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VHLM Commissioner
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Status Updates posted by Gustav

  1. Can we appreciate how much time and effort this dude has put in to make Town of Pallet happen? Way more than any Salem game!

  2. First one to reply gets a sig for my PT next week.

    1. Ledge


      `What a treat

    2. mediocrepony



      do i get one for 2 weeks from now or a vhl.com

  3. Revive #hiregustav. It worked the first time...

  4. @Advantage is now the first VHL GM with 1,000 career wins. Congrats to an all-time great!

    1. Doomsday


      That's seriously impressive, congratulations on reaching this elite milestone!

    2. Devise


      Probably best GM of all time. Although the top 4 or 5 best GM's of all time all have different stories/unique accolades so it makes the whole thing interesting.


      But I'd still lean Miller. He endured more rebuilds, more turmoil, more expansions than the rest of us. The win marker just shows how good his teams always were. 

  5. My last 5 forum notifications are from @Enorama. Am I being followed?

    1. Beaviss


      He just has a crush on you

  6. Just lowered all the required word counts on articles. Get them 50-word media spots going.

    1. Spartan


      no stop I don't want to have to deny everyone because of this FAKE NEWS

    2. Garsh


      BOG making the good changes!

  7. Congrats to @Victor for--as of this exact moment--having received exactly 10,000 likes

    1. Victor


      Primary reason for HOF induction post delay

  8. Number nerds: big project incoming at...some point. Keep an eye out

    1. Triller


      Oooo, I love big projects!  Excited for whatever it is!

  9. I actually stopped being a GM so the color of my name would match my profile pic

  10. Me on my way to bash members in the GM opening threads

    1. N0HBDY


      Me on my way to beg the commies for another expansion franchise

  11. If you hate attention to detail and consistent scheduling, you'll LOVE Town of Salem! 


    1. JigglyGumballs


      Town of Salem has scheduling??


    1. Doomsday


      A Festivus for the rest of us!

  13. VHLGFX has reminded me how much I suck at graphics. But it's also making me better.

  14. Wisdom teeth are GONE and I woke up thinking rationally instead of saying anything stupid/offensive/whatever 💪 now time to wait for the pain and suffering part

    1. jacobcarson877


      this guy is now unwise

  15. Gustav's Guide to Building has finally been updated and is once again relevant! Check it out.

  16. I promise I know more about geography than the average bear, but fun fact: I thought the city was called "Helsinski" until I joined the VHL.

    1. Victor


      why would you admit to this

  17. Can't sleep. Giving people food. Go donate!


    1. Viper


      You have cursed me with this here image

  18. Play Town of Salem! It's fun! All are welcome--details here: 


    1. eaglesfan036


      Don't do it Gustav is a bad man

  19. #fixthelottery ACTUALLY HAPPENED! Thanks to the BoG.

    1. Matt_O


      you're welcome

  20. TOWN OF SALEM #8 STARTING SOON...don't miss this one @jhatty8


  21. Good luck to everyone applying for the Malmo GM job! The GM community was very welcoming and helpful for me when I started so I'd like to pay it forward...whoever is hired, if you need anything, please feel free to ask.


    ...even though I run Davos so my advice is probably useless.

    1. Banackock


      Keyword here isn’t probably.. it’s useless. Hehe

      Rock And Roll GIF

  22. New members: what's been your favorite part of the VHL so far? Least favorite?

    1. Scurvy


      Favorite part -  Winning and the community


      Least favorite- Off season, having to do point tasks in off season (would like a free week of at least 8-10 TPE ) just to give a break to the grind in off season

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