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Status Updates posted by Beketov

  1. Who's ready for another VHLM sim? Can halifax push it to game 7? Why wait a day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nethi99


      No Halifax can win if they do my life is a lie And everyone who is cheering for Vegas I will teach you a lesson

    3. nethi99


      I have never been blessed before so...thanks


  2. For the first time since we officially gave it a name and started heavily enforcing it the Louth Rule requires no teams be punished!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShawnGlade


      I think I need to break the rule again just to add some parity

  3. @Will you haven’t updated in like a month dude, I know you’ve been doing the work; get those updates in!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will
    3. Beketov


      You finally adding the update to auto-claim pay?

    4. Higgins
  4. I just went 50-15 in a single match of Hardpoint. Thought you might like to know haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      That’s what I did it in. I loved Hardpoint back in AW but haven’t really enjoyed the mode much since; way too many tryhards normally.

    3. Beketov


      Just went 57-9 on the same map, same mode. I like this DLC haha

    4. DollarAndADream


      I like the new Occupation map. Although I liked it in MW3 too, but I think it fits well in WW2.

  5. @Will is working on probably one of the biggest changes to come to the VHL since it's creation. Can't wait to share it with you guys soon; it's looking great.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov
    3. CowboyinAmerica


      Yeah figured that was coming soon after seeing the thread where he got the idea. Let me know if you want any input on anything.

    4. Quik


      Definitely super excited for it, should be really cool and make most people (if not all) happy!

  6. If you could like, continue to not score, that would be great. I don’t stand much of a chance of passing you in points but goals might be doable. You can have the Szatkowski if you leave me the Brooks. Deal?

  7. Assuming Cast has 1 goal per game I just need to pull off 2 per game in the last 6 and I’ll squeak past him for the Brooks. No problem right? Please sim gods? #ICanDream

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      I meant assuming you get 1 per in the last 6. That would give you 78. 2 per in the last 6 would give me 79. Not gonna happen though.

    3. Victor


      Yeah I'm saying I just had two 1-goal games.


      That said, Seattle has an easier last 6 than Riga so I'm not writing you off just yet.

    4. Beketov


      Our last 6 compared to yours is about the only reason I’m not completely writing myself off. Mind you we have 1 more against each other that could be a relatively deciding factor. You’re gonna have a lot against CPU goalies I think though. Pretty sure Quebec, Calgary, and Seattle all need tonplay their backups.

  8. Fun Fact: The top 6 scorers (currently) all have more points than the Szatkowski winner from the past 2 seasons with at least 1 more likely to join them. The top 4 all have more than the last 4 winners.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      That I’m not sure on. Would likely be able to tell by going through the Stolzy wimmers though. I imagine points that high would guarantee the ROTY award.

    3. Victor


      I think 140 points is highest not including Stolzy who wasn't a true rookie - more to follow in a VHL.com once the season is over. ;) 

    4. Banackock


      Awesome!! I think I’m at 145 or something :)!!! 

  9. So, who won the draft in everyone's eyes? Obviously from a bias standpoint I gotta say that Seattle grabbing both commishes is huge. However Riga potentially managed to grab some huge steals.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spade18


      NYA hands down

    3. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      Davos because Ahma made it fun

    4. DollarAndADream


      I think Riga. They solidified a top center, goaltender, and defenseman in one go, while adding a winger for their top line to boot.

  10. @street @Bushito still no final VHFL numbers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      You actually said last time you were doing it and I tag street as well because he tends to count everything up as he goes. Last season he posted the final numbers.

    3. Bushito


      Yeah I decided against posting it until after depreciation because there is no point and last season was an anomaly

    4. Beketov


      How’s their no point? It’s based on regular season stats which are done and players in the final could be updating with it. I dare say that offers plenty of point, even if it isn’t a shit ton of TPE. Anyone who is saving for depreciation can just save it like everything else but not everyone is.

  11. Just wanted to shoutout @jack and @Motzaburger who are doing great work re-designing the Halifax logo. Hopefully we’ll have something to show the rest of the league very soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beaviss
    3. Beketov


      @BeavissI mean they are in pretty decent shape so any samples would kinda give it away. I'd rather keep it a secret.

