rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 12, 2020 Share Posted April 12, 2020 (edited) Post Draft Live S71 Class Rankings Rank Δ Drafted Player Name Position TPE Team Nat. Last Updated AVG CAPPED TPE Member 1 2nd Overall Roque Davis D 1628 RETD PT 2021-06-13 11.949 Josh 2 5th Overall Thomas Landry II LW 1527 RETD US 2021-06-20 11.375 Doomsday 3 11th Overall Erik Killinger D 1486 RETD CA 2021-06-20 11.4 Peace 4 6th Overall Jim Bob LW 1421 RETD AL 2021-05-16 11.667 jRuutu 5 4th Overall Stone Wolski G 1398 RETD US 2021-06-13 11.038 DollarAndADream 6 3rd Overall Ola Vikingstad C 1289 RETD SE 2021-06-20 10.579 Dil 7 9th Overall Uhtred RW 1204 RETD GB 2021-06-13 9.051 leafsman 8 13th Overall Ray Sheilds C 1125 RETD SE 2021-04-25 11.385 Zetterberg 9 1st Overall Kyl Oferson C 979 RETD BN 2021-06-20 7.577 Nykonax 10 20th Overall Xavier leFlamant RW 890 RETD MQ 2021-06-20 6.821 BarzalGoat 11 35th Overall Woody McPine G 861 MAL CA 2021-06-27 7.203 HearnNation67 12 7th Overall Hugh Jass D 811 FA CA 2021-05-16 8.333 TheFlash 13 16th Overall Vin Calia C 710 FA US 2021-05-16 8.68 VinCal 14 15th Overall Joakim Bruden G 704 RETD SE 2021-04-18 6.643 PadStack 15 14th Overall Bob Helminen D 669 RETD FI 2021-04-25 6.134 Big Bob 16 10th Overall Pengu C 635 RETD AQ 2021-06-20 10.081 Pengu 17 21st Overall Gary Neal LW 567 FA CL 2021-05-16 5.746 LittleRiDog 18 17th Overall Adam Syreck LW 555 RETD US 2021-04-25 5.359 Spade18 19 22nd Overall Squirrely dan LW 538 FA CA 2021-05-16 6.612 jacobaa19 20 8th Overall Joe Proto LW 482 FA US 2021-05-16 10.0 Proto 21 12th Overall Zyrok12 D 465 FA ES 2021-05-16 6.595 Zyrok 22 25th Overall Mickey Dickson RW 455 RETD US 2021-01-17 6.605 Brewins15 23 33rd Overall Big Chungus LW 343 FA CH 2021-05-16 5.719 Ferda 24 28th Overall Richard Penisson C 325 RETD IS 2020-07-19 6.64 bluesfan55 25 18th Overall Jeff Blaze RW 282 FA US 2021-05-16 4.484 NyQuil 26 19th Overall Bo Burrows D 278 FA CA 2021-05-16 4.563 Walter Fizz 27 26th Overall Kazimir Komarov LW 259 RETD RU 2020-06-28 5.0 Gooningitup 28 Hunter Harrison D 215 RETD SE 2020-08-23 3.136 I'll change this later 29 24th Overall Jason Goeson D 212 RETD CA 2020-05-10 8.235 Legend0985 30 40th Overall Hex Valentine G 183 FA DE 2021-05-16 3.652 DrHexDex 31 41st Overall Jack John LW 179 RETD CA 2020-08-02 3.259 GoadenGoalie35 32 32nd Overall Raiens Grasis RW 177 FA LV 2021-05-16 1.048 raiens 33 34th Overall Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder D 175 FA CH 2021-05-16 4.842 Weretarantula 34 23rd Overall Gavin Harris D 172 FA US 2021-05-16 4.667 BigIrish 35 37th Overall Gino Alkamino LW 159 FA CA 2021-05-16 3.368 ChaceT 36 39th Overall Alex Burrows RW 158 RETD CA 2021-02-14 6.364 Gaudette 37 45th Overall Erik Hjalmarsson D 158 RETD SE 2020-10-04 1.273 Erik 38 27th Overall Cassius Gardner C 155 RETD US 2020-06-14 5.857 jhatty8 39 Domonique Williams RW 151 RETD BR 2020-05-03 4.714 Domkey 40 30th Overall Blake Bridges RW 148 FA US 2021-05-16 2.087 Blake Bridge 41 31st Overall Xavier Hills LW 132 RETD GD 2020-05-24 4.267 inflastud 42 Trey Nets C 118 FA US 2021-05-16 2.667 KillaScrilla 43 47th Overall Bennet Dahl G 113 RETD KP 2021-03-14 5.9 Nothing but goals 44 Matt Sovick G 102 RETD US 2020-09-06 0.731 matt sovick 45 Kendall Rasmussen C 98 FA CA 2021-05-16 2.125 Connor mcdavid 46 29th Overall Tomothe Dylansen C 96 RETD CH 2021-03-14 4.5 Boomcheck 47 36th Overall Cummins Aulhovere C 90 FA CH 2021-05-16 3.6 BoucherFan12 48 48th Overall Nicolas Konig LW 88 RETD CH 2020-07-12 5.143 Daniel 49 42nd Overall Brenden rose RW 86 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.947 btown03 50 44th Overall Linea Alba LW 84 FA US 2021-05-16 3.2 Capsfan18 51 Ryder Pyatt C 75 RETD NO 2021-04-18 0.444 Battlepopcorn 52 46th Overall Chip chiperson LW 65 FA US 2021-05-16 3.143 Chip chiperson 53 38th Overall Fat Beast C 64 FA SE 2021-05-16 2.667 kiddingsoda 54 Dax Lewis RW 61 FA US 2021-05-16 1.667 Daxoftheflame 55 Seth Fish RW 61 RETD US 2020-03-22 4.5 Insomnia 56 Apple D 57 FA CH 2021-05-16 2.0 apricot 57 Jon Vinson LW 56 FA US 2021-05-16 1.0 Bamz 58 David Gonzalez LW 53 FA DO 2021-05-16 2.143 MostTHE WAE 59 Robert Buttholio D 53 RETD MR 2020-05-31 1.333 Bobby Bummhole 60 Carter Fetterly G 49 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.857 Boltzy 61 Giles Rigel RW 47 RETD US 2020-03-08 