hedgehog337 44 Down 1 13 Down 1 Jesse Sublime D 35 YUK CAN Sublime 45 Down 1 8 - Bilal Syed LW 34 SASK CAN CanucksHD T46 NEW T9 NEW Paris Papadakis LW 32 YUK CAN Rosco T46 Down 1 T9 - Vander Peng LW 32  USA Dijital     Aaron Butcher LW 30 HFX USA devilsfan35     Adam Werynski C 30  USA KnucklePuckAdam     Ajay Minhas D 30  CAN brownboy102     Alex Schmidt G 30  CAN Schmidt     Andreas Bergkvist G 30 OSL USA Foehammer     Andrew McDade D 30  USA DurdenBrandSoup     Anton Jokelainen RW 30  FIN mjrv21     Beckett London D 30  USA bdlondon     Bernard Bernardov D 30  RUS Rad Russian     Bobby Larkin LW 30 OSL USA DickRobbins     Chris Jonah G 30  CAN Jonah38     Conor Scott G 30  CAN ViIlains     Craig Kost D 30  USA Tigerteeo     Dana Piebird C 30  USA Dude     David Lance D 30  CAN Nelson     Donald J Wafer RW 30  USA DonaldJWafer     Edwin Bergstrand C 30  SWE FuzzyLeeroy     Ethan Sawatzky C 30 SASK CAN Greenert11     Finn Schaefer D 30 OSL GER SupaSta     Fizz G 30  CAN Fizzwidget     Frenchie French LW 30  CAN Galchenyuk_Is_God     Frenezo D 30  USA Sook     Harrison MacDuff RW 30  CAN Pauly51     Ho-Train RW 30 LVA ? Josh Ho-Train     Hyuk-Kyu Kim RW 30  KOR Deft     Ian Drake RW 30 LVA USA Claust     J.P Desjardin RW 30 YUK CAN Mike_Houle     Jace Stravinsky G 30  USA Scorpio     James Wolf D 30  USA Ventsan     Jeremy Myalls D 30 HFX CAN Sllaym     Jerramy RW 30  CAN Jerramy     Jesus Christ G 30  JPN KyleS56     Joe Bronie RW 30  USA colton14     Johnny RW 30  CAN RealJohny211     John McCan RW 30  CAN McCan     John Robertson C 30  CAN JR0B13     Johnson Johnston RW 30  USA libbyfanaccount     Justin Graves C 30  CAN Gravyncarrots     Justin Recker RW 30  USA Reckasaur     Kerry Hallett RW 30  CAN kerryj13     Keywi Miles C 30  CAN Keywi      LW 30  CAN      Kyle Desjardins G 30 SASK CAN Desjar     Lars Tommernes LW 30 HFX ISR Flare     Magnus Backlund D 30 SASK SWE T65     Marcus Ruggiero LW 30 YUK CAN Ruggiero10     Matt Hart LW 30  CAN mhart97     Max Hosafros LW 30  USA madmonstermax     Nick Blagden RW 30  CAN Nick Blagden     Nick Ward RW 30 YUK CAN SirRupertBarnes     Potato G 30 HFX ? Potato     Prescott Triomphe D 30  CAN PaintingItOrange     Radovan Svejkovsky LW 30 YUK SVK UltraMick     Rick Slambone D 30  CAN Drob127     Riku Rantala G 30  FIN RickRandles     Rob RW 30  USA Flyershockey90     Russell Jerome D 30  CAN Russell Jerome     Ryan Cruise D 30  USA Steve Razyn     Ryan Dodds D 30 SASK USA RJHockey21     Sebastian Dietz G 30  USA Bazmandoo22     Steve DeMatteo C 30  USA Nyr1994     Steven Hovden RW 30  NOR Steveziedoesit     Ted Thomas G 30  USA DBCrumpets     Toshinaga Akutsu D 30  JPN toshimann     Trjegen Pisz C 30  CZE JaacTree     Victor G 30 YUK USA Zetna     White Goodman RW 30  USA Tniz15 So for today's article, I'll be having another look at how well all of the Season 63 Draftees are doing in terms of earning their weekly capped TPE. For those who are wondering why looking at capped TPE is important, here are the reasons.  The Early Goings Of A Players Career Can Be Deceptive When a member creates his player, there are a lot of opportunities available to them that will allow them to earn lots of points right away, such as the Rookie Profiles and the Biographies which account for 18 TPE combined. While those are good early boosts for a player to have, if a first-gen player has say 60 TPE and has done both and is level with another first-gen player on TPE who has done neither his Biography or his Rookie Profile, that says one of two things. 1) The player who hasn't done his rookie profile or biography is level with the one who has because he has been earning his weekly TPE at a more substantial rate, meaning further down the line the player with the greater weekly output is likely to overtake and separate from the player who is only level through doing his special PTs early and 2) Because the player is level and hasn't yet done his special PT's, that means he still has the opportunity to do so further down the line and therefore use them to separate from the player who has already done so.  