    4. Beaviss
  12. A reminder to @BOG if you haven’t gone to discuss awards yet you should make sure to do that before the vote goes up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustav


      Dammit I forgot about the autocorrect thing again and now I look conceited 

    3. Beketov


      Still the best part of my blue tenure haha

    4. fonziGG
  13. I’m hanging out on twitch if anyone wants to join the stream BTW https://www.twitch.tv/sharpe_gaming/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      You know if you had followed me while I was streaming it would have done a whole overlay thing and I could have been all grateful and stuff :P

    3. Baozi


      I followed you, now play pubg and give me a belated grateful thing :D

    4. Beketov


      I couldn't play PUBG if I wanted to. No mac version and my PC isn't strong enough to run it because it was never built to be and is old.

  14. Bears vs. Nighthawks for the Continental Cup. Who would have predicted that going into this season?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Banackock


      All live sims coming up. I love it! Bekebomb.

    3. Beketov


      I never said that but I’ll try.

    4. Banackock


      You did say that

  15. New Cup banners are up for both the VHL and VHLM. Been a long time since I’ve worked with the Davos banner layout.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      Thanks for letting me know, I’ll try to correct it tomorrow. Didn’t realize when i was making the list that the portal had already updated.

    3. Tyler


      No worries I'd likely of done the same thing lol

    4. Beketov


      There, all fixed.

  16. Oh @JardyB10 where art thou? Need my daily fix of games in the morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      Those sound completely believable actually.

    3. Higgins


      We want Victor.

    4. JardyB10


      Here I am!

  17. The VHL Forums feature 2 conferences once again and it feels good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      It was talked about briefly. There is a mismatch in numbers right now but assuming we can get crossover playoffs working properly that won’t matter anyway.

    3. Eudaldkp


      Mfw 11 teams

    4. Victor



      New York




      scrolling through and it feels like S10 again

  18. Yea we’ve seen the [constant] meta complaints, yes we are working on it, no it’s not an easy fix.

  19. It’s cool guys, everything is better now. I have added kappa. :kappa:

    1. Da Trifecta
    2. DollarAndADream


      I have no idea who Kappa is but from a quick Google search it tells me he's a Twitch dude.

    3. Beketov


      Basically twitch sarcasm meme. That's the main point anyway

  20. Haven’t counted up anybody else but I’m at 146 fantasy points for the NHL predictions. Definitely the best year for them I’ve ever had.

    1. diamond_ace


      I'm at 134. Was doing fantastically then butchered the 3rd round

    2. DollarAndADream


      I believe I'm at 126, so there goes my TPE hopes, just knowing what you 2 have. :lol:

    3. diamond_ace


      @DollarAndADream it's selection bias. The only people likely to count their scores are people who believe they're doing well. You're not in 1st or 2nd, but realistically you may still be nearer the top than the bottom

  21. Damn you @Streetlite for asking trivia questions about things that aren't posted anywhere. I'm not digging through 52 topics and writing down every name just for 1 TPE.

    1. Will


      Streetlite does trivia too now?

    2. Beketov


      Beats me. I know he sent this question in though.

    3. scoop


      Which question?

  22. Quebec once again proving they cannot catch a break with lotteries. Also, given what was said in the recent edition of Speculatoria; I think the 1st overall choice has suddenly become much clearer.

    1. Exlaxchronicles


      Yeah I saw this at 6 am. Let's hope the picks Brave chooses stay active enough.

    2. DollarAndADream


      The VHL's Vancouver Canucks.

    3. Beaviss
  23. I should have made the announcements instead of just proof-reading them. I went and let @Beaviss get all the reactions.

    1. Beaviss


      fine ill get @Josh to do them next time :P

    2. Josh


      I fixed so many typos for you I might as well have written it.

    3. fonziGG


      don't ya'll have grammarly

  24. There are 41 updates currently in the queue and every single one of them belongs to @Bushito haha

    1. Beketov


      I lied. There were 3 non-Bushito’s hidden in the middle.

    2. Bushito


      Yeah I hate updating on the portal. Lol

    3. Beketov


      Honestly if you do it as things come up instead of in a giant mass it's far easier than the old system. Doing 38 at a time it's a bit of a pain I imagine haha.

  25. I often claim I play CoD to de-stress. I don’t know if it works but I know I need to try tonight because damn do I need it. Come hang out while I do eh?



    1. Bushito


      Don't sweat the small stuff, or the big stuff. Fuck it don't sweat any stuff.

    2. Banackock


      Masturbation and sex help too. Get Tinder or some lotion. 

    3. Exlaxchronicles


      Fuck....just crack a few beers, it'll calm ya down.

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