rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 (edited) Post Draft Live S66 Class Rankings Rank Δ Drafted Player Name Position TPE Team Nat. Last Updated AVG CAPPED TPE Member 1 1st Overall Hunter Hearst Helmsley C 1828 WAR US 2020-09-06 12.0 Beaviss 2 2nd Overall Julius Freeman LW 1727 NYA US 2020-09-06 12.0 rjfryman 3 10th Overall Jet Jaguar C 1681 DAV UA 2020-08-23 11.949 gorlab 4 7th Overall Jerry Garcia LW 1541 DAV US 2020-08-23 11.75 GustavMattias 5 6th Overall Charlie Paddywagon D 1453 DAV US 2020-08-16 11.38 DMaximus 6 16th Overall Apollo Hackett D 1406 FA US 2020-06-14 11.773 Renomitsu 7 4th Overall Mikko Aaltonen RW 1140 DCD FI 2020-08-16 7.963 GRZ 8 Tyler Barabash Jr C 1127 LAS CA 2020-07-12 10.141 Bushito 9 12th Overall John Frostbeard RW 1057 FA LV 2020-05-17 10.082 FrostBeard 10 30th Overall Guillaume Fontenette D 1039 FA FR 2020-06-21 9.955 okochastar 11 31st Overall Mat Tocco RW 1000 VAN CZ 2020-07-19 7.486 Matmenzinger 12 53rd Overall Ben Hafkey C 965 HSK US 2020-08-23 7.757 McLovin 13 24th Overall Aleksander Rodriguez RW 959 FA US 2020-06-14 8.319 Jtv123 14 29th Overall Jordan Tonn D 931 FA CA 2020-05-17 8.381 MexicanCow123 15 13th Overall Codrick Past C 865 RIG GB 2020-08-16 6.303 Kylrad 16 14th Overall Shawnomir Jagr RW 846 FA CZ 2020-05-17 9.585 TheLastOlympian07 17 51st Overall Dean Clarke D 818 MOS US 2020-07-26 6.797 Kyle 18 42nd Overall Cody Smith D 639 PRG CA 2020-07-12 5.667 cody73 19 47th Overall Blake Laughton LW 631 FA CA 2020-06-14 5.576 Grape 20 8th Overall Aron Nielsen D 577 FA FO 2020-05-17 7.795 solas 21 19th Overall Chico Smeb D 575 LDN KR 2020-07-12 6.244 xDParK 22 33rd Overall Edward Vigneault D 564 FA CA 2020-05-17 6.0 Patpou22 23 9th Overall Arnor Sigurdsson RW 563 FA IS 2020-05-17 8.051 bluesfan55 24 28th Overall Hans Gruber C 513 FA DE 2020-05-17 8.7 TheFlash 25 26th Overall Nethila Dissanayake D 512 CHI LK 2020-07-12 5.653 nethi99 26 17th Overall Rusty Shackleford D 467 LAS US 2020-07-12 8.296 K1NG LINUS 27 11th Overall Owen May G 442 DAV CH 2020-07-12 9.036 FacebookFighter 28 15th Overall Bert Meyers C 395 FA US 2020-07-12 8.727 RunnerBert11 29 5th Overall Dimitri Volosenkov LW 386 FA RU 2020-05-17 7.208 SirRupertBarnes 30 3rd Overall Shane Mars LW 381 FA US 2020-05-17 10.105 Spade18 31 27th Overall Clayton Park G 338 LDN AT 2020-07-12 6.259 leafssteen 32 34th Overall Blake Gaudette LW 316 FA CA 2020-05-17 6.0 Gaudette 33 57th Overall MORPHEUS DESTRUCTIOUS D 313 WAR PL 2020-07-12 6.0 Abaddon 34 20th Overall Valeri Morozov LW 312 FA RU 2020-07-12 5.88 Dangles13 35 55th Overall Walter Clements C 309 FA SL 2020-07-12 4.48 cpetrella 36 49th Overall Kolur Bjoernsson G 299 LAS IS 2020-07-12 6.174 jblock3 37 78th Overall Thomas Kennedy RW 296 FA AU 2020-05-17 7.263 Walter Fizz 38 23rd Overall Maximilian Kirbsson C 285 FA SE 2020-07-12 6.722 Kirby 39 52nd Overall Dylan Doyle LW 264 FA US 2020-05-17 5.409 zepheter 40 21st Overall Beau Buefordsson D 260 FA KN 2020-05-17 6.588 Radcow 41 44th Overall Pascal Batz C 253 FA CH 2020-05-17 4.13 efiug 42 41st Overall AJ Axelsen RW 237 FA SE 2020-05-17 6.353 littleboi 43 22nd Overall Ludvig Sederstrom C 235 FA SE 2020-05-17 6.0 aleks 44 18th Overall Kyle Sabertooth LW 232 FA US 