rjfryman 1,120 Posted September 16, 2019 Share Posted September 16, 2019 (edited) Post Draft Live S68 Class Rankings Rank Δ Drafted Player Name Position TPE Team Nat. Last Updated AVG CAPPED TPE Member 1 1st Overall Condor Adrienne D 1627 MAL VA 2020-12-13 11.925 OrbitingDeath 2 11th Overall Raymond Bernard G 1428 MOS US 2020-12-20 11.974 Mr_Hatter 3 2nd Overall Lance Flowers RW 1416 DCD GB 2021-01-03 10.036 CowboyinAmerica 4 4th Overall Jeff Downey D 1368 CHI CA 2021-01-03 10.012 JeffD 5 5th Overall Luciano Valentino D 1276 DCD IT 2020-11-08 11.262 Kekzkrieg 6 17th Overall Seabass Perrin D 1195 PRG CA 2020-12-20 9.597 Seabass 7 13th Overall Owen Nolan RW 1175 DAV IE 2020-12-20 8.714 studentized 8 8th Overall A Red Guy G 1138 FA AU 2020-08-23 10.322 .sniffuM 9 32nd Overall Nate Telker C 1057 MOS CA 2020-12-13 10.014 Telkster 10 18th Overall Ricky Johnson D 1048 DCD CA 2021-01-03 7.667 Midnite 11 12th Overall Wolf Stansson Jr D 993 PRG IS 2020-12-20 8.2 Cornholio 12 44th Overall Ondrej Ohradka LW 972 PRG SK 2020-12-20 7.892 animal74 13 20th Overall Sigard Gunnar LW 905 FA IS 2020-10-18 8.933 Big Mac 14 19th Overall Willie Dredge RW 878 WAR US 2020-11-08 8.433 Speed 15 Keven Foreskin C 844 FA BN 2020-11-15 9.824 Esso2264 16 36th Overall Tony Bolonee D 831 HSK US 2020-12-20 7.32 Tbeez99 17 33rd Overall Ryo Yamazuki II RW 781 LAS JP 2021-01-03 6.538 Donno100 18 24th Overall Jerry Wang RW 678 NYA SG 2020-12-06 7.069 ColeMrtz 19 29th Overall Ryan Busser RW 650 FA CA 2020-07-12 7.204 ZP16 20 61st Overall Raleigh Ritchie RW 649 FA GB 2020-10-11 7.48 DangerGolding 21 10th Overall Samuel Ross G 641 FA US 2020-09-20 7.235 Brrbisbrr 22 50th Overall Ben McGirr LW 631 RIG GB 2020-12-06 5.319 cartoes 23 30th Overall Killy Foilen RW 611 FA AU 2020-07-19 8.469 Aye my name jeff 24 9th Overall Fredrik Elmebeck D 591 TOR SE 2020-11-08 9.265 Elmebeck 25 38th Overall Jacob Perry D 588 RIG US 2020-12-13 7.25 Liberty_Cabbage 26 28th Overall Andrej Petrovic D 563 RIG RS 2020-12-20 4.928 Tyler 27 7th Overall Teemu Lehtinen Jr LW 469 FA FI 2020-09-13 6.789 Sixersfan549 28 27th Overall Gert B Frobe D 372 FA US 2020-11-08 5.677 NumberJ5 29 3rd Overall Thorny Underyew C 356 FA GB 2020-11-08 7.905 jack 30 41st Overall Nate Wright C 340 FA US 2020-10-04 3.75 73MPL4R 31 35th Overall Jaxon Walker RW 333 FA US 2020-11-08 4.688 hewasajazzman 32 46th Overall Block Buster G 320 FA AU 2019-12-22 6.625 Banana2311 33 21st Overall Jeff Tates RW 319 FA CA 2019-11-17 7.833 PotatoKing 34 14th Overall Kaspars Claude D 304 FA IT 2020-11-08 8.056 Bruins10 35 16th Overall Micha Sage LW 303 FA CA 2019-10-27 7.667 AcousticKazoo 36 25th Overall Balentine Kidd C 302 FA GB 2020-11-08 6.8 TukTukTheGreat 37 31st Overall Mac Hooper LW 297 FA GB 2020-11-08 5.5 MacH 38 6th Overall Frans Eller C 294 FA DK 2020-11-08 8.0 Ace 39 26th Overall Fang Flashback G 292 FA CA 2020-01-19 7.833 uphillmoss 40 40th Overall Chad Gilbert C 273 FA US 2020-11-08 7.105 Fire_In_Babylon 41 48th Overall Joakim Sakic RW 265 FA SE 2020-05-31 3.091 Gscx420 42 22nd Overall Aamon Grim D 254 FA US 2020-04-26 6.5 aCrypticPancake 43 34th Overall David Wallace RW 250 FA GB 2019-11-10 6.063 Juddy 44 42nd Overall Roadkill Steve RW 250 FA DE 2020-09-13 4.962 stevo 45 53rd Overall Bud Knight RW 249 FA US 2020-11-08 5.762 Dilly Dilly 46 45th Overall Alex Armstrong D 211 FA GB 2020-04-19 3.63 dylanjj37 47 39th Overall Alyksander Hunter D 208 FA CA 2020-11-08 4.833 Jaku 48 37th Overall Liam Rooney C 202 FA CA 2020-11-08 5.333 elrune1988 49 23rd Overall Finnegan