Disregards Carryover Much like the Special PTs, Carryover is another way in which veterans get ahead early as they can add up to 45 additional TPE to their player based on how well they did earning TPE with their previous player. If a player has 45 TPE of carryover (to make 75 TPE in total), he will look very strong at the start and seem difficult to catch, but if he does not continue to earn his capped TPE at a high rate, he will soon find himself matched and later overtaken by players who are reaching the cap in weekly TPE.  The Long Game You may look at the figures involved and think that the difference between 8 and 11 TPE per week is meaningless, but if you think about the big picture, its a lot greater than that. Including off-seasons, each season is about 9-10 weeks long and your VHL career once your drafted to a VHL team lasts eight seasons on-top of the potential 11-12 weeks you spend in the VHLM leading up to the VHL Draft. When it's all said and done, that's a maximum of 92 weeks of being 3 TPE ahead of your opposition, that's 276 TPE more!  So now, here's a chart of how everyone has done in terms of earning capped TPE per week!   Some notes to consider for this table:  The per week starts from the first week that they earned capped TPE. In some instances, some players who started off a bit slower but have gone on to be TPE machines are a bit lower than if I hadn't counted their first week of capped TPE earning. The biggest example would be Tyler Smith who only earned 2 capped TPE in his first week, but has gone on to average 11 TPE per week over the last 4 weeks. Since I had to post this on Sunday, there's potentially some PT's missing that could still be submitted after this goes up. Probably the main examples of this would be Jose Gonzalez (had only earned 4 TPE this week at time of writing, but had been averaging 11 TPE per week prior to this one), Jorgon Weyed (like Jose, had been earning 11 TPE per week prior to this week, but at the point of writing, hasn't earned any capped TPE this week) and Chance Matthews (Will likely be adding 7 TPE for VHLM Magazine pay later, but currently hasn't added any capped TPE this week, was at 9 capped TPE per week before this week).  SO, HOW CAN YOU RISE UP THIS LIST?  Simple, do more weekly PT'S!  What are they? Here's a reminder! -          You can submit either a Media article of 500 words, a Graphic or a ten minute Podcast for 6 TPE. If you don’t have time to submit for any of these this week though, there is Welfare available to claim for at least 4 TPE. -          You can submit either a 150 word article/Player Card for 2 TPE or you can submit a five minute Podcast for 3 TPE. -          You can get a maximum of 2 TPE by answering and asking questions in the Press Conferences. If you are short of answers, you can answer questions in the VHLM Press Conference for 2 TPE. -          You can receive a maximum of 2 TPE by reviewing other people’s Media/Graphics/Podcasts. Check out the guide to reviewing HERE. -     Every week there will be Trivia Questions available to answer for 2 TPE. Send a PM to Bushito by Friday to get your trivia questions and if you get both of them correct, you get 2 TPE. Every time you answer questions correctly for Trivia, you also get entered into the end of season leader board where you can earn a maximum of 6 uncapped TPE! -     If you have a job, you can also earn a minimum of 1 extra TPE per week for fulfilling your duties. Available jobs can be found HERE   @tfong @Enorama @Jubo07 @McWolf @Arayvenn @Sonnet @DaftRaincloud @ColeMrtz21 @Jose Gonzalez @Toast @SidTheKid87 @Cornflakers @BOOM™ @Frank @Joobles @Doomzday @AdamEss @Pelimies @LordTony @803 @Rykonen @DrHexDex @VV2O4 @Tacocat @ChrisF  @nicolas01 @Sublime @nymets5 @Rzerk @Dijital @Zetna @devilsfan35 @brownboy102 @Schmidt @Foehammer @DurdenBrandSoap @mjrv21 @Bdlondon @Rad Russian @DickRobbins @ViIIains @Tigerteeo @oilmandan @Nelson @pierogituxedo @DonaldJWafer @FuzzyLeeroy @Greenert11 @SupaStu @Galchenyuk_is_God @Sook @ZST @Josh Ho-Train @Deft @Claust @Scorpio @ventsan @Sllaym @Jerramy @KyleS56 @colton14 @joeyboucher1 @McCan @libbyfanaccount @28_stab_wounds @Mike_Houle @Reckasaur @Keywi @T65 @mhart97 @bagelbitesisbae @Nick Blagden @SirRupertBarnes @Potato @UltraMick @Drob127 @RickRandals @Flyershockey90 @Russell Jerome @Steve Razyn @RJHockey21 @Bazmandoo22 @Nyr1994 @DBCrumpets @JaacTree @Tniz15 @ChaceT @Jtww @canucksHD @PremiumFunk @Gravyncarrots @JohnnyT_77 @Shou Tian @eaglesfan036 @KnucklePuckAdam @Flare @toshimann @Pauly51 @Kisshan @Joubo @RealJohny211 @madmonstermax @hedgehog337 @kerryj13 @PaintingItOrange @Ruggiero10 @Steveziedoesit @monkeywrench15 @Dude @Rosco @Jonah38 @JR0B13 @Peace @Fizzwidget      Edited February 7, 2022 by fishy Jubo, oilmandan and DollarAndADream 3 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
McWolf 3,116 Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 12 every week! I told you @Banackock Banackock and ColeMrtz 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-549775 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tagger 2,722 Posted September 9, 2018 Author Share Posted September 9, 2018 Edited the table because I forgot to do ups/downs for the entire week since this is an end of week one. @Kisshan with the big leap of 16! McWolf and Kisshan 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-549782 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ColeMrtz 574 Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 I didn't cap like one or two weeks because reviewing sucks and now I am a failure Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-549785 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banackock 8,332 Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 Good show Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-549814 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DollarAndADream 3,358 Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 2 hours ago, ColeMrtz21 said: I didn't cap like one or two weeks because reviewing sucks and now I am a failure Reviewing isn't the most fun, but it's a 5-10min job for 2 TPE in a week, which is not a lot of work at all. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-549857 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enorama 2,039 Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 16 hours ago, ColeMrtz21 said: I didn't cap like one or two weeks because reviewing sucks and now I am a failure  I joined the league with one day left in a week and didn't feel like trying to review to make cap for that week. Now it hurts a lil bit  @McWolf you're putting me to shame ColeMrtz and McWolf 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-550082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
McWolf 3,116 Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 46 minutes ago, Enorama said:  I joined the league with one day left in a week and didn't feel like trying to review to make cap for that week. Now it hurts a lil bit  @McWolf you're putting me to shame  I mean, you should expect the 1st overall pick to cap every week, right? Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-550117 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enorama 2,039 Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 16 minutes ago, McWolf said: Â I mean, you should expect the 1st overall pick to cap every week, right? Â I guess that makes the decision for 1OA a lot easier I suppose eh? VHL GMs take note Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-550127 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nicolas01 43 Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 My weekly TPE should increase since I figured out I can claim free welfare if I don't write an article! Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/52942-s63-draft-class-rankings-week-five-weekly-capped-tpe-rankings/#findComment-550669 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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