2020-05-17 8.071 uphillmoss 45 38th Overall Juan Jaundice G 225 LDN US 2020-07-12 3.85 Jus 46 39th Overall Rhys Chism C 223 FA NZ 2020-05-17 5.0 Jables 47 50th Overall Devin Gabella LW 210 FA US 2020-07-12 5.529 Gabella19 48 48th Overall Kari Jurri LW 209 FA NL 2020-07-12 8.182 hockeyis66 49 37th Overall Nacho C 205 FA US 2020-07-12 5.125 Nacci25 50 25th Overall Edgar Tannahill LW 204 FA CA 2020-07-12 6.6 gregreg 51 32nd Overall Rhye Tyr D 201 FA CA 2020-05-17 6.5 Plate 52 45th Overall Hunter Wagner LW 199 FA DE 2020-07-12 4.056 Inf1d3l 53 35th Overall Emil Passerelli RW 198 FA US 2020-07-12 5.533 SparrowLTD 54 36th Overall Anthony Amberback D 198 FA US 2020-07-12 4.588 Oost 55 46th Overall Samuel Sparrow D 183 FA US 2020-05-17 5.0 Birdman 56 54th Overall Wendy Kandee Cain G 170 FA US 2020-05-17 6.154 SlashACM 57 79th Overall Micheal Rasmussen LW 164 FA CA 2020-05-17 3.4 Connor mcdavid 58 62nd Overall Andreas Sundell D 149 FA SE 2020-07-12 3.333 VisualDarkness 59 63rd Overall BALLS McZehrl C 143 FA DE 2020-07-12 3.611 Rent A McZ 60 56th Overall Sunny Burst G 140 FA US 2020-07-12 3.429 Sunburst 61 59th Overall Duncan Jeffers D 136 FA US 2020-07-12 4.0 Tophdaddy 62 58th Overall John Perdue LW 135 FA US 2020-07-12 5.818 johnnyhockey42 63 64th Overall Cody Parkey D 133 FA KP 2020-07-12 4.4 SaltyTalty 64 40th Overall Raphael Nazarians C 128 FA AM 2020-07-12 5.556 LIL V O D AK 65 65th Overall Richard Hejtsel D 123 FA LV 2020-05-17 5.375 hejta 66 61st Overall David Clarkson LW 122 FA CA 2020-07-12 3.063 Jacob Kundrat 67 60th Overall Papa Gage D 121 FA US 2020-07-12 4.333 PapaGage 68 68th Overall Luke Derion G 113 FA US 2020-05-17 4.1 Barracuda 69 66th Overall Titus Stone D 90 FA US 2020-07-12 4.0 MD9 70 43rd Overall Hiromu Takahashi D 83 FA JP 2020-07-12 2.909 O4L 71 67th Overall Eeli Harju C 81 FA FI 2020-07-12 3.5 Teztify 72 69th Overall Sami Van Den Dreissche RW 80 FA BE 2020-07-12 3.25 TsarPeter 73 70th Overall Srraxxarrakex II D 80 FA JP 2020-07-12 3.2 flan 74 71st Overall DWin Championship D 78 FA SE 2020-07-12 3.429 Award97 75 Waluigi De Rossi LW 64 FA IT 2020-07-12 2.75 KitRas 76 72nd Overall Dave John OQuinn D 60 FA CA 2020-05-17 1.0 David O'Quinn 77 73rd Overall Patrick Vigneault G 59 FA CA 2020-05-17 2.0 Patpou22 78 75th Overall Jean ClaudePaul LW 55 FA FR 2020-07-12 1.6 Yusuf Abdul-Latif 79 77th Overall Finn Theismann D 54 FA DE 2020-07-12 1.714 StaticShocked 80 76th Overall Charles Alderson C 54 FA US 2020-07-12 2.143 kithoo 81 80th Overall Fabius Adomaitis D 51 FA LT 2020-07-12 2.0 Claire 82 Fudge Popsicle RW 50 FA CA 2020-07-12 1.714 LaprasRuler 83 Adama Traore C 50 FA US 2020-07-12 2.5 Adama Traore 84 Joakim Sederstrom LW 50 FA SE 2020-07-12 0.0 Samee 85 Thomas Vancheck LW 48 FA AT 2020-07-12 1.333 Thomas Vancheck 86 Markus Lulic Descheneaux C 46 FA CA 2020-07-12 1.6 mxld17 87 Karlis Liede RW 46 FA LV 2020-07-12 1.0 DoubleCarl 88 Alexis Lafreniere RW 42 FA CA 2020-07-12 1.6 Yehboi 89 Londortharl D 41 FA KH 2020-07-12 1.0 MattyG 90 Yuri Kalerov D 40 FA CH 2020-07-12 2.0 Camel 91 Jack Logan D 39 FA US 2020-07-12 0.0 WeaponX 92 Quinton Collins D 39 FA CA 2020-05-17 2.0 Jepox 93 Logan Swallow C 38 FA US 2020-07-12 0.8 TriaL Exotic 94 Jakobe Puffalump D 37 FA CA 