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Posts posted by BladeMaiden

  1. :que:Vancouver Wolves Press Conference:que:

    Week Ending February 14th 2021

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    Soooo we have a good news bad news situation here, It is theme week and usually I would ask you all questions that tie into this week's theme. Unfortunately the BOD did not get that information out to us early... not meaning so sound shady but if this is totally off  theme it is not my fault. That being said why don't we get down to brass tax and have some fun with this thang!!!!


    🖤 #WolfLove #ValentinesDay #PalentinesDay

    1.) So in case you didn't know there is a fun trend where instead of going around and being all romantic on Valentines Day you actually spend it with your friends. You buy each other small tokens like you would have in grade school ( or you adult it up more lol ppl make things their own) and just make the holiday more accessible to everyone by expanding the definition of love and how we celebrate this holiday. How do you feel about this trend.


    2.) Who would you give a  Palentines gift to on your team? What are giving them and why?


    3.) I heard Blade likes to give out old school Valentines to all the players, she attaches Hershey's hugs to all of them. Attach a pic of the valentines you are sending out and tell us if you are  including candy. will the whole team get them or only a special few.. and yes I heard  @Beaviss can be bribed ❤️  (below are the ones i will be giving out ;) )



    4.) Do you think Valentines day is a real holiday? Why or Why Not?


    5.)Do you have romantic plans for your Valentines day?


    6.) What do you consider to be a "sexy" or "romantic" song?


    7.) Have You (or Would you) ever kissed someone on a kiss cam? (Imagine it's not covid, it would be a horrible idea in covid lol)



    🖤 #ThemeWeek

    8.) Do you think theme week themes should be told to the VHL general public in advance?


    9.) Are you a person who usually has they task doen way in advance or are you last minute? Do you feel that theme weeks affect how you get your tasks out?


    10.) Did you know that they asked for theme week ideas? ( Apparently the blues are tapped out of ideas. No judgment, they have been at this a very long time lol) Did you suggest any ideas? if not did you read any ideas you loved??


    11.)For the record i just triple checked and there is still no theme announced at this point, put a ❤️ Me too if you get to this before then announce a damn theme. If there is a theme was it worth the wait?


    12.) Do you think the chosen theme (when it is announced .....) was an easy one to incorporate into your media spots ?


    13.) post a gif that shows how you feel about your VHL season ( or VHLM season if your a prospect **Hi Wolf Pups**)




  2. -> :hel:Titans S76:hel:<--

    Week Ending Febuary 14th 2021

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    Soooo we have a good news bad news situation here, It is theme week and usually I would ask you all questions that tie into this week's theme. Unfortunately the BOD did not get that information out to us early... not meaning so sound shady but if this is totally off  theme it is not my fault. That being said why don't we get down to brass tax and have some fun with this thang!!!!


    💙 #BeMyTitan #ValentinesDay #PalentinesDay

    1.) So in case you didn't know there is a fun trend where instead of going around and being all romantic on Valentines Day you actually spend it with your friends. You buy each other small tokens like you would have in grade school ( or you adult it up more lol ppl make things their own) and just make the holiday more accessible to everyone by expanding the definition of love and how we celebrate this holiday. How do you feel about this trend.


    2.) Who would you give a  Palentines gift to on your team? What are giving them and why?


    3.) I heard Blade likes to give out old school Valentines to all the players, she attaches Hershey's hugs to all of them. Attach a pic of the valentines you are sending out and tell us if you are  including candy. will the whole team get them or only a special few.. and yes Jubo and I can be bribed ❤️  (below are the ones i will be giving out ;) )



    4.) Do you think Valentines day is a real holiday? Why or Why Not?


    5.)Do you have romantic plans for your Valentines day?


    6.) What do you consider to be a "sexy" or "romantic" song?


    7.) Have You (or Would you) ever kissed someone on a kiss cam? (Imagine it's not covid, it would be a horrible idea in covid lol)


    💙 #ThemeWeek

    8.) Do you think theme week themes should be told to the VHL general public in advance?