MacBurn D 202 FA US 2020-11-08 5.643 DizzyWithLogic 50 15th Overall Bruce Grimaldi G 185 FA US 2020-11-08 6.833 Psyduck77 51 57th Overall Benson Kramer RW 163 FA CA 2020-11-08 5.471 Benson 52 43rd Overall Justin Rushmore LW 159 FA US 2019-09-15 6.875 scoop 53 47th Overall Case Martell RW 153 FA US 2019-09-15 7.286 Shaka 54 51st Overall Jason Connors LW 147 FA US 2020-11-08 3.647 Klrpizza 55 54th Overall Beau Bennett D 137 FA CA 2020-11-08 4.5 Datools 56 52nd Overall Mike van Stronk D 132 FA NL 2020-11-08 4.769 Beerfridge 57 56th Overall Ryan Chism D 105 FA NZ 2019-08-25 4.0 Jables 58 58th Overall Alex RW 97 FA LV 2019-09-15 4.4 Markoovskyz 59 59th Overall Keith Harris LW 87 FA CA 2019-08-11 8.0 Ty343 60 49th Overall Julian Blackthorn RW 86 FA US 2020-11-08 4.308 LattimoreIsland 61 Jacob Scott D 80 FA US 2020-11-08 4.0 jscott 62 Denis Lever RW 80 FA US 2020-11-08 4.143 DenisLever 63 Wonona Levantoes RW 78 FA GB 2020-11-08 3.25 oramuda 64 Hendrix Lapierre C 74 FA CA 2020-11-08 2.5 Lapierre 65 60th Overall Cameron Eastwood C 70 FA GB 2020-11-08 3.667 CammyM 66 Tauras Karazija D 69 FA LT 2020-11-08 3.2 ontanis 67 62nd Overall Lukas Schweitzer G 68 FA DE 2019-09-29 4.0 GlowyGoat 68 Senor Physique D 67 FA CA 2019-09-15 2.8 Alim123 69 Pavel Dotsk RW 66 FA RU 2020-11-08 1.625 TRed7894 70 Stanley Sawchuk G 64 FA CA 2019-06-16 10.0 Molholt 71 Tomas Hasek C 63 FA CZ 2020-11-08 2.222 SJT29 72 Vladimir Pol RW 55 FA RU 2019-07-21 6.0 AnthonyOuellet 73 Kris Tougher LW 53 FA CA 2020-11-08 0.4 chrissyl93 74 55th Overall Ryan Dingle RW 50 FA AU 2020-11-08 1.0 Robotastic 75 Davy Jones D 50 FA CA 2020-11-08 2.333 jon-cent 76 King Czar IV D 49 FA RU 2020-11-08 2.8 Riggsy 77 Matt Lapointe D 47 FA CA 2020-03-29 2.0 MattyIce 78 Yeet Dabbersson D 46 FA TH 2019-07-14 4.0 Radcow 79 Connor Bregham LW 44 FA US 2020-11-08 1.333 Icedragon25 80 Jack Danger LW 44 FA US 2020-11-08 1.333 THEMARD 81 Gordie Burnett C 43 FA US 2020-11-08 1.0 Gordie 82 Patrick OReilly RW 41 FA US 2020-11-08 1.5 brenstl 83 Whiskey Malone D 40 FA US 2020-11-08 0.0 mollymcdeath 84 Justice Irons LW 40 FA US 2020-11-08 0.0 astrogenov 85 Rebacco Black D 39 FA US 2020-11-08 0.286 Rebacco 86 Alex Desmond D 38 FA US 2020-11-08 1.5 If_Tuna_Could_Fly 87 David Souter D 38 FA CA 2019-07-07 0.0 boomshocks 88 Myles Angellus RW 34 FA CA 2020-11-08 0.5 co2angel 89 Javier Ricardo D 34 FA US 2020-11-08 0.0 Javier Ricardo 90 Brenden Ambrose LW 34 FA US 2020-11-08 0.5 bcadrums94 91 Nash Fields D 33 FA US 2020-11-08 0.0 Nash015 92 Duncan MacLeod C 32 FA HU 2020-11-08 0.0 Jimbo75 93 Vince Bitter RW 32 FA CA 2020-11-08 0.0 NucksGamer1 94 Ian Walker C 32 FA CA 2020-11-08 0.5 Spartacus 95 Farzu Afzey D 32 FA US 2020-11-08 0.0 farzu 96 Baka Lakalaka C 32 FA HM 2020-11-08 0.0 Ninetyfourgoalie 97 Milton Hilton LW 32 FA BR 2020-11-08 0.0 DameHoops 98 Leo Duplessis D 32 FA CA 2020-11-08 0.0 Logansanwolvie Includes all players in the S63 VHL Draft Class who have added TPE to their player. Once your player has had an update approved by updaters that puts you over 30 TPE, you'll be added to the rankings. GM Players will go to the team that their user GM's. They will appear undrafted. Last updated: Jan 11 Spoiler @Esso2264 @Molholt @Jables @OrbitingDeath @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @jack @Kekzkrieg @.sniffuM @Sixersfan549 @Cornholio @Big Mac @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Ace @Elmebeck @AcousticKazoo @Bruins10 @Sebster03 @Brrbisbrr @sjs88speed @NumberJ5 @PotatoKing @Donno100 @Midnite @uphillmoss @aCrypticPancake @Fire_In_Babylon @TukTukTheGreat @diacope @DizzyWithLogic @MacH @Tbeez99 @Psyduck77 @Jaku @hewasajazzman @Tyler @ColeMrtz21 @Liberty_Cabbage @Banana2311 @Dilly Dilly @street @Aye my name jeff @Juddy @Shaka @Telkster @elrune1988 @stevo @animal74 @Datools @Beerfridge @Benson @73MPL4R @DangerGolding @Klrpizza @cartoes @Gscx420 @Markoovskyz @Ty343 @jscott @DenisLever @oramuda @LattimoreIsland @Lapierre @CammyM @ontanis @Alim123 @TRed7894 @SJT29 @dylanjj37 @GlowyGoat @AnthonyOuellet @chrissyl93 @Robotastic @jon-cent @Riggsy @Radcow @THEMARD @Icedragon25 @Gordie @brenstl @mollymcdeath @astrogenov @Rebacco @boomshocks @If_Tuna_Could_Fly @CosmicStorm @co2angel @Javier Ricardo @bcadrums94 @Nash015 @NucksGamer1 @DameHoops @MattyIce @Logansanwolvie @Spartacus @farzu @Jimbo75 @Ninetyfourgoalie Edited January 11, 2021 by rjfryman diacope, Kekzkrieg and Elmebeck 3 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted September 25, 2019 Author Share Posted September 25, 2019 Condor Adrienne + 20 Lance Flowers + 14 Jeff Downey + 12 A Red Guy + 31 Luciano Valentino + 22 Thorny Underyew + 7 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 7 Keven Foreskin + 19 Wolf Stansson Jr + 9 Raymond Bernard + 22 Sigard Gunnar + 12 Fredrik Elmebeck + 22 Owen Nolan + 7 Micha Sage + 10 Seabass Perrin + 25 Kaspars Claude + 13 Samuel Ross + 14 Willie Dredge + 12 Gert B Frobe + 20 Chad Gilbert + 21 Jeff Tates + 11 Ryo Yamazuki II + 14 Mac Hooper + 25 Ricky Johnson + 8 Ryan Busser + 15 Fang Flashback + 7 Balentine Kidd + 6 Tony Bolonee + 8 Jacob Perry + 19 Jerry Wang + 12 Andrej Petrovic + 7 Jaxon Walker + 6 Block Buster + 16 Alyksander Hunter + 3 Nate Telker + 28 David Wallace + 15 Killy Foilen + 10 Roadkill Steve + 16 Ondrej Ohradka + 8 Benson Kramer + 8 Raleigh Ritchie + 12 Nate Wright + 2 Ben McGirr + 9 Jason Connors + 8 Joakim Sakic + 18 Julian Blackthorn + 6 Lukas Schweitzer + 10 Spoiler @OrbitingDeath @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @.sniffuM @Kekzkrieg @jack @Sixersfan549 @Esso2264 @Cornholio @Mr_Hatter @Big Mac @Elmebeck @studentized @AcousticKazoo @Sebster03 @Bruins10 @Brrbisbrr @sjs88speed @NumberJ5 @Fire_In_Babylon @PotatoKing @Donno100 @MacH @Midnite @diacope @uphillmoss @TukTukTheGreat @Tbeez99 @Liberty_Cabbage @ColeMrtz @Tyler @hewasajazzman @Banana2311 @Jaku @Telkster @Juddy @Aye my name jeff @stevo @animal74 @Benson @DangerGolding @73MPL4R @cartoes @Klrpizza @Gscx420 @LattimoreIsland @GlowyGoat Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-671593 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mac 310 Posted November 17, 2019 Share Posted November 17, 2019 On 9/25/2019 at 9:40 AM, rjfryman said: Condor Adrienne + 20 Lance Flowers + 14 Jeff Downey + 12 A Red Guy + 31 Luciano Valentino + 22 Thorny Underyew + 7 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 7 Keven Foreskin + 19 Wolf Stansson Jr + 9 Raymond Bernard + 22 Sigard Gunnar + 12 Fredrik Elmebeck + 22 Owen Nolan + 7 Micha Sage + 10 Seabass Perrin + 25 Kaspars Claude + 13 Samuel Ross + 14 Willie Dredge + 12 Gert B Frobe + 20 Chad Gilbert + 21 Jeff Tates + 11 Ryo Yamazuki II + 14 Mac Hooper + 25 Ricky Johnson + 8 Ryan Busser + 15 Fang Flashback + 7 Balentine Kidd + 6 Tony Bolonee + 8 Jacob Perry + 19 Jerry Wang + 12 Andrej Petrovic + 7 Jaxon Walker + 6 Block Buster + 16 Alyksander Hunter + 3 Nate Telker + 28 David Wallace + 15 Killy Foilen + 10 Roadkill Steve + 16 Ondrej Ohradka + 8 Benson Kramer + 8 Raleigh Ritchie + 12 Nate Wright + 2 Ben McGirr + 9 Jason Connors + 8 