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Salutations VHLiens,


Some of you might have been under the impression that S73 BUST or LICK was the last entry into the Bust or Lick franchise, but I assure you that was purely a troll. I don't care about anyone's feelings or VHL career besides my own. DUH. However, I will once again preface this seasonal BUST or LICK vhl.com article with a warning that it is purely for comedic value, there's really no actual scouting or research that goes into this article, and I obviously can't give out more than a few LICK statuses every year.  If you find yourself as a BUST in my rankings, I implore you to use it as motivation to have a Hall-of-Fame VHL career and throw it in my face down the road.



Now, without further adieu, I present the S74 BUST or LICK rankings:



1. :war:Aloe Dear - @Renomitsu - 1st oa has always been a lick. While I do subscribe to the theory that there is a red flag for instant inactivity due to career/life, which not many others subscribe to, I think Renomitsu is a smart and good-hearted guy and great VHL member. Easiest LICK of the season.



2. :chi:Christian Mingle - @Quik - We all know I love old gen recreates, so you'd think this is a safe lick, but no. How am I gonna be out here giving a blue boy lick status? If somebody wants to run a sim league properly, they shouldn't have a player and just move as the commish. Name me as sole commish and I'll do this with no questions asked. BUST cuz he'll want to play for every team or some gimmick like that.



3. :que:Venus Thightrap - @BladeMaiden - I find Blade to be very enjoyable to speak with. She is pretty funny and quick-witted. However, she prophetically asked for the old gorlab back in discord a day or two ago and is seeing him here. Inactivity risks are other league participation and character trait of questioning/challenging authority. Has had activity-ending beef with VHL(ers) in the past. Probably has a lovely BUST IRL.



4. :que:Emi Rune - @Emi - Interesting pick here from beav. Is this the VAN Co-GM? I've seen their art on VHL and respect their work, I think they have an eye for style/design and could go a long way with graphic design. This is a beaviss top-5 pick though. Through no fault of this new gen player's, besides maybe a fairly high attraction to anime renders, this pick obviously has to BUST up because it's beav. Sorry there, Emi. Keep up your graphics skill and always look to improve!!



5.  :la: Doug Dimmadome - @Esso2264 - I'm an esso2264 subscriber on twitch, so obviously I am a fan of his. I like Josh and think he cracked the code and entered the matrix as a GM. The recipe of a lick is bubbling up here. Last player was mid though and I also don't agree with GM players just fucking off and getting drafted to other teams. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. I want to give a bust here, but I think DOUG DIMMADOME will be a LICK. Meme render selection puts him over the lick line.



6. :que:Onde Sandstrom - @fonziGG - Beavis' coup de grâce of this draft. His last frontier on securing a lick. fonzi is nice enough and I like chatting w/ him on discord. Michael Johnson to me was an absolute bust, so let's hope his first player failure is out of the way and he'll be successful here. Beavis, congratulations bud, you have used this 1st round pick to secure a BUST. Fuck outta here.



7. :nya:Markus Schauer - @Plate - Made him a sig when he was in juniors, and he is still around and I'm pretty sure wearing the sig. I think his last player was in my draft class, and busted up. I wish him luck on his new player and will make him an updated NYA sig. Just barely not a lick for me. BUST.



8. :prg: John LeClair II - @flyersfan1453 - Legendary VHLer. Cups on cups. A member of probably the most iconic VHL family. Obviously a LICK for me. Not much else to be said. I chat with his brother a lot more, so you know flyers is slightly smarter than eagles, and thus more dangerous in cranking out HoFers. LICK all day long. Should not have slipped this far. GM's are ___________ .



9. :ldn: Julian Nousiainen - @okochastar - Love this guy since meeting him on SBA. Glad to see he's still sort of active, I assume he'll be a consistent tpe earner now that SBA affiliation is back, but his heart and passion seems to be there and not on VHL. Great guy, but fuck you guys think, this is sweet? Player name too hard to pronounce. BUST.



