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Status Updates posted by Beketov

  1. Who's all coming to hang out on stream with me tonight?

  2. @Dil Since you complained no one told you last time: 


  3. My mouth (and partially my nose) are frozen as hell and the books have been chosen (22 of them). Hoping to see you all for Bedtime Stories with Bek tonight!

  4. It’s VHFL season again which means time for those of us who enjoy the “view new content” feature to suffer.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Beketov


      That does get to it yes. There’s also a button right on the home page though, right under the search bar. Or if you’re on mobile it’s the icon to the left of the search at the top.


      It has literally been a feature for as long as I can remember, I do not understand why people don’t use it.

    3. N0HBDY


      Because I don't explore it smh

    4. Lemorse7


      I still never know where is new content

  5. Dear Recreates: Join Halifax.


    that is all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jacobcarson877


      Why not the first gens huh Bek? The VHLM is a league for learning and development not making a super team of recreates c'mon!


    3. nurx


      how many recreates are we expecting this season? I think it's only early retirees

    4. Beketov


      @nurx it literally is only people retiring early haha

  6. The Marlins logo is seriously ill suited to our cup banner design; that is all.

    1. Triller


      It is also ill suited to most all graphics!  I struggled but got through it.  I get a break now with Geneva lol

    2. jacobcarson877


      it truly is a nightmare to line up for anything

    3. Gustav


      This is partly why obnoxious text logos are stupid. It would probably be a good bit less vertical if we didn't have the giant "SAN DIEGO MARLINS" right in the middle.

  7. Yea we’ve seen the [constant] meta complaints, yes we are working on it, no it’s not an easy fix.

  8. RIP my keyboard. Still mostly working but caps lock and tab are both busted so it’s only a matter of time.

    1. Berocka


      It is obviously a business expense, you need a keyboard to sim VHL right.

    2. Beketov


      My basement is incredibly humid so I’m hoping it’ll just come back to life when I get the humidity under control

  9. Poor @Jericho has faced an average of 41 shots per game....

    1. N0HBDY


      I know an irl goalie who would face avg 90+ per game :kekw:

  10. Simbox now contains a GTX 1060 instead of an AMD 5770 for all my graphically intensive simming needs.

    1. Mr_Hatter


      fire elmo GIF

      Give us graphical STHS simulations

  11. I think for my next player I’m going to finally jump on the “sillier” name train. I’ve done 11 serious names so why not.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. der meister

      der meister

      Silly name? How about Victor Rasputin?

    3. Devise


      Ahh the perfect time to introduce the world to Beketov Whysoserious. Either that or Mr. Shakedown. 

    4. mediocrepony


      Donathan McFiddlesticks

  12. A reminder to @BOG if you haven’t gone to discuss awards yet you should make sure to do that before the vote goes up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustav


      Dammit I forgot about the autocorrect thing again and now I look conceited 

    3. Beketov


      Still the best part of my blue tenure haha

    4. fonziGG
  13. I should have made the announcements instead of just proof-reading them. I went and let @Beaviss get all the reactions.

    1. Beaviss


      fine ill get @Josh to do them next time :P

    2. Josh


      I fixed so many typos for you I might as well have written it.

    3. fonziGG


      don't ya'll have grammarly

  14. Outside of just picking yourselves, who do you think would make good BOG representatives?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. NotAVHLM-GM
    3. Cxsquared


      Gustav. Really has his finger on the pulse of the VHL

    4. fonziGG


      phil and mcwolf

  15. To everyone who won prizes for the Christmas giveaway: messages are coming your way soon about claiming them. Been a particularly crazy Holiday season for me so I’m a bit behind the times. Thank you for your patience.

  16. ASG Coming soon. Wound up accidentally doing a 5 game series because getting all 4 goalies to play was a pain.

  17. I never tended to look at the awards won list because it was always just pathetic for me but apparently Thompson's final season put him third all time in player awards and moved me up to 8th by member. Mind you that list is way out of date so I could be wrong.

  18. Bears vs. Nighthawks for the Continental Cup. Who would have predicted that going into this season?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Banackock


      All live sims coming up. I love it! Bekebomb.

    3. Beketov


      I never said that but I’ll try.

    4. Banackock


      You did say that

  19. Re-creating tomorrow and still haven’t decided: do I go back to goalie or try my hand at a centre?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Da Trifecta
    3. Phil


      I remember you getting seriously frustrated last time you were a goalie. Though if you do create a goalie, I'm predicting he'll be Funk-like. 


      Otherwise, create a Center! You get to pay attention to another stat! Faceoffs! 

    4. Gustav


      I think he made the right choice at least ?

  20. My FA decision will be coming tonight or tomorrow morning so get your final pitches in now.

  21. 6 of the league’s 12 teams have made a pitch to me and selecting one is ridiculously difficult. Why do I keep putting myself through this haha

    1. Enorama


      Sign with DC if you want to suck

    2. Dil


      @Beketov you played with the shitty fake/half Indian @Quik, now you must come to Calgary and try the real deal.

    3. Dil
  22. After 28 hours my power finally came back on, in time for me to see some FA messages tonight haha

  23. @Rayzor_7 has updated his lines every day if I’m not mistaken. Apparently he’s the new @Jubo07

    1. Rayzor_7


      I'll make things less difficult once things start to click haha. 

      (Or maybe I won't, we will have to see)

    2. Beketov


      Once things start to click? You’ve won 18/23 games haha

    3. Rayzor_7


      Weaker schedule, now dropped 4 of last 5 games (all four to good teams and the 1 W vs a bad team)

  24. This week the VHL celebrates its 12th birthday, making it probably older than some of its members. I was bloody 16 when this shit started, god damn.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jbeezy76


      Thanks! No biggy. Look forward to the ? Party

    3. TheFlash


      12 uncapped tpe?

  25. @Quik with the bold finals prediction of Helsinki vs Helsinki.

    1. Quik


      Only team that can beat us is us!

    2. Devise


      We all know it'll just be :tor: dressed in HSK's older jersey's, with more notable names on the plates. :P Although if we go with your narrative I guess that just means Toronto has been HSK in disguise all these seasons, congrats on the 3peat Titans? 

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