    9.) Are you a person who usually has they task doen way in advance or are you last minute? Do you feel that theme weeks affect how you get your tasks out?


    10.) Did you know that they asked for theme week ideas? ( Apparently the blues are tapped out of ideas. No judgment, they have been at this a very long time lol) Did you suggest any ideas? if not did you read any ideas you loved??


    11.)For the record i just triple checked and there is still no theme announced at this point, put a ❤️ Me too if you get to this before then announce a damn theme. If there is a theme was it worth the wait?


    12.) Do you think the chosen theme (when it is announced .....) was an easy one to incorporate into your media spots ?


    13.) post a gif that shows how you feel about your VHL season ( or VHLM season if your a prospect **Hi bb Titans!**)



  3. @GreenGato Your getting reviewed by your team's AGM ... you must be so excited lol



    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn son, thems is some fine ass jerseys! Just in case you can't tell I think that is was over all a great design concept from hemline to collar. First of all I have to mention you over all commitment to the nautical theme. Not only is it well thought out but it is appealing to the eye as well. Love how you work in the subtle touches of yellow in your design from the rope on the shoulder patches with matching laces in the front collar to the stripped arm design i just can't help but thing this whole thing is on point.


    This is better than what i have seen some professional clubs come out with lately.

    9.5/10 ( the .5 off is because there is just something about the first jersey that does not pop as much as the 2nd design but lets be honest they are both amazing ❤️

  4. Vancouver Wolves Press Conference

    Week Ending February 7th 2021

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    It's  everyone's fav time, press conference time!! So Lets get things kicked off with some easy TPE and laughs. Just going to tell you all again how much I enjoy seeing your creative and wacky answers. Thanks for being the best team a girl could ask to be on  ❤️ Without any further fluff, here are your questions:


    1.) What is your Fav version of our Jersey? Home, Away, a holiday or Charity one? Describe it and why you love it.



    2.) You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?


    3.) You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what’s the premise?


    4.) Name the top five hockey related things to take with you during a zombie outbreak. (Think of things that you would have in your hockey bag, locker or at home)


    5.) What are things that management can do that makes you feel supported as a player? (what is important to you?)


    6.) If the Vancouver Wolves was a Hogwarts house what house would we be and why?


    7.) When fans see hockey players they often freak out, who is one of the people you would fan boy/ fan girl / fan person over? ( For example Venus Thightrap, is a huge comic book nerd so meeting someone like Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff who created Poision Ivy would mean a lot to her. Venus’ name is meant to be a nod to Ivy.)


    8.) When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs during a game? What were you yelling about?


    9.) When you go home and relaxing is on your mind what room do you go to and what do you do in it to wind down? (Venus is totally into long luxurious bubble baths, it has been said she often turns into a prune while playing her fav Spotify mix as she soaks the stress away of everyday life)


    10.) Is there anything hanging in your Team Locker that motivates you?


    11.) Do you have a pet? If so tell us about your fuzzy or perhaps not so fuzzy friend lol


    12.) Which is one that show you cannot watch with anyone?


    13.) Give this Gif a hashtag :

    hockey GIF



  5. -> :hel:Titans S76:hel:<--

    Week Ending February 7th 2021

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    It's  everyone's fav time, press conference time!! So Lets get things kicked off with some easy TPE and laughs. Just going to tell you all again how much I enjoy seeing your creative and wacky answers. Thanks for being the best team and AGM could ask for ❤️ Without any further fluff, here are your questions:


    1.) What is your Fav Helsinki Titans Jersey?



    2.) You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?


    3.) You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what’s the premise?


    4.) Name the top five hockey related things to take with you during a zombie outbreak. (Think of things that you would have in your hockey bag, locker or at home)


    5.) What are things that management can do that makes you feel supported as a player? (what is important to you?)


    6.) If Helsinki was a Hogwarts house what house would we be and why?