Joakim Sakic + 18 Julian Blackthorn + 6 Lukas Schweitzer + 10 Reveal hidden contents @OrbitingDeath @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @.sniffuM @Kekzkrieg @jack @Sixersfan549 @Esso2264 @Cornholio @Mr_Hatter @Big Mac @Elmebeck @studentized @AcousticKazoo @Sebster03 @Bruins10 @Brrbisbrr @sjs88speed @NumberJ5 @Fire_In_Babylon @PotatoKing @Donno100 @MacH @Midnite @diacope @uphillmoss @TukTukTheGreat @Tbeez99 @Liberty_Cabbage @ColeMrtz @Tyler @hewasajazzman @Banana2311 @Jaku @Telkster @Juddy @Aye my name jeff @stevo @animal74 @Benson @DangerGolding @73MPL4R @cartoes @Klrpizza @Gscx420 @LattimoreIsland @GlowyGoat No update? Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-687138 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 12, 2020 Author Share Posted April 12, 2020 Force Update Next week will contain gains. NotAVHLM-GM 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-731110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 19, 2020 Author Share Posted April 19, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 14 Luciano Valentino + 22 Jeff Downey + 9 Lance Flowers + 12 Raymond Bernard + 15 Owen Nolan + 14 Keven Foreskin + 16 Sigard Gunnar + 19 Seabass Perrin + 9 Wolf Stansson Jr + 9 Willie Dredge + 14 Ricky Johnson + 16 Nate Telker + 10 Ryan Busser + 6 Killy Foilen + 13 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Ondrej Ohradka + 20 Raleigh Ritchie + 20 Tony Bolonee + 9 Samuel Ross + 7 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 Joakim Sakic + 2 Aamon Grim + 4 Alex Armstrong + 4 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Esso2264 @Big Mac @Sebster03 @Cornholio @sjs88speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @Aye my name jeff @Donno100 @animal74 @DangerGolding @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Tyler @Gscx420 @aCrypticPancake @dylanjj37 Kekzkrieg 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-734358 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted April 28, 2020 Author Share Posted April 28, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 35 Luciano Valentino + 35 Jeff Downey + 28 Lance Flowers + 26 A Red Guy + 44 Raymond Bernard + 29 Owen Nolan + 21 Keven Foreskin + 12 Sigard Gunnar + 22 Seabass Perrin + 25 Wolf Stansson Jr + 20 Willie Dredge + 31 Ricky Johnson + 10 Nate Telker + 38 Ryan Busser + 14 Killy Foilen + 25 Jerry Wang + 17 Ondrej Ohradka + 28 Ryo Yamazuki II + 14 Tony Bolonee + 16 Raleigh Ritchie + 9 Samuel Ross + 9 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 10 Ben McGirr + 14 Aamon Grim + 12 Joakim Sakic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @.sniffuM @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Esso2264 @Big Mac @Sebster03 @Cornholio @Speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @Aye my name jeff @ColeMrtz @animal74 @Donno100 @Tbeez99 @DangerGolding @Brrbisbrr @Sixersfan549 @cartoes @aCrypticPancake @Gscx420 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-737792 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 10, 2020 Author Share Posted May 10, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 16 Luciano Valentino + 18 Jeff Downey + 15 Lance Flowers + 16 Raymond Bernard + 25 Owen Nolan + 11 Keven Foreskin + 18 Sigard Gunnar + 17 Seabass Perrin + 14 Wolf Stansson Jr + 10 Willie Dredge + 6 Ricky Johnson + 15 Nate Telker + 18 Ryan Busser + 8 Jerry Wang + 19 Killy Foilen + 12 Ondrej Ohradka + 18 Ryo Yamazuki II + 8 Raleigh Ritchie + 17 Tony Bolonee + 11 Samuel Ross + 7 