2020-07-12 0.0 Puffalump 95 Logan Smith D 36 FA CA 2020-05-17 1.333 Tyguy_31 96 Matthew Tolsma C 33 FA CA 2020-07-12 0.0 matthewtols 97 Anthony Griffis D 32 FA US 2020-07-12 0.5 Tygrzz 98 Marchello Mirabella G 32 FA IT 2020-07-12 0.0 Wandering_Buffalo 99 Tim W LW 32 FA US 2020-07-12 0.0 Spadesy 100 Johnny Puck G 31 FA US 2020-07-12 0.0 Johnny Nasher 101 Brody Wattson D 31 FA CA 2020-07-12 0.0 Brody Wattson 102 Gervais Bulhoes C 31 FA CA 2020-07-12 0.0 HOCKEYBEAST9000 Last updated: Sep 6 Includes all players in the S66 VHL Draft Class who have added TPE to their player. Once your player has had an update approved by updaters that puts you over 30 TPE, you'll be added to the rankings. GM Players will go to the team that their user GM's. They will appear undrafted . Spoiler @Beaviss @rjfryman @gorlab @GRZ @Renomitsu @GustavMattias @TheLastOlympian07 @DMaximus @bluesfan55 @TheFlash @xDParK @FacebookFighter @Bushito @RunnerBert11 @Spade18 @SirRupertBarnes @Kylrad @K1NG LINUS @solas @Matmenzinger @MexicanCow123 @FrostBeard @leafssteen @Jtv123 @nethi99 @okocha5 @cody73 @Kirby @Gaudette @jblock3 @Dangles13 @Patpou22 @Grape @Radcow @Walter Fizz @ItsMcLovin @Abaddon @Kyle @littleboi @aleks @uphillmoss @cpetrella @Jus @Jables @efiug @Gabella19 @hockeyis66 @Nacci25 @gregreg @Plate @SparrowLTD @zepheter @Oost @Inf1d3l @Birdman @SlashACM @VisualDarkness @Rent A McZ @Sunburst @Tophdaddy @johnnyhockey42 @SaltyTalty @LIL V O D AK @Jacob Kundrat @PapaGage @Barracuda @MD9 @O4L @TsarPeter @Teztify @flan @Award97 @Connor mcdavid @JohnOQuinn @Yusuf Abdul-Latif @StaticShocked @kithoo @KitRas @Claire @Samee @LaprasRuler @Adama Traore @Thomas Vancheck @mxld17 @DoubleCarl @Yehboi @MattyG @Camel @Jepox @WeaponX @TriaL Exotic @Puffalump @matthewtols @Spadesy @Wandering_Buffalo @Tygrzz @russellbackus @Johnny Nasher @HOCKEYBEAST9000 @Brody watson Edited September 6, 2020 by rjfryman gorlab, TheLastOlympian07, okochastar and 1 other 4 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt_O 897 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 Will you be doing this with S65 and other years as well @rjfryman Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639076 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 5, 2019 Author Share Posted July 5, 2019 1 minute ago, Matt_O said: Will you be doing this with S65 and other years as well @rjfryman yes working on them now Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639078 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 im coming for dat ass @GustavMattias and @Renomitsu coming for your spots Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639102 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MexicanCow123 920 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 Super cool. Now GM's can see that they should have picked me. Drafted 29th and am in 21st for TPE. COME ON GM'S. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639103 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beaviss 4,959 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 I really knocked the ball out of the park in this draft! rjfryman 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639109 Share on other sites More sharing options...