10. :ldn: Ryan Schwarz - @Enorama - BUST OF THE ROUND. Not sure what McWolf is thinking here. At the end-of-the-day, Eno is going to use his player to benefit DCD. I think GM players should be locked on their teams, unless traded away to retool/rebuild. Enorama is a wild know-it-all. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He's now 3 or 4 players deep into his VHL career with early retirements and shit. Most tpe earned ever and career was worse than Jaguar. BUST OF THE ROUND.



11. :cal:Luke Thornton - @Jtv123 - Twitch chat was screaming that this guy dropped super far. JTV123 has been around and I don't see any activity risks. He has the same psyduck avatar as ofer, which I like. If I didn't care about ensuring I didn't give away too many licks, this guy could definitely get a lick. Was in Jaguar's draft class with last player and was somewhat of a non-factor. Hope he does better here, but it's a BUST for me.



12. :ldn: Kasper Kankkunen - Z16 - apparently he already changed his username? - I remember his last player, Ryan Busser (BUSTer) so I hope he has a better go if it this time around. Hate the player name. Sorry about calling you a BUST, it's just part of the gimmick of the article. Good luck with your career.



13. :la: Lester Green - @Smarch - Wow an old school VHLer and a fellow Sasky. You'd think I'd be decent enough to throw a lick out here to an old friend, but no. Smarch hasn't had a successful player since before I was banned on SBA, which is now years ago. BUST but I hope he stays active in the sim/community and builds a great player.



14. :rig:Jeffrenomitsu The 3rd - @Jeffie43 - hedgehog caught a body with this one. Youngster who can do graphics and seems to have no life cuz he playing league all the fucking time. Typically successful recipe for a sim leaguer. This is another pick where it could POSSIBLY be a lick, if I didn't care about maintaining good ratios, but he's like 15 or some shit, so who knows what kind of dumb shit he may do and go inactive/retire early/etc. Good luck Jeffie, keep working on your graphics man, you've got talent. BUST.



15. :hel:Gabriel Akerstrom - @Mason - Don't know him. Wish him luck. Jubo07 picked him, so could definitely be a success story. There's too many teams in the VHL now, I can't do 15 fucking picks every off-season. This guy also got drafted above me in the VHLM dispersal draft, so you know I'm salty about that. BUST.



16. :sea:Isabella Campbell - @Banackock - 16 picks? Fuck me. Here's a GM drafting their player to their team. Ya love to see it. Banackock is a controversial, but successful, VHLer. Gets more hate than credit he deserves. I'll honor him with LICK status, as I think his player will probably turn out good and will be an asset for SEA at 16th overall.






There you have it, another VHL draft and another surplus of BUSTS (12) with a sprinkle of LICKS (4)




Thanks for reading, see you all next season when L and R should feature in BUST or LICK S75 Edition. Good luck to all the draftees in their VHL careers!!!!

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@gorlab some people would say be careful for what you ask for but I for one am happy to see you revved up and ready to go. You know what they say about busts.. they bigger they are the better, I'm just gonna rock my Big Bust status (you forgot to add the big in there Gorlab...). Thightrap may or may not power bottom her way to the top but I will continue to have fun regardless, you know that is just how I roll.


Thanks for the compliment sandwich and I'm glad to see that if i poke the bear it wakes up :P (I think this is what the kids call getting woke lol)





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I read it first on the day this was released. Now I am here again to say something nice about @gorlab. So here we go... Phew... "This article is quite good, I like when he busts so many players, it lowers their expectations." Have I already said that I like Gorlab? 

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On 9/17/2020 at 2:40 PM, chatfan036 said:

@gorlab you should do an article looking back on previous bust or lick articles to see if you were right


good idea tbh. I believe this S74 edition was my 5th anniversary, so I've got a recap/redraft planned for the 10th anniversary.... or maybe the 8th since that's vhl career length.

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