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 1 Ben McGirr + 6 Andrej Petrovic + 13 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Esso2264 @Big Mac @Seabass @Cornholio @Speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @ColeMrtz @Aye my name jeff @animal74 @Donno100 @DangerGolding @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @Sixersfan549 @cartoes @Tyler NotAVHLM-GM 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-741224 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 17, 2020 Author Share Posted May 17, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 22 Luciano Valentino + 16 Jeff Downey + 18 Lance Flowers + 16 Raymond Bernard + 22 Owen Nolan + 22 Keven Foreskin + 8 Sigard Gunnar + 19 Seabass Perrin + 16 Wolf Stansson Jr + 11 Willie Dredge + 12 Ricky Johnson + 15 Nate Telker + 6 Ryan Busser + 12 Jerry Wang + 13 Killy Foilen + 13 Ondrej Ohradka + 13 Raleigh Ritchie + 12 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Tony Bolonee + 7 Samuel Ross + 17 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 Joakim Sakic + 1 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Esso2264 @Big Mac @Seabass @Cornholio @Speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @ColeMrtz @Aye my name jeff @animal74 @DangerGolding @Donno100 @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Tyler @Gscx420 Kekzkrieg 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-743432 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 24, 2020 Author Share Posted May 24, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 24 Luciano Valentino + 22 Jeff Downey + 24 Lance Flowers + 21 Raymond Bernard + 24 A Red Guy + 11 Owen Nolan + 18 Keven Foreskin + 10 Sigard Gunnar + 19 Seabass Perrin + 28 Wolf Stansson Jr + 21 Willie Dredge + 22 Ricky Johnson + 12 Nate Telker + 22 Ryan Busser + 22 Jerry Wang + 19 Killy Foilen + 21 Ondrej Ohradka + 26 Ryo Yamazuki II + 17 Tony Bolonee + 17 Samuel Ross + 17 Ben McGirr + 17 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 10 Andrej Petrovic + 16 Joakim Sakic + 11 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @.sniffuM @studentized @Esso2264 @Big Mac @Seabass @Cornholio @Speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @ColeMrtz @Aye my name jeff @animal74 @Donno100 @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Sixersfan549 @Tyler @Gscx420 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-746304 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted May 31, 2020 Author Share Posted May 31, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 14 Luciano Valentino + 12 Jeff Downey + 6 Lance Flowers + 10 Raymond Bernard + 12 Owen Nolan + 8 Sigard Gunnar + 9 Seabass Perrin + 12 Wolf Stansson Jr + 9 Willie Dredge + 12 Nate Telker + 14 Ricky Johnson + 10 Ryan Busser + 8 Ondrej Ohradka + 12 Killy Foilen + 9 Jerry Wang + 3 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Tony Bolonee + 7 Samuel Ross + 7 Ben McGirr + 7 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 10 Andrej Petrovic + 6 Joakim Sakic + 1 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Big Mac @Seabass @Cornholio @Speed @Telkster @Midnite @diacope @animal74 @Aye my name jeff @ColeMrtz @Donno100 @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Sixersfan549 @Tyler @Gscx420 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-748549 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 8, 2020 Author Share Posted June 8, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 24 Jeff Downey + 11 Jerry