1.0 Giles Rigel 62 Randy Stewarts LW 46 FA US 2021-05-16 0.429 Hawkins309 63 Dean Big Chungus G 44 RETD CA 2020-02-23 0.0 Big Dee 64 43rd Overall Peter Louis RW 44 RETD CA 2020-03-15 0.0 CosmicStorm 65 FuzzKins RW 42 FA CH 2021-05-16 0.0 FuzzKins 66 Tyler Green C 42 RETD US 2020-02-09 0.4 wild_soup97 67 jimmy butler C 40 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.667 butler0509 68 Hank Timmons RW 38 FA US 2021-05-16 1.5 NoobPanda 69 Ian Not So Short RW 38 FA AF 2021-05-16 0.0 Ian Not So Short 70 Maximus De Feyter D 38 FA CA 2021-05-16 1.5 BaReZ_Regrets 71 evan gardner LW 38 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Evan Gardner 72 Alex Bridges Jr D 37 RETD US 2020-01-26 0.0 Alex Bridges 73 Brayden Castrillo RW 37 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Castrillo_04 74 Derek LW 37 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Dérek 75 Eric Hart RW 37 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Caniacdude 76 PJ Oneal D 37 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 hockeyfanboy26 77 A J D 36 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Hockey_Man_88 78 Johan Jarvi LW 36 FA FI 2021-05-16 0.4 Grayscale 79 Noah Louis G 36 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Imanowl 80 PJ Louis RW 36 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 CosmicStorm 81 Wyatt warren RW 36 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 John finn 82 Zyrok C 36 RETD ES 2020-01-19 1.0 Zyrok 83 Joaquin Ventura RW 34 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 ChiefKeefe 84 Kameron Klause Koop D 34 RETD AF 2020-02-09 0.0 Nick Kirkpatrick 85 Lucas Robertson LW 34 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 idk123 86 Reuben Peterson C 34 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 doubl3 87 The Boi RW 34 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Jackson 88 Aaron Wilson C 32 RETD AF 2020-01-26 0.0 Aaron wilson 89 Aaron Wilson 1 LW 32 FA AF 2021-05-16 0.0 Aaron wilson 90 Adren LW 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Andren 91 Alex Crosby RW 32 FA SV 2021-05-16 0.0 Alex Crosby 92 Andrew Bridges LW 32 RETD US 2020-01-26 0.0 Drew Bridges 93 Blaze Delhomme C 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Shadowbeast 94 Bobby Tables RW 32 FA MX 2021-05-16 0.0 Tables 95 Brandon P C 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 BrandonP93 96 Brick Gower D 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Brick Gower 97 Christopher Nugent G 32 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 Kristopher 98 Cole Caulfield C 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Nasher4 99 Derrick Fonza LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Vectorboss 100 Erol Toppington C 32 FA JM 2021-05-16 0.0 Reppotimus 101 Evan Gardner LW 32 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 Evan Gardner 102 Hugh Mungus LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 ItzzMatt84 103 Ike kulus G 32 RETD US 2019-12-15 0.0 Little Koolie 104 Jack Sierra D 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 The Starting Sieve 105 Joe hofer LW 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Joe 106 John Shally LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 John 107 Johnny Shally LW 32 RETD US 2020-01-12 0.0 Shally 108 Jordan Ross LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Jross 4 109 Kalle Pohkola LW 32 FA FI 2021-05-16 0.0 ahmantti 110 Kominski Ramzinki LW 32 FA CH 2021-05-16 0.0 Bluisy79_ 111 Kyle Barker C 32 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 Carnage 112 Lil Yachty C 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Perrotte416 113 Logan Burke C 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 fr0sh 114 Majestic Buffalo LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 MajesticBuffalo 115 Mason Burns D 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Itsyaboyburns 116 Maurice James RW 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Thunder70 117 Mitchell Mason Max Mackinnley D 32 RETD TD 2020-02-09 0.0 Nick Kirkpatrick 118 Nathaniel Cherry LW 32 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 Leafsfan328 119 OneAndOnly StoneHands C 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Huntsy41 120 Pavel Friskinov C 32 FA RU 2021-05-16 0.0 Justin Frisk 