    7.) When fans see hockey players they often freak out, who is one of the people you would fan boy/ fan girl / fan person over? ( For example Venus Thightrap, is a huge comic book nerd so meeting someone like Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff who created Poision Ivy would mean a lot to her. Venus’ name is meant to be a nod to Ivy.)


    8.) When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs during a game? What were you yelling about?


    9.) When you go home and relaxing is on your mind what room do you go to and what do you do in it to wind down? (Venus is totally into long luxurious bubble baths, it has been said she often turns into a prune while playing her fav Spotify mix as she soaks the stress away of everyday life)


    10.) Is there anything hanging in your Team Locker that motivates you?


    11.) Do you have a pet? If so tell us about your fuzzy or perhaps not so fuzzy friend lol


    12.) Which is one that show you cannot watch with anyone?


    13.) Give this Gif a hashtag :

    hockey GIF




  6. Review:


    I'm gonna start off by sating I've never been a big fan of the Nashville jersey colors and therefore an all out Yukon yellow render would not have been my first instinct to go with . That being said i think you used this pop of color in  a very smart way. really love how it plays off the navy blues and guides your eye to the render and the text. Any art critic will tell you that good art draws your eyes to specific features you want highlighted and this sig does just that.  It is well composed and I love that background effect.


    9.5/10 just taking off a half point because of my blind hatred of the preds...great job @Jubo07 lol


    @Slick this makes your player look amazing ❤️

  7. -> :hel:Titans S76:hel:<--

    Week Ending January 31st 2021

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE!


    We are now one week into the season, time for some serious hard hitting questions that will use your power of analytics to devise witty and thoughtful answers, jk this is me we are talking about so lets just have some fun ;)


    1.) Did you know the average person laughs 13 times in a day? Do you think you laugh on par with the rest of the word? More? Less?


    2.) Referring back to question one, What is your sense of humor like? What type of humor, makes you buts a gut or or crack a wry smile?


    3.) We are now well into the season and it is time for me to ask the age old staple question of how do you think your player is doing?


    4.) What do you think your player is doing best so far this season?


    5.) Look to your left, now look to your right , now looks at your bestie on the titans,  think of the best VHler you've ever heard seen. Now look back to your bestie. Are there any one standout players that you have noticed our team? Give them a shout out for what they are doing well. This one is dedicated to @PatrikLaine who was shouting out all his teammates in top ten positions in the leauge!


    6.) Would you drop your gloves if you saw someone harassing @Tape-to-Tape, Our main tendie Zamboni Driver, on the ice? How would you deal with that situation. @Jubo07 says I'm not allowed to beat up other teams players on the ice because it is unprofessional but i think we all know if i had gloves i would drop them for any member of this team!


    7.) What nationality is your player? Do you think your nationality explains anything about you as a player?


    8.) What is the one thing that your home country does better than any other and that you miss the most while traveling?


    9.) You are dragged to a big box store by a teammate while playing a North American team, you decide to bring something back to Helsinki for a friend, family member, partner or your children. What are you bring back and for who?


    10.) Hockey Players Travel a lot for work, especially in our league. Do you enjoy the travel and do you like to do it in your spare time for fun or are you a homebody?


    11.) Name a movie you thinks fits your play style.


    12.) What’s a saying you say a lot?


    13.) respond to the .gif below with another one:





  8. @PatrikLaine Let me answer this for the Press.


    "As Helsinki AGM I would just like to say that Laine's value to our team as a member both on an of the ice is almost incalculable.  To put things in plain terms for the members of the press we in Helsinki see our players a people, not pawns to be traded on a whim.  The value on any trade that would go through with Laine's name on it, would have to give a borderline unallowable amount of assets to the Titans. Because when you see his presence both on and off the ice, you start seeing why it would be hard to get Helsinki to allow such an asset to leave their LR. Now I may only be an AGM but I truly believe my feelings on this matter are backed by @Jubo07 and the entire Helsinki Head office. Now are you all going to leave my player alone or do I have to remove you myself" - AGM Katherine Blade

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