Wang + 11 Ben McGirr + 7 Working on links @OrbitingDeath @JeffD @ColeMrtz @cartoes Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-750965 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 14, 2020 Author Share Posted June 14, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 25 Luciano Valentino + 24 Jeff Downey + 11 Lance Flowers + 31 Raymond Bernard + 46 Owen Nolan + 22 Seabass Perrin + 29 Sigard Gunnar + 1 Wolf Stansson Jr + 16 Willie Dredge + 41 Ricky Johnson + 26 Nate Telker + 23 Ryan Busser + 19 Ondrej Ohradka + 30 Killy Foilen + 11 Ryo Yamazuki II + 18 Tony Bolonee + 24 Samuel Ross + 22 Raleigh Ritchie + 7 Ben McGirr + 7 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 10 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Cornholio@Speed @Midnite @Telkster @diacope @animal74 @Aye my name jeff @Donno100 @Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr@DangerGolding @cartoes @Sixersfan549 diacope, Mr_Hatter and animal74 1 2 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-754669 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 22, 2020 Author Share Posted June 22, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 15 Luciano Valentino + 41 Jeff Downey + 13 Lance Flowers + 16 Raymond Bernard + 18 Owen Nolan + 16 Seabass Perrin + 15 Sigard Gunnar + 13 Wolf Stansson Jr + 1 Willie Dredge + 16 Nate Telker + 19 Ricky Johnson + 14 Ondrej Ohradka + 28 Ryan Busser + 9 Killy Foilen + 10 Ryo Yamazuki II + 9 Tony Bolonee + 12 Samuel Ross + 6 Raleigh Ritchie + 7 Ben McGirr + 5 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 6 Andrej Petrovic + 6 Nate Wright + 1 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Seabass@Big Mac @Cornholio @Speed @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Z16 @Aye my name jeff @Donno100@Tbeez99 @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Sixersfan549 @Tyler @73MPL4R Tyler 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-757508 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted June 28, 2020 Author Share Posted June 28, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 13 Luciano Valentino + 3 Jeff Downey + 11 Lance Flowers + 11 Raymond Bernard + 5 Owen Nolan + 7 Seabass Perrin + 11 Sigard Gunnar + 9 Wolf Stansson Jr + 11 Willie Dredge + 16 Ricky Johnson + 20 Nate Telker + 11 Ondrej Ohradka + 9 Ryan Busser + 11 Killy Foilen + 10 Tony Bolonee + 9 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Samuel Ross + 6 Ben McGirr + 5 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 6 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac@Cornholio @Speed @Midnite @Telkster @animal74 @Z16 @Aye my name jeff @Tbeez99 @Donno100@Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Sixersfan549 @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-758706 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 5, 2020 Author Share Posted July 5, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 13 Luciano Valentino + 12 Jeff Downey + 10 Lance Flowers + 10 Raymond Bernard + 13 Owen Nolan + 7 Seabass Perrin + 27 Sigard Gunnar + 9 Wolf Stansson Jr + 7 Willie Dredge + 13 Nate Telker + 11 Ricky Johnson + 3 Ondrej Ohradka + 11 Ryan Busser + 11 Tony Bolonee + 9 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Raleigh Ritchie + 9 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @Mr_Hatter @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Cornholio@Speed @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Z16 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-760186 Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotAVHLM-GM 1,858 Posted July 5, 2020 Share Posted July 5, 2020 avg capped tpe below 12. I'm a shamed of myself now Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-760208 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 12, 2020 Author Share Posted July 12, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 13 Luciano Valentino + 13 Raymond Bernard + 13 Lance Flowers + 10 Jeff Downey + 8 Owen Nolan + 9 Seabass Perrin + 5 Wolf Stansson Jr + 11 Willie Dredge + 13 Nate Telker + 15 Ricky Johnson + 15 Ondrej Ohradka + 5 Ryan Busser + 9 Tony Bolonee + 9 Ryo Yamazuki II + 9 Samuel Ross + 7 Raleigh Ritchie + 7 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @studentized @Seabass @Cornholio @Speed @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Z16 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-762146 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 20, 2020 Author Share Posted July 20, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 42 Luciano Valentino + 49 Raymond Bernard + 64 Jeff Downey + 39 Lance Flowers + 25 A Red Guy + 160 Owen Nolan + 13 Seabass Perrin + 11 Sigard Gunnar + 12 Wolf Stansson Jr + 18 Willie Dredge + 10 Nate Telker + 35 Ricky Johnson + 11 Ondrej Ohradka + 9 Killy Foilen + 3 Tony Bolonee + 9 Jerry Wang + 17 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Samuel Ross + 18 Raleigh Ritchie + 1 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @.sniffuM @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Cornholio @Speed @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Aye my name jeff @Tbeez99 @ColeMrtz @Donno100 @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-764664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 31 Luciano Valentino + 22 Raymond Bernard + 5 Lance Flowers + 43 Jeff Downey + 24 A Red Guy + 28 Owen Nolan + 9 Seabass Perrin + 46 Sigard Gunnar + 8 Willie Dredge + 41 Wolf Stansson Jr + 1 Nate Telker + 12 Ricky Johnson + 21 Ondrej Ohradka + 22 Tony Bolonee + 39 Ryo Yamazuki II + 24 Jerry Wang + 6 Samuel Ross + 6 Ben McGirr + 33 Andrej Petrovic + 16 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @.sniffuM @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Speed @Cornholio @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @ColeMrtz @Brrbisbrr @cartoes @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-768636 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 3, 2020 Author Share Posted August 3, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 9 Luciano Valentino + 11 Raymond Bernard + 11 Jeff Downey + 10 Lance Flowers + 1 Owen Nolan + 6 Sigard Gunnar + 3 Wolf Stansson Jr + 7 Nate Telker + 11 Ricky Johnson + 6 Ondrej Ohradka + 8 Jerry Wang + 5 Samuel Ross + 21 Teemu Lehtinen Jr + 4 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @studentized @Big Mac @Cornholio @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @ColeMrtz @Brrbisbrr @Sixersfan549 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-769943 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 10, 2020 Author Share Posted August 10, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 25 Luciano Valentino + 12 Raymond Bernard + 25 Jeff Downey + 12 Lance Flowers + 13 Owen Nolan + 9 Willie Dredge + 10 Wolf Stansson Jr + 9 Nate Telker + 9 Ricky Johnson + 15 Ondrej Ohradka + 26 Tony Bolonee + 7 Ryo Yamazuki II + 7 Jerry Wang + 2 Samuel Ross + 4 Raleigh Ritchie + 13 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @JeffD @CowboyinAmerica @studentized @Speed @Cornholio @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @ColeMrtz @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler animal74 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-771084 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 17, 2020 Author Share Posted August 17, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 8 Luciano Valentino + 5 Raymond Bernard + 7 Lance Flowers + 21 Jeff Downey + 15 A Red Guy + 10 Owen Nolan + 7 Seabass Perrin + 17 Sigard Gunnar + 1 Wolf Stansson Jr + 5 Nate Telker + 23 Ricky Johnson + 24 Ondrej Ohradka + 19 Tony Bolonee + 12 Ryo Yamazuki II + 8 Jerry Wang + 7 Ben McGirr + 10 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @.sniffuM @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Cornholio @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @ColeMrtz @cartoes @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-772664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted August 24, 2020 Author Share Posted August 24, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 26 Luciano Valentino + 25 Raymond Bernard + 13 Lance Flowers + 11 Jeff Downey + 6 A Red Guy + 32 Owen Nolan + 15 Seabass Perrin + 16 Sigard Gunnar + 7 Willie Dredge + 7 Wolf Stansson Jr + 7 Nate Telker + 13 Ricky Johnson + 10 Ondrej Ohradka + 9 Tony Bolonee + 4 Ryo Yamazuki II + 6 Samuel Ross + 4 Raleigh Ritchie + 1 Ben McGirr + 7 Andrej Petrovic + 6 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @.sniffuM @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Speed @Cornholio @Telkster @Midnite @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler Mr_Hatter 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-774110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted September 6, 2020 Author Share Posted September 6, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 13 Luciano Valentino + 20 Raymond Bernard + 19 Lance Flowers + 24 Jeff Downey + 18 Owen Nolan + 15 Seabass Perrin + 24 Sigard Gunnar + 7 Nate Telker + 25 Wolf Stansson Jr + 15 Ricky Johnson + 22 Ondrej Ohradka + 31 Tony Bolonee + 18 Ryo Yamazuki II + 14 Jerry Wang + 7 Samuel Ross + 5 Raleigh Ritchie + 7 Ben McGirr + 5 Andrej Petrovic + 12 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @studentized @Seabass @Big Mac @Telkster @Cornholio @Midnite @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100 @ColeMrtz @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Tyler animal74 1 Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-776498 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjfryman 1,120 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Share Posted September 21, 2020 Condor Adrienne + 44 Luciano Valentino + 35 Raymond Bernard + 48 Lance Flowers + 35 Jeff Downey + 33 Owen Nolan + 27 Seabass Perrin + 41 Nate Telker + 33 Wolf Stansson Jr + 23 Sigard Gunnar + 7 Ricky Johnson + 33 Willie Dredge + 2 Ondrej Ohradka + 38 Tony Bolonee + 28 Ryo Yamazuki II + 24 Jerry Wang + 15 Samuel Ross + 23 Raleigh Ritchie + 29 Ben McGirr + 24 Jacob Perry + 22 Andrej Petrovic + 22 @OrbitingDeath @Kekzkrieg @Mr_Hatter @CowboyinAmerica @JeffD @studentized @Seabass @Telkster @Cornholio @Big Mac @Midnite @Speed @animal74 @Tbeez99 @Donno100@ColeMrtz @Brrbisbrr @DangerGolding @cartoes @Liberty_Cabbage @Tyler Link to comment https://vhlforum.com/topic/69602-post-draft-s68-class-live-ranking/#findComment-780786 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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