121 Robert Smith G 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 Robertsmith1994 122 Robin Banks RW 32 FA JP 2021-05-16 0.0 No Regretzkys 123 Scott Sharman D 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 ScottySharms 124 Sebastian Hnatiuk LW 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Eogsj 125 Semaj Leir G 32 FA JP 2021-05-16 0.0 RiochousOne 126 The Sieve G 32 RETD US 2020-02-09 0.0 The Starting Sieve 127 Tommy Sorensen RW 32 FA SE 2021-05-16 0.0 D-Note 128 Wallace Walrus RW 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 Wallace 129 Weston Hamann LW 32 FA US 2021-05-16 0.0 CarlUnts 130 colton butler LW 32 RETD CA 2020-01-12 0.0 butler0509 131 nausiy doge RW 32 FA CR 2021-05-16 0.0 nausiy 132 oscar kalvain C 32 FA CA 2021-05-16 0.0 p91 GM Players will go to the team that their user GM's. They will not be drafted but they will be a good goalpost to see how you are doing.Includes all players entering the S69 VHL Draft who have added TPE to their player. Once your player has had an update approved by updaters that puts you over 30 TPE, you'll be added to the rankings. Last updated: June 28 Spoiler @Peace @Josh @Nykonax @Dil @jRuutu @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @leafsman @TheFlash @Proto @PadStack @Zyrok @Pengu @Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @bluesfan55 @Spade18 @NyQuil @Ferda @Bob Helminen @VinCal @jacobaa19 @Legend0985 @LittleRiDog @BigIrish @Walter Fizz @HearnNation67 @Brewins15 @Gaudette @Weretarantula @Gooningitup @Domkey @Nothing but goals @ChaceT @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @Connor mcdavid @jhatty8 @Boomcheck @KillaScrilla @BoucherFan12 @inflastud @Daniel @Capsfan18 @Blake Bridge @I'll change this later @btown03 @Chip chiperson @kiddingsoda @matt sovick @Insomnia @Daxoftheflame @raiens @Erik @apricot @Bamz @MostTHE WAE @Bobby Bummhole @Boltzy @Giles Rigel @Hawkins309 @Big Dee @CosmicStorm @wild_soup97 @FuzzKins @NoobPanda @BaReZ_Regrets @Ian Not So Short @hockeyfanboy26 @Castrillo_04 @Alex Bridges @Dérek @Caniacdude @John finn @Zyrok @Grayscale @Evan Gardner @CosmicStorm @Imanowl @Hockey_Man_88 @doubl3 @Jackson @Nick Kirkpatrick @ChiefKeefe @idk123 @butler0509 @ScottySharms @John @fr0sh @Huntsy41 @Wallace @The Starting Sieve @Robertsmith1994 @Eogsj @nausiy @Nick Kirkpatrick @MajesticBuffalo @Perrotte416 @Bluisy79_ @ItzzMatt84 @The Starting Sieve @Reppotimus @Brick Gower @BrandonP93 @Andrew Essen @Alex Crosby @p91 @Shadowbeast @ahmantti @D-Note @Justin Frisk @RiochousOne @No Regretzkys @Carnage @Thunder70 @Leafsfan328 @Jross 4 @Evan Gardner @Vectorboss @butler0509 @Kristopher @Shally @Itsyaboyburns @Tables @Andren @Little Koolie @CarlUnts @Nasher4 @Joe @Aaron wilson @Aaron wilson @Battlepopcorn @Battlepopcorn @McGinnis @BORCABORGER @Vinny Vaz @Brayden @WoldenGhore @TheFinnFTW @JoeMamma36 @JSearle88 @nicojaller @idk123 @Prima @Battlepopcorn @BaReZ_Regrets @NJDevils4Life @Elleeit @Tysen Royer @Ashanes10 @Jessie @Zetterberg @idk123 @Perrotte416 @zilin12 @David Saakov @JarodJGames @Bukbye @Mareschad98 @Dillon Cheer @p91 @jungleman_(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) @GoadenGoalie35 Edited June 28, 2021 by rjfryman Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 12, 2020 Author Share Posted April 12, 2020 Since Last update on pre draft thread Erik Killinger + 264 Roque Davis + 243 Kyl Oferson + 238 Ola Vikingstad + 234 Jim Bob + 236 Stone Wolski + 211 Thomas Landry II + 245 Uhtred + 212 Hugh Jass + 204 Joakim Bruden + 127 Zyrok12 + 206 Xavier leFlamant + 115 Richard Penisson + 129 Adam Syreck + 79 Jeff Blaze + 106 Big Chungus + 140 Bob Helminen + 156 Jason Goeson + 133 Gary Neal + 126 Gavin Harris + 117 Mickey Dickson + 123 Alex Burrows + 17 Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder + 101 Kazimir Komarov + 80 Domonique Williams + 78 Bennet Dahl + 60 Gino Alkamino + 68 Hex Valentine + 62 Kendall Rasmussen + 26 Trey Nets + 44 Cummins Aulhovere + 46 Xavier Hills + 44 Nicolas Konig + 28 Blake Bridges + 44 Hunter Harrison + 50 Brenden rose + 48 Fat Beast + 32 Matt Sovick + 27 Seth Fish + 25 Raiens Grasis + 27 Apple + 14 Carter Fetterly + 15 Giles Rigel + 11 Randy Stewarts + 14 Dean Big Chungus + 10 Peter Louis + 10 Tyler Green + 6 FuzzKins + 8 Ian Not So Short + 6 Zyrok + 4 evan gardner + 2 Noah Louis + 4 Joaquin Ventura + 2 @Peace @Josh @Nykonax @Dil @jRuutu @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @leafsman @TheFlash @PadStack @Zyrok @BarzalGoat @bluesfan55 @Spade18 @NyQuil @Ferda @Bob Helminen @Legend0985 @LittleRiDog @BigIrish @Brewins15 @Gaudette @Weretarantula @Gooningitup @Domkey @Nothing but goals @ChaceT @DrHexDex @Connor mcdavid @KillaScrilla @BoucherFan12 @inflastud @Daniel @Blake Bridge @I'll change this later @btown03 @kiddingsoda @matt sovick @Insomnia @raiens @apricot @Boltzy @Giles Rigel @Hawkins309 @Big Dee @CosmicStorm @wild_soup97 @FuzzKins @Ian Not So Short @Zyrok @Evan Gardner @Imanowl @ChiefKeefe Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-731116 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 19, 2020 Author Share Posted April 19, 2020 Roque Davis + 26 Erik Killinger + 14 Kyl Oferson + 19 Jim Bob + 16 Ola Vikingstad + 13 Stone Wolski + 19 Thomas Landry II + 14 Uhtred + 12 Hugh Jass + 10 Joe Proto + 21 Joakim Bruden + 11 Zyrok12 + 13 Pengu + 16 Ray Sheilds + 17 Xavier leFlamant + 13 Richard Penisson + 15 Jeff Blaze + 8 Adam Syreck + 7 Bob Helminen + 14 Big Chungus + 13 Vin Calia + 15 Squirrely dan + 11 Jason Goeson + 10 Woody McPine + 18 Gary Neal + 8 Bo Burrows + 8 Gavin Harris + 4 Mickey Dickson + 10 Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder + 14 Kazimir Komarov + 12 Domonique Williams + 9 Gino Alkamino + 6 Jack John + 6 Cassius Gardner + 8 Xavier Hills + 14 Trey Nets + 4 Blake Bridges + 8 Hunter Harrison + 3 Brenden rose + 2 Matt Sovick + 4 Raiens Grasis + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 evan gardner + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @jRuutu @Dil @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @leafsman @TheFlash @Proto @PadStack @Zyrok @Pengu @Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @bluesfan55 @NyQuil @Spade18 @Bob Helminen @Ferda @VinCal @jacobaa19 @Legend0985 @HearnNation67 @LittleRiDog @Walter Fizz @BigIrish @Brewins15 @Weretarantula @Gooningitup @Domkey @ChaceT @GoadenGoalie35 @jhatty8 @inflastud @KillaScrilla @Blake Bridge @I'll change this later @btown03 @matt sovick @raiens @Erik @Evan Gardner Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-734350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 28, 2020 Author Share Posted April 28, 2020 Erik Killinger + 32 Kyl Oferson + 31 Roque Davis + 19 Jim Bob + 28 Ola Vikingstad + 20 Stone Wolski + 21 Thomas Landry II + 25 Uhtred + 24 Hugh Jass + 26 Joe Proto + 36 Joakim Bruden + 16 Zyrok12 + 16 Ray Sheilds + 31 Pengu + 20 Xavier leFlamant + 23 Richard Penisson + 20 Vin Calia + 31 Big Chungus + 20 Bob Helminen + 16 Jeff Blaze + 10 Adam Syreck + 7 Squirrely dan + 14 Jason Goeson + 23 Woody McPine + 24 Gary Neal + 16 Mickey Dickson + 20 Bo Burrows + 10 Kazimir Komarov + 32 Domonique Williams + 12 Cassius Gardner + 22 Jack John + 12 Xavier Hills + 8 Hex Valentine + 2 Blake Bridges + 13 Trey Nets + 2 Brenden rose + 2 Matt Sovick + 4 Raiens Grasis + 4 Erik Hjalmarsson + 4 Ryder Pyatt + 9 @Peace @Nykonax @Josh @jRuutu @Dil @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @leafsman @TheFlash @Proto @PadStack @Zyrok @Zetterberg @Pengu @BarzalGoat @bluesfan55 @VinCal @Ferda @Bob Helminen @NyQuil @Spade18 @jacobaa19 @Legend0985 @HearnNation67 @LittleRiDog @Brewins15 @Walter Fizz @Gooningitup @Domkey @jhatty8 @GoadenGoalie35 @inflastud @DrHexDex @Blake Bridge @KillaScrilla @btown03 @matt sovick @raiens @Erik @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-737789 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 10, 2020 Author Share Posted May 10, 2020 Roque Davis + 35 Erik Killinger + 14 Kyl Oferson + 13 Jim Bob + 20 Ola Vikingstad + 25 Stone Wolski + 28 Thomas Landry II + 29 Hugh Jass + 17 Uhtred + 12 Joe Proto + 18 Joakim Bruden + 17 Pengu + 48 Zyrok12 + 19 Ray Sheilds + 22 Xavier leFlamant + 22 Vin Calia + 31 Richard Penisson + 14 Big Chungus + 11 Bob Helminen + 11 Jeff Blaze + 13 Woody McPine + 21 Adam Syreck + 7 Squirrely dan + 17 Jason Goeson + 10 Gary Neal + 14 Mickey Dickson + 11 Bo Burrows + 8 Kazimir Komarov + 12 Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder + 6 Hex Valentine + 16 Jack John + 7 Xavier Hills + 10 Hunter Harrison + 25 Blake Bridges + 2 Trey Nets + 4 Matt Sovick + 7 Raiens Grasis + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @jRuutu @Dil @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @TheFlash @leafsman @Proto @PadStack @Pengu @Zyrok @Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @VinCal @bluesfan55 @Ferda @Bob Helminen @NyQuil @HearnNation67 @Spade18 @jacobaa19 @Legend0985 @LittleRiDog @Brewins15 @Walter Fizz @Gooningitup @Weretarantula @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @inflastud @I'll change this later @Blake Bridge @KillaScrilla @matt sovick @raiens @Erik @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-741232 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 17, 2020 Author Share Posted May 17, 2020 Roque Davis + 37 Erik Killinger + 18 Kyl Oferson + 12 Jim Bob + 17 Ola Vikingstad + 22 Stone Wolski + 26 Thomas Landry II + 26 Hugh Jass + 19 Uhtred + 12 Joe Proto + 22 Pengu + 17 Joakim Bruden + 10 Zyrok12 + 12 Ray Sheilds + 12 Xavier leFlamant + 12 Vin Calia + 14 Richard Penisson + 13 Big Chungus + 17 Bob Helminen + 10 Jeff Blaze + 2 Woody McPine + 7 Adam Syreck + 8 Squirrely dan + 9 Gary Neal + 8 Mickey Dickson + 10 Bo Burrows + 11 Kazimir Komarov + 8 Rich Dickbutt McFudderdudder + 6 Hex Valentine + 17 Cassius Gardner + 8 Jack John + 6 Hunter Harrison + 8 Gino Alkamino + 2 Blake Bridges + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 Raiens Grasis + 2 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @jRuutu @Dil @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @TheFlash @leafsman @Proto @Pengu @PadStack @Zyrok @Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @VinCal @bluesfan55 @Ferda @Bob Helminen @NyQuil @HearnNation67 @Spade18 @jacobaa19 @LittleRiDog @Brewins15 @Walter Fizz @Gooningitup @Weretarantula @DrHexDex @jhatty8 @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @ChaceT @Blake Bridge @matt sovick @raiens @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-743436 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 24, 2020 Author Share Posted May 24, 2020 Roque Davis + 28 Erik Killinger + 41 Kyl Oferson + 22 Ola Vikingstad + 24 Jim Bob + 20 Thomas Landry II + 30 Stone Wolski + 10 Hugh Jass + 19 Uhtred + 16 Joe Proto + 34 Pengu + 34 Joakim Bruden + 27 Zyrok12 + 27 Ray Sheilds + 29 Xavier leFlamant + 28 Vin Calia + 35 Richard Penisson + 27 Big Chungus + 9 Squirrely dan + 23 Woody McPine + 21 Adam Syreck + 20 Bob Helminen + 7 Jeff Blaze + 6 Gary Neal + 25 Mickey Dickson + 18 Bo Burrows + 16 Kazimir Komarov + 12 Hex Valentine + 12 Gino Alkamino + 21 Jack John + 6 Xavier Hills + 12 Hunter Harrison + 12 Blake Bridges + 12 Raiens Grasis + 12 Matt Sovick + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 12 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @Dil @jRuutu @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @TheFlash @leafsman @Proto @Pengu @PadStack @Zyrok @Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @VinCal @bluesfan55 @Ferda @jacobaa19 @HearnNation67 @Spade18 @Big Bob @NyQuil @LittleRiDog @Brewins15 @Walter Fizz @Gooningitup @DrHexDex @ChaceT @GoadenGoalie35 @inflastud @I'll change this later @Blake Bridge @raiens @matt sovick @Erik @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-746308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 31, 2020 Author Share Posted May 31, 2020 Roque Davis + 9 Erik Killinger + 14 Kyl Oferson + 12 Ola Vikingstad + 14 Jim Bob + 14 Thomas Landry II + 14 Stone Wolski + 17 Hugh Jass + 8 Uhtred + 10 Joe Proto + 19 Pengu + 13 Joakim Bruden + 7 Ray Sheilds + 6 Zyrok12 + 1 Xavier leFlamant + 8 Vin Calia + 12 Richard Penisson + 5 Big Chungus + 7 Woody McPine + 13 Squirrely dan + 8 Bob Helminen + 7 Adam Syreck + 7 Gary Neal + 11 Jeff Blaze + 6 Mickey Dickson + 8 Bo Burrows + 6 Kazimir Komarov + 10 Hex Valentine + 10 Jack John + 6 Hunter Harrison + 6 Blake Bridges + 8 Trey Nets + 12 Raiens Grasis + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @Dil @jRuutu @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @TheFlash @leafsman @Proto @Pengu @PadStack @Zetterberg @Zyrok @BarzalGoat @VinCal @bluesfan55 @Ferda @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @NyQuil @Brewins15 @Walter Fizz @Gooningitup @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @Blake Bridge @KillaScrilla @raiens @matt sovick @Erik Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-748552 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 8, 2020 Author