uphillmoss 134 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 Just now, Beaviss said: I really knocked the ball out of the park in this draft! You know, except for that one guy Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beaviss 4,959 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 Just now, uphillmoss said: You know, except for that one guy im trying to hide you go away. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639113 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,584 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 1 hour ago, TheLastOlympian07 said: im coming for dat ass @GustavMattias and @Renomitsu coming for your spots I haven't finished this week...but consider this a challenge. We shall fight to the death. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639155 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 2 minutes ago, GustavMattias said: I haven't finished this week...but consider this a challenge. We shall fight to the death. Gustav 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639156 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cody73 87 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 Quite a few big jumps here, including myself. Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639183 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheFlash 317 Posted July 5, 2019 Share Posted July 5, 2019 (edited) 28–>10 #glowup Edited July 5, 2019 by TheFlash Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639199 Share on other sites More sharing options...
xDParK 81 Posted July 6, 2019 Share Posted July 6, 2019 1 tpe away from top 10 and still have all my PTs to do this week Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639214 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluesfan55 103 Posted July 6, 2019 Share Posted July 6, 2019 nice Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-639307 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 13, 2019 Author Share Posted July 13, 2019 Hunter Hearst Helmsley + 28 Julius Freeman + 30 Jet Jaguar + 25 Mikko Aaltonen + 17 Jerry Garcia + 26 Apollo Hackett + 20 Shawnomir Jagr + 21 Charlie Paddywagon + 18 Hans Gruber + 30 Arnor Sigurdsson + 11 Tyler Barabash Jr + 18 Chico Smeb + 13 Owen May + 16 Codrick Past + 11 Rusty Shackleford + 21 Mat Tocco + 30 Aron Nielsen + 19 John Frostbeard + 25 Aleksander Rodriguez + 40 Jordan Tonn + 9 Guillaume Fontenette + 22 Nethila Dissanayake + 10 Clayton Park + 9 Blake Gaudette + 12 Kolur Bjoernsson + 15 Valeri Morozov + 18 Thomas Kennedy + 12 Edward Vigneault + 10 Ben Hafkey + 10 MORPHEUS DESTRUCTIOUS + 13 Walter Clements + 19 Dean Clarke + 7 Pascal Batz + 16 Dylan Doyle + 10 Micheal Rasmussen + 21 Spoiler @Beaviss @rjfryman @gorlab @GRZ @GustavMattias @Renomitsu @TheLastOlympian07 @DMaximus@TheFlash @bluesfan55 @Bushito @xDParK @FacebookFighter @Kylrad @K1NG LINUS @Matmenzinger@solas @FrostBeard @Jtv123 @MexicanCow123 @okocha5 @nethi99 @leafssteen @Gaudette @jblock3@Dangles13 @Walter Fizz @Patpou22 @ItsMcLovin @Abaddon @cpetrella @Kyle @efiug @zepheter@Connor mcdavid TheLastOlympian07, K1NG LINUS and gorlab 3 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-643077 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted July 13, 2019 Share Posted July 13, 2019 stuff like this makes me want to try a lot harder to stay active. thanks @rjfryman rjfryman 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-643082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
K1NG LINUS 145 Posted July 13, 2019 Share Posted July 13, 2019 yay I've maintained my spot Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-643089 Share on other sites More sharing options...