Share Posted June 8, 2020 Erik Killinger + 13 Jim Bob + 24 Hugh Jass + 6 Joe Proto + 13 Joakim Bruden + 9 Big Chungus + 8 Adam Syreck + 8 Bob Helminen + 8 Gary Neal + 3 Jeff Blaze + 6 Bo Burrows + 2 Hex Valentine + 5 Jack John + 6 Hunter Harrison + 8 Gino Alkamino + 6 Cassius Gardner + 8 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 @Peace @jRuutu @TheFlash @Proto @PadStack @Ferda @Spade18 @Big Bob @LittleRiDog @NyQuil @Walter Fizz @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @ChaceT @jhatty8@Erik Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-750971 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 14, 2020 Author Share Posted June 14, 2020 Roque Davis + 60 Erik Killinger + 24 Kyl Oferson + 25 Jim Bob + 20 Ola Vikingstad + 38 Thomas Landry II + 49 Stone Wolski + 35 Hugh Jass + 11 Uhtred + 18 Pengu + 38 Ray Sheilds + 54 Joakim Bruden + 7 Vin Calia + 35 Xavier leFlamant + 30 Richard Penisson + 21 Woody McPine + 26 Squirrely dan + 23 Bob Helminen + 17 Big Chungus + 2 Adam Syreck + 7 Gary Neal + 13 Mickey Dickson + 28 Kazimir Komarov + 10 Bo Burrows + 2 Hex Valentine + 2 Gavin Harris + 2 Jack John + 6 Cassius Gardner + 12 Hunter Harrison + 8 Gino Alkamino + 6 Raiens Grasis + 4 Erik Hjalmarsson + 4 Matt Sovick + 4 Robert Buttholio + 2 @Josh @Peace @Nykonax @jRuutu @Dil @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @TheFlash @leafsman @Pengu @Zetterberg@PadStack @VinCal @BarzalGoat @bluesfan55 @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Ferda @Spade18 @LittleRiDog@Brewins15 @Gooningitup @Walter Fizz @DrHexDex @BigIrish @GoadenGoalie35 @jhatty8 @I'll change this later @ChaceT@raiens @Erik @matt sovick @Bobby Bummhole jRuutu and LittleRiDog 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-754672 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DollarAndADream 3,358 Posted June 14, 2020 Share Posted June 14, 2020 Apparently I don't know how to play this game very well. Wtf are you guys doing, @Peace and @Josh ? I was within 10-20 TPE of you guys on draft day and now you guys are almost 100 TPE ahead. I've earned max capped every week and tried to get in every uncapped opportunity. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-754888 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissioner Josh 1,709 Posted June 15, 2020 Commissioner Share Posted June 15, 2020 1 hour ago, DollarAndADream said: Apparently I don't know how to play this game very well. Wtf are you guys doing, @Peace and @Josh ? I was within 10-20 TPE of you guys on draft day and now you guys are almost 100 TPE ahead. I've earned max capped every week and tried to get in every uncapped opportunity. I've purchased a couple full doubles weeks, that would account for 24. I'd have to look at the update history to see the other differentials. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-754990 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 22, 2020 Author Share Posted June 22, 2020 Roque Davis + 21 Erik Killinger + 25 Stone Wolski + 52 Jim Bob + 18 Thomas Landry II + 13 Ola Vikingstad + 1 Uhtred + 40 Hugh Jass + 14 Pengu + 19 Ray Sheilds + 29 Joakim Bruden + 11 Xavier leFlamant + 23 Vin Calia + 21 Richard Penisson + 3 Woody McPine + 13 Squirrely dan + 18 Big Chungus + 13 Bob Helminen + 6 Mickey Dickson + 17 Adam Syreck + 7 Gary Neal + 7 Kazimir Komarov + 25 Hex Valentine + 5 Jack John + 6 Hunter Harrison + 5 Blake Bridges + 19 Raiens Grasis + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Doomsday @Dil @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu@Zetterberg @PadStack @BarzalGoat @VinCal @bluesfan55 @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Ferda@Big Bob @Brewins15 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @Gooningitup @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35@I'll change this later @Blake Bridge @raiens @Erik @matt sovick @Battlepopcorn LittleRiDog 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-757513 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoadenGoalie35 20 Posted June 22, 2020 Share Posted June 22, 2020 I'm confused. What is this? Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-757784 Share on other sites More sharing options...