xDParK 81 Posted July 13, 2019 Share Posted July 13, 2019 My boy Runnerbert falling off fast Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-643219 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 21, 2019 Author Share Posted July 21, 2019 Hunter Hearst Helmsley + 32 Julius Freeman + 44 Jet Jaguar + 35 Apollo Hackett + 36 Jerry Garcia + 28 Charlie Paddywagon + 36 Shawnomir Jagr + 25 Mikko Aaltonen + 12 Hans Gruber + 30 Tyler Barabash Jr + 29 Chico Smeb + 25 Arnor Sigurdsson + 9 Rusty Shackleford + 43 Owen May + 2 Codrick Past + 18 Mat Tocco + 36 John Frostbeard + 30 Aleksander Rodriguez + 26 Aron Nielsen + 6 Jordan Tonn + 18 Guillaume Fontenette + 32 Nethila Dissanayake + 19 Clayton Park + 5 Valeri Morozov + 23 Cody Smith + 12 Blake Gaudette + 7 Kolur Bjoernsson + 4 Edward Vigneault + 21 Thomas Kennedy + 2 Blake Laughton + 10 Ben Hafkey + 8 Dean Clarke + 18 Pascal Batz + 17 Dylan Doyle + 19 0 Advanced issues found ▲ Spoiler @Beaviss @rjfryman @gorlab @Renomitsu @GustavMattias @DMaximus @TheLastOlympian07 @GRZ @TheFlash @Bushito @xDParK @bluesfan55 @K1NG LINUS @FacebookFighter @Kylrad@Matmenzinger @FrostBeard @Jtv123 @solas @MexicanCow123 @okocha5 @nethi99 @leafssteen @Dangles13 @cody73 @Gaudette @jblock3 @Patpou22 @Walter Fizz @Grape @ItsMcLovin@Kyle @efiug @zepheter gorlab and TheLastOlympian07 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-646990 Share on other sites More sharing options...
xDParK 81 Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 Drafted 19th, ranked 11th. Not bad imo gorlab and Matmenzinger 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-647014 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matmenzinger 167 Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 Drafted 31st and ranked 16th now. Am I a draft steal yet? Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-647015 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hedgehog337 3,483 Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 1 minute ago, Matmenzinger said: Drafted 31st and ranked 16th now. Am I a draft steal yet? Apollo Hackett says hi 6 minutes ago, xDParK said: Drafted 19th, ranked 11th. Not bad imo this guy too Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-647016 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matmenzinger 167 Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 2 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said: Apollo Hackett says hi this guy too Steals as well. I've moved more spots than both. @TheFlash has me beat by a mile though. Best pick of the draft imo. TheFlash 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-647017 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorlab 4,322 Posted July 22, 2019 Share Posted July 22, 2019 @SirRupertBarnes come back to me Victor 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-647298 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 28, 2019 Author Share Posted July 28, 2019 Hunter Hearst Helmsley + 20 Julius Freeman + 19 Jet Jaguar + 25 Apollo Hackett + 19 Jerry Garcia + 13 Charlie Paddywagon + 18 Shawnomir Jagr + 19 Mikko Aaltonen + 12 Hans Gruber + 13 Arnor Sigurdsson + 19 Rusty Shackleford + 6 Owen May + 10 Mat Tocco + 19 Codrick Past + 6 John Frostbeard + 19 Aleksander Rodriguez + 17 Jordan Tonn + 19 Aron Nielsen + 6 Guillaume Fontenette + 9 Nethila Dissanayake + 11 Blake Gaudette + 17 Cody Smith + 9 Edward Vigneault + 13 Thomas Kennedy + 16 Ben Hafkey + 10 Dean Clarke + 11 Walter Clements + 13 Dylan Doyle + 18 Micheal Rasmussen + 30 Spoiler @Beaviss @rjfryman @gorlab @Renomitsu @GustavMattias @DMaximus @TheLastOlympian07 @GRZ @TheFlash @bluesfan55 @K1NG LINUS @FacebookFighter @Matmenzinger @Kylrad@FrostBeard @Jtv123 @MexicanCow123 @solas @okocha5 @nethi99 @Gaudette @cody73 @Patpou22 @Walter Fizz @ItsMcLovin @Kyle @cpetrella @zepheter @Connor mcdavid gorlab 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/65412-post-draft-s66-class-live-ranking/#findComment-649624 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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