diamond_ace 3,114 Posted June 24, 2020 Share Posted June 24, 2020 18 35th Overall 32 41st Overall would be one hell of a draft if those were both the same team... oh wait Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-758033 Share on other sites More sharing options...
diamond_ace 3,114 Posted June 24, 2020 Share Posted June 24, 2020 On 6/22/2020 at 7:44 PM, GoadenGoalie35 said: I'm confused. What is this? It's where you stack up with the people from your draft class after the draft has occurred. Basically just checking up on whether you've risen or fallen since. You've risen 9 spots - aka if the draft was today, and it went straight TPE, you'd be drafted 9 spots earlier than you were. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-758036 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 28, 2020 Author Share Posted June 28, 2020 Roque Davis + 11 Erik Killinger + 13 Jim Bob + 13 Stone Wolski + 3 Thomas Landry II + 13 Kyl Oferson + 11 Ola Vikingstad + 18 Uhtred + 11 Hugh Jass + 6 Pengu + 13 Ray Sheilds + 9 Xavier leFlamant + 13 Vin Calia + 3 Woody McPine + 18 Squirrely dan + 10 Big Chungus + 8 Bob Helminen + 8 Mickey Dickson + 10 Adam Syreck + 7 Jeff Blaze + 2 Bo Burrows + 8 Hex Valentine + 2 Jack John + 6 Hunter Harrison + 2 Raiens Grasis + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @jRuutu @DollarAndADream @Doomsday @Nykonax @Dil @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu@Zetterberg @BarzalGoat @VinCal @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Ferda @Big Bob @Brewins15 @Spade18@NyQuil @Walter Fizz @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @raiens @matt sovick @Erik@Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-758709 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 5, 2020 Author Share Posted July 5, 2020 Roque Davis + 15 Erik Killinger + 13 Stone Wolski + 12 Jim Bob + 13 Thomas Landry II + 13 Kyl Oferson + 1 Uhtred + 5 Hugh Jass + 16 Pengu + 13 Ray Sheilds + 13 Joakim Bruden + 15 Xavier leFlamant + 7 Vin Calia + 15 Woody McPine + 8 Squirrely dan + 10 Bob Helminen + 10 Big Chungus + 6 Mickey Dickson + 6 Adam Syreck + 7 Gary Neal + 5 Kazimir Komarov + 6 Bo Burrows + 2 Jack John + 6 Raiens Grasis + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 @Josh @Peace @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Doomsday @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu @Zetterberg@PadStack @BarzalGoat @VinCal @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Ferda @Brewins15 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog@Gooningitup @Walter Fizz @GoadenGoalie35 @raiens @Erik @matt sovick Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-760192 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 12, 2020 Author Share Posted July 12, 2020 Roque Davis + 13 Erik Killinger + 11 Stone Wolski + 13 Jim Bob + 13 Ola Vikingstad + 25 Thomas Landry II + 13 Kyl Oferson + 1 Uhtred + 15 Hugh Jass + 9 Pengu + 13 Ray Sheilds + 13 Joakim Bruden + 5 Vin Calia + 11 Xavier leFlamant + 9 Woody McPine + 12 Squirrely dan + 12 Bob Helminen + 8 Big Chungus + 6 Mickey Dickson + 14 Adam Syreck + 7 Gary Neal + 11 Bo Burrows + 2 Hex Valentine + 2 Raiens Grasis + 2 Matt Sovick + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Ryder Pyatt + 2 @Josh @Peace @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Dil @Doomsday @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu @Zetterberg @PadStack @VinCal @BarzalGoat @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Ferda @Brewins15 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @Walter Fizz @DrHexDex @raiens @matt sovick @Erik @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-762163 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 20, 2020 Author Share Posted July 20, 2020 Roque Davis + 67 Erik Killinger + 40 Thomas Landry II + 50 Stone Wolski + 31 Ola Vikingstad + 33 Jim Bob + 21 Kyl Oferson + 4 Uhtred + 23 Hugh Jass + 10 Ray Sheilds + 56 Pengu + 21 Joe Proto + 3 Vin Calia + 25 Xavier leFlamant + 19 Joakim Bruden + 1 Woody McPine + 15 Zyrok12 + 6 Squirrely dan + 8 Bob Helminen + 25 Mickey Dickson + 21 Big Chungus + 19 Richard Penisson + 2 Adam Syreck + 6 Gary Neal + 5 Hex Valentine + 2 Jack John + 2 Hunter Harrison + 2 Gino Alkamino + 6 Erik Hjalmarsson + 14 Raiens Grasis + 2 Nicolas Konig + 2 @Josh @Peace @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @Dil @jRuutu @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Zetterberg @Pengu @Proto @VinCal @BarzalGoat @PadStack @HearnNation67 @Zyrok @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Brewins15 @Ferda @bluesfan55 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @DrHexDex @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @ChaceT @Erik @raiens @Daniel Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-764667 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 Roque Davis + 1 Erik Killinger + 30 Thomas Landry II + 33 Stone Wolski + 26 Jim Bob + 37 Ola Vikingstad + 23 Kyl Oferson + 19 Uhtred + 40 Hugh Jass + 6 Pengu + 36 Ray Sheilds + 10 Vin Calia + 25 Xavier leFlamant + 23 Joakim Bruden + 5 Woody McPine + 34 Squirrely dan + 39 Bob Helminen + 25 Mickey Dickson + 30 Big Chungus + 14 Adam Syreck + 22 Gary Neal + 15 Jeff Blaze + 15 Bo Burrows + 2 Jack John + 4 Hunter Harrison + 12 Gino Alkamino + 2 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 Raiens Grasis + 12 @Josh @Peace @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Dil @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu @Zetterberg @VinCal @BarzalGoat @PadStack @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Brewins15 @Ferda @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @NyQuil @Walter Fizz @GoadenGoalie35 @I'll change this later @ChaceT @Erik @raiens Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-768645 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 3, 2020 Author Share Posted August 3, 2020 Roque Davis + 13 Erik Killinger + 3 Thomas Landry II + 4 Stone Wolski + 11 Ola Vikingstad + 13 Jim Bob + 8 Uhtred + 7 Hugh Jass + 22 Ray Sheilds + 12 Pengu + 2 Vin Calia + 8 Xavier leFlamant + 6 Joakim Bruden + 7 Woody McPine + 4 Squirrely dan + 6 Mickey Dickson + 8 Bob Helminen + 5 Gary Neal + 6 Bo Burrows + 2 Hunter Harrison + 6 Erik Hjalmarsson + 6 Raiens Grasis + 6 Ryder Pyatt + 6 @Josh @Peace @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @Dil @jRuutu @leafsman @TheFlash @Zetterberg @Pengu @VinCal @BarzalGoat @PadStack @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Brewins15 @Big Bob @LittleRiDog @Walter Fizz @I'll change this later @Erik @raiens @Battlepopcorn Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-769947 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 10, 2020 Author Share Posted August 10, 2020 Roque Davis + 13 Erik Killinger + 18 Thomas Landry II + 14 Stone Wolski + 16 Jim Bob + 16 Ola Vikingstad + 13 Kyl Oferson + 1 Uhtred + 11 Hugh Jass + 15 Pengu + 15 Ray Sheilds + 5 Vin Calia + 11 Xavier leFlamant + 8 Joakim Bruden + 7 Woody McPine + 18 Squirrely dan + 14 Bob Helminen + 15 Mickey Dickson + 11 Adam Syreck + 8 Gary Neal + 5 Jeff Blaze + 5 Bo Burrows + 6 Hunter Harrison + 6 Raiens Grasis + 6 Erik Hjalmarsson + 2 @Josh @Peace @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Dil @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Pengu @Zetterberg @VinCal @BarzalGoat @PadStack @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Brewins15 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @NyQuil @Walter Fizz @I'll change this later @raiens @Erik Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-771089 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 17, 2020 Author Share Posted August 17, 2020 Roque Davis + 20 Erik Killinger + 19 Thomas Landry II + 19 Stone Wolski + 16 Jim Bob + 17 Ola Vikingstad + 19 Kyl Oferson + 11 Uhtred + 17 Hugh Jass + 11 Ray Sheilds + 28 Pengu + 19 Vin Calia + 22 Xavier leFlamant + 17 Joakim Bruden + 7 Woody McPine + 21 Squirrely dan + 4 Bob Helminen + 12 Mickey Dickson + 14 Adam Syreck + 6 Gary Neal + 7 Jeff Blaze + 5 Bo Burrows + 6 Raiens Grasis + 6 Erik Hjalmarsson + 6 @Josh @Peace @Doomsday @DollarAndADream @jRuutu @Dil @Nykonax @leafsman @TheFlash @Zetterberg @Pengu @VinCal @BarzalGoat @PadStack @HearnNation67 @jacobaa19 @Big Bob @Brewins15 @Spade18 @LittleRiDog @NyQuil @Walter Fizz @raiens @Erik Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-772670 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetterberg 864 Posted August 17, 2020 Share Posted August 17, 2020 I'm loving the Ray Sheilds/Pengu battle Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/80576-post-draft-s71-class-live-ranking/#findComment-772673 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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